The One Ring

Metal Models a dying product for GW
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Author:  lordgoober [ Wed May 01, 2013 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Metal Models a dying product for GW

Ok. in the last couple days there's been a massive panic buy from the specialist gamers as people started noticing stuff going "no longer available" on the various GW websites. Some forumites called customer service and confirmed that the SG ranges were being discontinued and once stock in minis were gone they were gone. According to this post here on this blog, this extends to the old metals from the 40k and WFB lines. I would also expect that this is also the case for the LOTR line as a few things on the site are NLA. The ones I noticed on first glance were the metal Faramir's Rangers and the Mahud with Blowpipes on foot. ... lso-going/

Ok. missing models so far. And they're beginning to cull the actual entries from the website.

Mordor Catapult Troll
Mahud w blowpipe on foot
Mahud King Food and Mounted
Harad Chieftain Foot and Mounted
Weathertop Aragorn (alone)
Merry and Pippin 2
Metal Dwarf Bows

Author:  Harfoot [ Wed May 01, 2013 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

Thanks for the info, sad, sad news, i have been ordering alot recently from GW of metals as i thought this might happen in a few years time, not this soon.

Author:  lordgoober [ Wed May 01, 2013 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

what's so FRUSTRATING about this and probably the real PR blunder here is that they DID NOT ANNOUNCE that this metal culling was happening.

Author:  .:Gunslinger:. [ Wed May 01, 2013 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

:sad: I really hate GW for's worse than the price increase and everything...I'm not buying finecast (except some Hobbit models that were never available in metal) I got almost everything I wanted in metal now, after 2 years of hardcore buying-since the first transformations to finecast, I dreaded the moment when the whole range is finecast!

Author:  Jamros [ Wed May 01, 2013 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

So this means they just plain aren't doing Specialist Games anymore? I'm assuming they don't care enough to convert Warmaster, Blood Bowl to Finecast or plastic. I think they could rake in even more money if they promoted these games a little.

Author:  theavenger001 [ Wed May 01, 2013 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

So....Will these be re-released in finecast, or just totally dropped?! :o I'm assuming finecast....

Author:  lordgoober [ Wed May 01, 2013 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

The specialist games are just dead, and that includes the Forgeworld side including Aeronautica Imperialis which was purely forgeworld.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Wed May 01, 2013 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

blood bowl is rumoured for a re-release in plastic around september time. its a good thing I have all the metals I want then. May have to get a couple of the various commands though before they disappear.

Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Wed May 01, 2013 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

I have a small list of remaining metals I wanted to get by this summer before they are all gone, now I'm afraid I'm gonna have to move a lot sooner than that. Missing a few command blisters and heroes that I would like to have.

Author:  Jobu [ Wed May 01, 2013 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

Yeah, I panic purchased a bunch of battlefleet gothic. Has to finish my adeptus mechanicus and space marine/imperial fleets. I would bet those LoTR models will come back in finecast.

Author:  Armandhammer [ Thu May 02, 2013 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

Merry and Pippin on Ponies also discontinued.

It irks me how there’s no mention of whether or not these models are coming back in finecast…

I’d like to be optimistic, but judging from the list so far it seems highly unlikely these models will make a return. They're models only collectors care about and don't exactly appeal to average fans.

Author:  aqan [ Thu May 02, 2013 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

Sad news.
I haven't bought anything from gw since te recent price rises and the introduction of finecast, but this isn't going to help.
For anyone looking for speciffic miniatures, ebay might get rather expensive, so you might want to take a look at the dutch auction site.
I've bought most of my miniatures on this site.

Author:  .:Gunslinger:. [ Thu May 02, 2013 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

There also seem a certain delay between the websites...on the german GW page, all the sets stated above are still available except Faramir's Rangers!

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Thu May 02, 2013 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

and that is the case for the UK site aswell. Only faramir's merry men are missing. Ordered what I wanted just in case though ;) (sorry bank account :oops: )

Author:  LordElrond [ Thu May 02, 2013 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

Practically all of the Wood Elves are in metal apart from the actual warriors. These won't change, will they?

Author:  greendragon [ Thu May 02, 2013 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

Not really a surprise to me, things are disappearing left right and centre - its a struggle to keep up as its never announced.

Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Thu May 02, 2013 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

Well we knew it was going to happen sooner or later. I rather prefer later than sooner. Metal figures were a dying product long ago when GW introduced Finecast and discontinued making new models in metal and converting the metal ones to Finecast.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Fri May 03, 2013 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

There are two separate issues here to my mind, the impact on SG and the impact on LOTR.

On the Specialist Games front it makes me really sad, I had long, long, LONG term plans of getting a Brettonian and Araby Warmaster army and there's really no way that'll happen now (the prices on ebay will skyrocket the moment they're unavailable, just like Man O War). I was staring at the GW website for ages at about 1am this morning debating buying an entire 3000 point Brettonian army and what bits of the Araby range they had left, it'd probably cost me about £400. Unfortunately, I'm not in the financial position to be able to spend that kind of money on an army that will realistically be AT LEAST 4 years down my painting schedule. I've still got a bunch of Undead and High Elf units, an entire unpainted 3000 point Empire army and the Battle of 5 Armies box set to paint for Warmaster and all my hobby time at the moment is devoted to LOTR.

