The One Ring

Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?
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Author:  McGarnacle [ Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released? I was thinking about converting them (I love wraiths).

Author:  chranos [ Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

we know 5 kits coming the before Warhammer Fest (a bit less than 3 months)

Gundabad Troll 1
Gundabad Troll 2
Dwarf Command with mattocks
Dwarves with mattocks
Thranduil on Stag

Other than that we have no idea

Author:  McGarnacle [ Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

And no info as to how much they will cost, correct?

Author:  chranos [ Sat Mar 04, 2017 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

not at all mate. We don't know the prices for the trolls or thranduil yet so knowing prices of yet to be announced miniatures is a bit far fetched.

Author:  McGarnacle [ Sat Mar 04, 2017 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

I was asking about the prices for the scheduled releases. To bad, it would be nice to be able to plan my army ahead :).

Author:  chranos [ Sun Mar 05, 2017 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

we can only speculate but that in turn might be very presumptious.

We know that the 3packs with mattocks will cost £18 and that the new command set with mattock will almost definately cost £20. This is inline with the other command and 3 pack of dwarves.

As for Thranduil nothing concrete, but personally I would gauge it between £35-45. For the Trolls I would say about £45-50

Author:  McGarnacle [ Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

That is about what I thought for Thranduil. He should be less than Dain, because he doesn't seem to come with the foot model. Hopefully it will not come with the vignette, that could get expensive.

Thanks for answering my questions!

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

Thranduil does come with the display base, he will cost a lot more than Dain.

Author:  chranos [ Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

Are you sure about that.

I gave my prediction regarding the price. What is yours? What is a lot more than Dain? and why does he have to cost a lot more than dain with a display base?

1. There is no dismount
2. look at FW prices for non primarchs without display bases (big ass space marines for 35-45 with big display bases
3. Amount of resin does not make a model more expensive

Author:  jhk2005 [ Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

tbh i'm thinking the scenic base will be part of the package with thranduil ; it wouldn't make a lot of business sense to sell it separately ; a scenic base alone would probably only appeal to hardcore collectors - I just hope it doesn't bump the price too much! re: the new nazgul, I have a feeling they may possibly be cast in a clear resin? At the very least I think FW will release them as a set of 9?

There seems to be a theme with FW that they are releasing models in 'blocks' - 3 iron hill warriors to correspond with the 3 goat riders, the £300 dwarf set with 2 ballistae etc, & I wouldn't be surprised if this is the route they take with future releases...

prices aside, if they are taking the view that they need to avoid the problem they had with 'surplus' stock from LOTR (when they originally started to wind things down there), these 'box sets' are a very astute way of providing their customers the ability to get all the releases while avoiding that pitfall of large amounts of unsold miniatures.

Author:  Galanur [ Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

chranos wrote:
we can only speculate but that in turn might be very presumptious.

We know that the 3packs with mattocks will cost £18 and that the new command set with mattock will almost definately cost £20. This is inline with the other command and 3 pack of dwarves.

As for Thranduil nothing concrete, but personally I would gauge it between £35-45. For the Trolls I would say about £45-50

You´re being kind giving those prices on Thranduil and Trolls.
Its more like:

Thranduil: 60£
Gundabad Trolls: 65/70£ each

Seems nuts? well its forgeworld, Watch other similar models and you´ll see a pattern here.

Author:  geke [ Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

What new Nazgul are we talking about? Are they mounted Nazgul to replace the old Black Riders on horses? Because I don't see anything wrong with the ringwraiths we have now.

Author:  LordElrond [ Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

They're new Nazgul from the BOTFA book. They can't be mounted or cast magic, but instead are combat heroes that can regenerate when killed. Nobody has seen models yet, but just watch BOTFA again and they'll look like they do in the Dol Guldur scenes.

Author:  Shadow in the Weast [ Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

geke wrote:
What new Nazgul are we talking about? Are they mounted Nazgul to replace the old Black Riders on horses? Because I don't see anything wrong with the ringwraiths we have now.

The ones from the third Hobbit film where each one got a different look.

I think it's hard to estimate the price if we don't know yet in which packs they will be sold. A box with all 9 or (more likely) 3x3 would surely be less expensive than 9 individuals à la character series with scenetic bases. Maybe even with bases that fit together to form something like a display?
In general hero units have always been more expensive than regular troops even when they're cast in the same material (3 FC soldiers for £15 vs 1FC hero for £12).

Author:  chranos [ Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

Galanur wrote:
chranos wrote:
we can only speculate but that in turn might be very presumptious.

We know that the 3packs with mattocks will cost £18 and that the new command set with mattock will almost definately cost £20. This is inline with the other command and 3 pack of dwarves.

As for Thranduil nothing concrete, but personally I would gauge it between £35-45. For the Trolls I would say about £45-50

You´re being kind giving those prices on Thranduil and Trolls.
Its more like:

Thranduil: 60£
Gundabad Trolls: 65/70£ each

Seems nuts? well its forgeworld, Watch other similar models and you´ll see a pattern here.

We shall see.

The only thing said about thranduil during the GT was that he would be around the price of Dain. That corralates more towards 35-45 than 60 in my book.

Author:  Galanur [ Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

chranos wrote:
Galanur wrote:
chranos wrote:
we can only speculate but that in turn might be very presumptious.

We know that the 3packs with mattocks will cost £18 and that the new command set with mattock will almost definately cost £20. This is inline with the other command and 3 pack of dwarves.

As for Thranduil nothing concrete, but personally I would gauge it between £35-45. For the Trolls I would say about £45-50

You´re being kind giving those prices on Thranduil and Trolls.
Its more like:

Thranduil: 60£
Gundabad Trolls: 65/70£ each

Seems nuts? well its forgeworld, Watch other similar models and you´ll see a pattern here.

We shall see.

The only thing said about thranduil during the GT was that he would be around the price of Dain. That corralates more towards 35-45 than 60 in my book.

Without counting the scenic base, you know that also cost $. YOu´re just counting the model itself, something FW hardly will ever sell it peacemeal without all the fancy base stuff with it.

Author:  chranos [ Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

you have given your argument and I have given mine. We will see in less than 2.5 months what the price will be.

Author:  slayeroftrolls [ Fri Mar 17, 2017 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

So... Today's the day!
Trolls are £60 each
Mattocks are £18
Mattock Command is £20

Still no word on the price of Thranduil?

Thoughts? :)

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Any info as to when the new Nazgul will be released?

I liked the portrayal of the Nazgul at Dol Guldur.
I also happened to like seeing Saruman and Elrond beating the Hell out of them :)
Nice to see Christopher Lee playing Saruman in a more heroic manner.
Gone but never forgotten.

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