The One Ring

Colors darkening under varnish
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Author:  captain krak [ Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Colors darkening under varnish

I've noticed this problem off and on while painting minis, and I haven't yet discovered the cause or the cure. Sometimes a painted mini will darken way too much when varnished, rendering the finished product much darker and less vibrant. I haven't been able to narrow it down to certain paints, and I haven't changed varnishes. I have been using GW washes more often and have wondered if perhaps the varnish is reacting with the wash. I'm stumped. I just sprayed some rangers and the greens in the cloaks now don't look nearly as good as they did before spraying.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Author:  Highlordell [ Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have had this problem, i normally used to varnish all my modles with Gloss Varnish, i know you probably use Matt, but yes, the colours went significantly darker, my Rohirrim cloaks went from a Catachan Green to Dark Angels Green colour, mind you i was only using industrial varnish, the kind you would varnish wood with.

Still, the point still stands, i am not varnishing my minitures anymore until i find a suitable way of doing it without it changing the appearnace of the whole thing, i am also going to use Matt Varnish when i do.

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