The One Ring

Is it a bad time to get involved?
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Author:  Seerex [ Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

Thanks mate. Pretty sure i Will buy the mines of moria set then. I need the fellowship and i guess it is a good starting point for a moria army.

So you recommend gong goblins and mordor over uruk hai and isengard? But isengard can also get trolls, right?

What starting army would you recommend for a good army then?

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

The thing about buying the Mines of Moria set, you could only really get it on ebay. The Fellowship models from that box set are notoriously ugly, the goblins can be picked up for peanuts elsewhere, and the terrain is unimpressive. The cave troll is a good purchase, but you could pick up everything for cheaper seperately, rather than going for "MINES OF MORIA BOX SET GW OOP SUPER RARE".

For example ... 35ddd67c43 ... 5d51020234

the fellowship can be picked up for probably less than two euro each separately, but here's a good link ... 4870c2f422

Here's two trolls with a "best offer" option ... 2ed76b3c8f

and the only Mines of Moria set i could find ... 2ed76b3c8f

ebay is your friend, if you don't let people stiff you on postage.

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

I've had the MoM set for heaven knows how many years now and it's still in its box. I must paint it some day...
Looking at what Isilduhrr has researched, or makes perfect sense to buy the seperate figures. I'm sure you can find single trolls if you keep looking.

Author:  J.R. [ Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

I'd love to believe that this will happen. I don't, but I'd love to. It'd be great - sorting out all the army lists into something that makes sense, adding in Uruk drummers, adding appropriate Hobbit minis into the relevant army lists (rivendell knights, etc), finecasting all the metal and missing minis... But I just don't think it's likely.

Uruk drummers are covered in the FAQ, I thought 40 pts or something its in the fallen realms faq @ blacklibrary....

Author:  Creaky [ Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

J.R. wrote:
I'd love to believe that this will happen. I don't, but I'd love to. It'd be great - sorting out all the army lists into something that makes sense, adding in Uruk drummers, adding appropriate Hobbit minis into the relevant army lists (rivendell knights, etc), finecasting all the metal and missing minis... But I just don't think it's likely.

Uruk drummers are covered in the FAQ, I thought 40 pts or something its in the fallen realms faq @ blacklibrary....

I'm aware of that. It doesn't excuse the fault. It's still a stupid situation born out of GW making a mistake, and one that a new edition should and would fix.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

Seerex wrote:
Hello all,

I have been slowly trying to get into this game, but have found it rather hard. Not a lot of stores support it, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of people playing. Mainly it is just Warhammer and Warmachine/Hordes going on.

Is the LOTR / Hobbit game dying? I mean surely one can argue that they can run out of things to make, seeing as they are "bound" by the existing story, but that doesn't mean they can't make new variations, or a new type of orc breed or something.

Anyways, my main question is: What is the future (as far as you think) of this game? I don't wanna try and spend a lot of time getting into it, just to see that in a year you can't buy the products anymore.

Best Regards

Short answer: Yes, its a dying game. At this point I wouldnt have wasted my time and money getting involved.

Long answer: Not necessarily. In my area(lucky to be in Chicagoland with 6 million+ residents) a couple of gws are really trying to make a nice push soon with the final Hobbit set. And hey, whats investing a few hundred dollars for an army or two and countless hours of fun?

Ive been lucky enough to find at least 2 players who can play with me at least every 2-3 weeks, and another half dozen that can hit me up for a game or two per year. Thats enough to make the investment worth it. I have one friend in fact who can meet me weekly, and that makes it worth having the models.

Although I absolutely do not trust gw to support the hobbit the way it should be, look hard, and you may be able to find a few friends or another gaming store(again, Im lucky to have one with about 12 tables and a wall of terrain free to use who dont hassle you to buy things) that you can play at. Or a friends house. All you need is a table, and an imagination. We all love a pretty landscape on a table we see in pictures online, but hell, you can go to hobby lobby or Michaels in the US, and spend 50 bucks for all the terrain youll ever need for a bunch of battles.

Any more question, ask away.

