The One Ring

Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?
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Author:  Toxic [ Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

I'm still waiting on the trolls. But to be honest with the amount they're pouring into Skirmishhammer (9th) and the rumours of HH I would be very surprised if we got any new miniatures from Middle Earth.

Author:  emre43 [ Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

Well, as expected, I got no response from customer service, they are usually quite quick to respond, so I doubt I'm going to hear back either.

Author:  streetline [ Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

I'm fairly certain that there's two different Filli models in one picture of Thorin's company in the mini rulebook. GW took their eye off this one a long time ago.


Author:  Sithious [ Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

ak150884 wrote:
see it to the end on the major points (like Dain and Ironhill Dwarves) and then just let it be.

And The new wraiths and Necromancer too. as an evil player, I would not consider it complete if they stopped after Dain, not that I don't want to add to my huge number of dwarf heroes and way to many warrior options for dwarf armies by adding Cav and even more warriors.
I only have Generic Wraiths on foot, Horse, Twilight wraiths, Fellbeast wraiths and named Wraiths, and that just is not enough options for me wraith wise. :)

Author:  ak150884 [ Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

Oh those wraiths are amazing! And they are very individual in their looks as well, which will make them really gorgeous models!

Author:  orc-archer [ Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?


Author:  emre43 [ Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

Ignore my earlier post. I just got the following response from Games Workshop:

'Thanks for writing in to us, although I don’t have great news for you. Unfortunately I’m not aware of any plans to release new miniatures for The Hobbit in the immediate future. However, please be aware that the details of future releases are a closely guarded secret at Games Workshop so a Dain Ironfoot model may be in the works, but we don’t know any specific information yet.

Sorry we couldn’t be any more help than this.'

Can we read into anything I specifically asked about Dain and Bain and the response names only Dain as being a product as potentially in the works?

Author:  Michaelc [ Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

I doubt the CSRs have any more insight into new releases than the average customer.

Author:  Draugluin [ Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

They probably just recognized the name Dain.

Author:  mikeland [ Tue Mar 24, 2015 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

I really hope I am wrong but I have had a gut feeling since the release of the PDF and the Three White Council minis that this is it, there will be no more.

By any standard the releases for BotFA have been lack lustre thus far, and I'm pretty sure that sales of the whole range have obviously fallen way bellow GW initial hopes. There still seem to be plenty of 'limited edition' Goblin Town boxed sets about, well over two years since its launch. So sales of that set obviously didn't do what they originally hoped.

I think there may have been quite a few sculpts for the Hobbit that will never make their way into production.

Hope I'm wrong. April for the DVD/Blu-Ray/iTunes release, August because it's the quiet summer month or November for the Extended edition are the most likely times... but that all said the only logical and predictable thing about GW is that they won't be logical or predictable.

Author:  abcdefg [ Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

If this is the case there'll may be a lot of unreleased models for collectors to start searching for.

Author:  Sithious [ Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

If they were waiting for a DVD release, well it has been available for Digital Download for a few weeks and here in the States the Blue Ray is now released. Of course the could be waiting for you guys across the pond to get yours. Maybe at the end of April we will get thrown a bone with some minor release.

I can't say anything about sales, but one boxed set is little evidence of anything. The LOTR sets were everywhere and even went on super discount after the third film was out on DVD. MoM was released to allow for some kind of starter set and that ran it's course for a few years. Now this is the starter set and it is limited as eventually it will be gone, discounted, or destroyed and no more will be made unless some huge sales peek comes. Either way, based on what has sold, GW has made a ton of money on Hobbit, Smaug alone is crazy sales for $10 worth of plastic.

Author:  ak150884 [ Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

Well, the fact that customer service representative mentioned Dain, might mean that she/he may have at least heard something there. I personally sensed that they know more than meets the eye, but they simply aren't allowed to say anything until their managers (or whoever is responsible for that stuff) actually allows to post any news and so on.

So, I still have hopes for Mr Ironfoot to make it, it would be the least they could do tbh.

As for sales - I also noticed that my local GW store (Kingston-upon-Thames, UK) still has one or two of those ltd editions of the Goblin Town starter set... I purchased it as well when it came out.

Author:  Moj [ Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

maybe this is it for middle earth minis. the guy at my local GW shop said that he hasn't heard of any future releases GW is planning, and that they were lucky to even produce Smaug. GW seems to lay the blame on Warner Bros being greedier than they already are,, and that WB control everything they are allowed to produce.

Author:  aelfwine [ Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

Well, this time, the Middle-earth franchise agreements have more parties - MGM is now a factor, for example. So the Hollywood end might want more money, more input in approvals, etc. That combined with GW's other habits, is probably a toxic combination for the range.

There might be something else we're not privy to - perhaps a new round of license re-negotiations or something, but we'd have no way of knowing.

Author:  Harfoot [ Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

Even Knight Model haven't released anything for ages ... product/29

No idea how the license works with these companies. My guess is no more releases :-(

Author:  Moj [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

Would've been nice to see the Nine in their unique armor. And the necromancer too. guess I will have to settle for the gw designed versions.

Author:  mikeland [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

Store owners are no guide I know but I was in one of my local GW's yesterday. The LotR/Hobbit range is reduced to one very narrow rack (the width of the Goblin town box). The manager there says they are not selling much of it at all and I that he doesn't expect any more releases.

Author:  Sithious [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

I hate most stores.
For 14 years now I have shopped the same stores. they carry next to nothing for LOTR or Hobbit and give me that same speech of it doesn't sell but they can order it. Thanks, I can order it too. So for many years, $200 a month went direct to GW online as I am not going to give my business to a store that doesn't want it. If stores stock the stuff, I will impulse buy on purpose (I know that is not impulse anymore) to keep them going.
So to me... every store and 40K fan that says Hobbit/LOTR doesn't sell I ignore them since they don't know Jack squat about it and I know that Hobbit is selling great to me. Also every single time it is mentioned in any financial report or even in the WB press release about GW, they always talk about profit and great partnerships, and commitment to the "Third Core System" for Games Workshop. Don't believe the Bull from people who want that Bull to be the truth, just know the truth is elusive and facts about CGI are real and the timeline to produce these has been very short. Be patient, I am sure something is coming.

Author:  orc-archer [ Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others?

I agree with Sithious, patients is key. Until then, I'm sure we all have backlogs to keep yourself busy haha.

If we only get Dain, I'm content with that.

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