The One Ring

DOS deleted scene for extended version.
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Author:  Sithious [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  DOS deleted scene for extended version.

For those who have not seen it. deleted scene from DOS.

Crossing a swamp in Mirkwood

Author:  Harfoot [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DOS deleted scene for extended version.

really good, 3rd November release, yes!

Author:  Highlordell [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DOS deleted scene for extended version.

Yay! Cannot wait!
Nice way of incorporating a part of the book. :)

Author:  Quinndalf [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DOS deleted scene for extended version.

really cool scene hope there are more unexpected scenes like this.

Author:  Bofur The Dwarf [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DOS deleted scene for extended version.

I was hoping to see this scene in the film. Disappointed when I watched it in the cinema and it wasn't, but I hoped they'd release it in the extended edition. And yay, they have, though slightly different than the book. I still look forward to seeing it all.

Author:  Creaky [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DOS deleted scene for extended version.

I think the book differences are another case of what working in a book not working on screen. Dwarves crossing a river one by one is just a couple of lines at most on the page, but is likely to send the crowd into purgatory by the time the third dwarf sets across, and by the time they get almost done the crowd will be angrily checking their watches and asking for refunds. And people call these films padded - they don't know how merciful PJ is. :D

I wonder if Bombur will talk at all in the new scenes. Since he's asleep I guess not. I know he spoke during the troll scenes, but so did everyone else getting cooked on the spit so I'm not sure it counts. I'd like a line, at least. Or maybe just keep him silent but ramp up his action set pieces to hilarious levels to compensate (barrel ninja pt2). The unsung hero of the movie, who never says a word. At least it's better than Tolkien, who basically used Bombur as a walking source of fat jokes.

Author:  samoht [ Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DOS deleted scene for extended version.

The dwarves trek through mirkwood was a complete shambles in the film. PJ thought it would be funny to make all the dwarves wandering around in circles high as f##k saying stupid things. It was then redeemed by the spider scene which was however tragically way too short.

Author:  mertaal [ Tue Aug 12, 2014 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DOS deleted scene for extended version.

I wonder how much of the coherence wasn't lost in editing. Directors are, nowadays, often made to make difficult choices after cutting the film 25 minutes too long.

Personally I would have been a fan of less golden dragon stiersheise and more coherent mirkwood, but I guess when you've spent 40m on a special effect you want it to take up as much of the screen as possible, even if it is preposterous rubbish.

It's an old argument. My main problem with these films is that with three films to tell a very short story, they actually cut parts of that very short book out in order to squeeze in more CGI action nonsense.

I didn't mind the barrel riding, for example, but I would have been very happy with 2/3rds of it to free up extra time with Beorn.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DOS deleted scene for extended version.

I loved the Mirkwood sequence in the film (it's my favourite part of the book) and I'd disagree that it was a complete shambles, I thought they conveyed the magical nature of the forest very well in a short space of time and I didn't feel like any of the dialogue was particularly stupid.

However, it's great to see it getting expanded in the extended edition as it was too short for my tastes. It was always a safe bet that this scene would appear as there are a couple of shots in the theatrical edition of the dwarves carrying Bombur so we knew they'd filmed it.

As much as I'm happy to see it back in I can totally understand why it was cut out. As much as it's a charming incident in the book it's a complete non-event: Bombur falls in the stream and falls asleep, they wander around for a few days and then he wakes up, it really doesn't serve too much purpose. I can totally see why a scene of a dwarf falling asleep and then a few scenes of others dwarves carrying a sleeping dwarf around was a logical cut for a major studio film.

However, in the DVD format where the audience had different needs and expectations it's great to see it reinstated. I think it's a great scene to use as a trailer for the extended edition and here's hoping that the majority of those 25 minutes are with beorn, Mirkwood and Thranduil's halls.

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DOS deleted scene for extended version.

Agreed Dr Grant!

Author:  Amarthadan [ Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DOS deleted scene for extended version.

Looks great and a good reason to buy the extended edition. :)

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