Author:  Seerex [ Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

I thank you all for everything you have thrown at me! I see the waters are a little divided (some say that GW will surely stop supporting, others say they won't). One can only hope they will keep supporting it. I mean, they kept going for years after the last LOTR movie, before anyone knew a Hobbit series would be made. So maybe they will stick with it, or maybe they will let another company run it.

Anyways, i have decided to get invested (a little). I will just buy a few models here and there, and collect em in. Once i have them and the rules book, i got it for life and can keep playing with what i got even when/if they stop supporting it. If they do, however, stop supporting it (and i reckon it would take at least 2-3 years before they would make such an announcement) i will probably switch to another war-game at that time. Maybe Warmachines/Hordes, maybe Warhammer Fantasy.

But for now, i will just have fun with LOTR / Hobbit :) i love the universe, love the models, and i really enjoy painting them (although i absolutely suck at it).

Again, thanks for all your feedback! I will also try and build a local community. I got 2 brothers that i can get to play a game with me now and then, so that's a start :)

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

Seerex wrote:
I thank you all for everything you have thrown at me! I see the waters are a little divided (some say that GW will surely stop supporting, others say they won't). One can only hope they will keep supporting it. I mean, they kept going for years after the last LOTR movie, before anyone knew a Hobbit series would be made. So maybe they will stick with it, or maybe they will let another company run it.

Anyways, i have decided to get invested (a little). I will just buy a few models here and there, and collect em in. Once i have them and the rules book, i got it for life and can keep playing with what i got even when/if they stop supporting it. If they do, however, stop supporting it (and i reckon it would take at least 2-3 years before they would make such an announcement) i will probably switch to another war-game at that time. Maybe Warmachines/Hordes, maybe Warhammer Fantasy.

But for now, i will just have fun with LOTR / Hobbit :) i love the universe, love the models, and i really enjoy painting them (although i absolutely suck at it).

Again, thanks for all your feedback! I will also try and build a local community. I got 2 brothers that i can get to play a game with me now and then, so that's a start :)

Thats exactly it. Just get some models, but dont go crazy. And yes they will stop supporting it. I dont think anyone in their right mind could sincerely believe they wouldnt.

1-Why waste space, time, and money on something they dont make money on? Theyre a business.
2-With Lord of the Rings, they came out with new made up characters, or more characters, and re done army books. There will be no foreseeable movies from this series. Even if they make new models and books, they have already announced theyre losing money on the Hobbit. Furthermore, their rights to Lord of the Rings SIMPLY ENDS soon enough. I dont remember the timeline, but I know its not more than a couple of years from what I was told by a GW employee.

But, enjoy till then! The game and system is great. The models are cool. And lotr is awesome.

Author:  KM1301 [ Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

The rights of GW for lotr ends in 2017 and the chance they are going to buy a new one is around 1%, I expect only if there would come a movie about the Silmarillion, something what is never going to happen

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

KM1301 wrote:
(...) a movie about the Silmarillion, something what is never going to happen

and should never happen

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

Isilduhrr wrote:
KM1301 wrote:
(...) a movie about the Silmarillion, something what is never going to happen

and should never happen

You sure you'll feel the same way in three years when were starved for Tolkien on screen? I for one welcome any adaptation. Poor or not we can judge later, not before.

Author:  Hodush [ Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

Minas Tirith and Rohan are the easiest armies to get for good. I would prefer Rohan as it has a little more flexibility, but Minas Tirith is still good. It's honestly up to you. You can get plastic troops of ebay cheaper.

As for Evil, my top 3 armies are Mordor, Moria then Isengard. I have been feeling like Isengard is overdone which is why i didn't suggest it in my last post. Sorry to influence you in that way. They all perform very well. It's a bit harder to get trolls into the Isengard list as the Uruk Hai cost more is all. Just pick whichever armies you like as you will enjoy that the most.

Author:  Creaky [ Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
You sure you'll feel the same way in three years when were starved for Tolkien on screen? I for one welcome any adaptation. Poor or not we can judge later, not before.

I definitely feel that way. Certain stories might work, but no trilogy could tell the Silmarillion correctly. They ought to give it a decade or two to let cg get cheaper/better and do it for TV. Or intravenous entertainment, or whatever we're using then. But that's a different conversation.