Ultimately, I just plumped for 2 blisters of High Elf Eagles to complete that army, I needed the Empire War Alter too but that had already sold out. It makes me genuinely sad to see these games disappear from the website, the various games contain some of the greatest, coolest and most unique models GW have ever produced and it will be a major loss to not have those figures and ideas represented on the website. It also marks the final death of the 'Old' company for me, that fabulous GW from the 90s where there was a new game/range every year and which genuinely felt like a games company that was attempting to make fun and engaging rules rather than a miniatures company that was only interested in profits.

However, I do feel that I (we?) have had a hand in this; I consider myself to be pretty into Warmaster and have bought about 4-5000 points worth of troops over the last 2 years. ALL of this has been from ebay, I haven't bought a single blister from GW, assuming that this is the case for most SG fans then I can understand why GW would see these ranges as unprofitable. It's somewhat analogous to those people who watch reality TV shows, don't vote and then moan that their favourite contestant got voted out. Surely once we stop buying from GW direct we lose the right to complain about what GW sell direct? Granted I, along with others no doubt, have been pushed away from GW by the Warmaster blisters jumping from £5 to £8.70 but the point remains that if we had all been buying our SG models from GW they might have continued to support them, who knows?

As for the LOTR models, that's far more worrying as it's a game that they're still supporting in their stores and I'm sure many of us still buy metal models from the website. There were about 6 months early last year when we were getting LOTR models converted to Finecast every month and have now not had anything in ages as if their LOTR Finecast process is finished. This makes me think that the other models won't get converted to Finecast and I fear we might be about to see the first major wave of discontinued figures since the SBG began.

Time will tell though I guess. This morning I raise my glass and doff my cap to Warmaster, Blood Bowl, Mordhiem and Necromunda, fantastic games all that have given me 20 years worth of good times. You will be missed :sad:

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Fri May 03, 2013 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

This morning I raise my glass and doff my cap to Warmaster, Blood Bowl, Mordhiem and Necromunda, fantastic games all that have given me 20 years worth of good times. You will be missed :sad:

Times do change. I collect metal models and have for more than 40 years. GW does not make metal models. :sad:
They do not sell any thing I want any more. I like the new bunny sled. I am not going to buy it because it is fine cast.
I miss the old days!

Author:  .:Gunslinger:. [ Fri May 03, 2013 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Models a dying product for GW

Dr Grant wrote:
However, I do feel that I (we?) have had a hand in this; I consider myself to be pretty into Warmaster and have bought about 4-5000 points worth of troops over the last 2 years. ALL of this has been from ebay, I haven't bought a single blister from GW

Partially yes, but only partially! I only started buying from ebay after the things I wanted for my collection were discontinued (especially all the set recreating scenes from the movie, like captured by Gondor). I got into LOTR in 2004 I think, but I started by buying mostly plastic boxes because, at that time I had no clue how to collect, and I would go for the boxes because I wanted as many minis as possible...then I had a long break of the hobby (around 3 years) because most of my friends stopped collecting and playing and I was left with tons of unpainted plastic miniatures. I then found a way back into LOTR, because I liked the miniatures so much! I started collecting all the beautiful metal miniatures and have almost completed my collection now. Even if I play a game like twice a year, I find pleasure in these miniatures, because they bring back the memories of me starting with this hobby. The problem is, that GW detached itself more and more of the backgroung provided by the movies but also Tolkien's books. They discontinued a lot of their beautiful old stuff and replaced with a lot of unthematic stuff only powergamers would need (that's just my opinion, no offense!). At that moment I started to turn away from GW and went on buying on ebay and wargaming forums! Than the most horrible thing ever happened: the introduction of finecast and especially the conversion to resin from many older miniatures.

Why all the bothering about the resin? Well it doesn't have that nice feeling to it...also many LOTR stuff was designed to be released in metal, which is quite a robust material-Finecast just can't bear the weight of certain things. Also, as my paintings skills improve progressivly I want to be able to strip minis I painted say 5 years ago to give them a better paintjob now...that's just not possible anymore (yeah I know finecast can be stripped-but multiple times? I doubt it!).

But I don't think the LOTR range will be discontinued! They will just replace all the metal with finecast. Stuff like Faramir's rangers will be sorted out, because almost everyone is going for the plastic box-so I partially understand this move...

Times do change. I collect metal models and have for more than 40 years. GW does not make metal models.

It's really sad! I've only been collecting for 9 years now, but I picked up a lot of the old (5th edition) bretonnians, as well as Mordheim stuff, just because these minis were loaded with character... Now I feel that the only thing that counts are strong profiles...if I compare the classical warhammer with the new miniatures released for that range I could almost cry-a pity!

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