On topic: Perhaps this specific set of rules may go by the wayside (but maybe not, looking at Blood Bowl), but whether someone picks up the film license or not (and I bet if someone can, they will) Middle Earth has been wargamed for decades before the films, and will be for decades to come. I do think that if someone wants to get into the hobby now they need to realise that they're in it for a long haul - it's a mindset thing.

If they're just after a new wargame to play, and see this made by GW and cheaper to get started, and want to give it a go to make a change from Warhammer/PP/other leading brand then I would advise themt o not waste their effort and cash. If they love tolkien, his books and the film adaptations of them, then this isn't something that GW ought to have any influence on. Their producing of the game makes things easier, certainly, but isn't the be all and end all when it comes to deciding whether to invest. If someone wants a movie version of rohan, or maybe they really like the movie's depiction of the Galadhrim, then it's currently a really good time to buy the hell out of it. They can build a tournament size force fairly quickly and cheaply even at GW prices, and better with ebay. GW will never take away your ability to enjoy those models. They don't currently employ "No Longer Available" police who break into your house and confiscate unsupported miniatures.

If they like Tolkien, and like the movie version of one of the factions, now is ABSOLUTELY the time to get them because they may be gone in a few years time. And then in a decade perhaps they'll have a mixture of 'classic' GW LotR movie models, minis made by anyone who picks up the license, conversions and proxies from suitable historical/fantasy minis that fit into the setting and are playing with a completely different set of rules. I know I'd regret not having picked something up when I could.

Author:  Gene Parmesan [ Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

If you want to get into it for love of LOTR, then go for it. For all the bad marketing and high prices of GW, the second hand market is healthy, and saturated with common minis, minus tirith, rohan, isengard and moria. Dont forget theres still a whole movie's worth of stuff to go (dont get your hopes up though, rotk range was a bit of an anti-climax). The hobby is what you make it, I've never played a game outside my own home, and mostly just paint.

if you are however purely on the lookout for any new game to get into, I'd look elsewhere. Lotr is unfortunately in terminal decline, though not for the great efforts of clubs, gbhl YouTube and of course the one ring site.

Author:  eilif [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

Accidental doublepost

Author:  eilif [ Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

If your attraction is mostly to the game itself, you might want to think twice. However, if you like the minis as much as the game itself, I'd say go for it!

Long after the LoTR rules are OOP, the minis will still be useable in a multitude of other rulesets. I'm a greenhorn when it comes to LoTR, but I've been gaming for a couple of decades and most of the minis in my Kings of War army are older than many of the kids at the FLGS.

It's not easy to find players for generic, indie and less-popular games, but it's not much more difficult than currently finding opponents for LoTR.

Author:  Toxic [ Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

It's an interesting time with somewhat of a silver lining.

Author:  tzompantli [ Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it a bad time to get involved?

I jumped in - and I mean really plunged in - about a year ago. I had ignored the game since its inception. I am primarily a painter. However, I was really looking for a solid skirmish game that I could play with my wife (no chance she will ever play a heavier wargame). I was drawn to LOTR because we both like the setting and the miniatures are quite nice. I otherwise paint Warhammer and 40k and these minis are a nice change. They are more realistic an in many respects more straightforward to paint. Also the rules are top notch, pretty easy to teach and dive right in. Over 10 years out from the original trilogy, there is a bit of nostalgia for me as well.

So we are basically playing our way through the three movie books and also the Hobbit scenarios. The upside is my wife doesn't need to build her lists, they are pre-done in the scenarios. The downside is this is a wickedly expensive endeavor and involves some hunting to track down OOP minis. And also it has required some forward thinking - this game will be phased out in the years ahead and I want to make sure I have everything to complete the books. Despite those caveats, its been wonderfully satisfying in all respects. The rules are great and streamlined enough you can get folks involved that wouldn't normally engage with a wargame. Also, LOTR is a theme a lot of folks can get on board with. And I now have enough stuff that I can invite anyone to play - they don't need their own armies.

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