The One Ring

Paints Dilemma
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Author:  Red Corsairs [ Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Paints Dilemma

I'm having a bit of a dilemma here and was wondering if anyone could help me out.

I'm looking at completely changing from GW to a new hobby range over the summer, pretty much all of my GW paints are now either empty or dried up and my GW brushes are wrecked.

I've been looking at moving over to Vallejo and buying one of their £140 paint sets, but I have a question.

Which is the better set for painting my minis?

The Model Colour set? - ... cl_102_000
Or the Game Colour set? - ... cl_103_000

What's the difference?

Alternatively, if you think one of the other paint lines is better (P3, Coat'D'Arms etc.) could you help inform me of those, as I really don't know much about any paint ranges except GW's :)

Thanks in advance.

(PS - I don't really want to have a few paints from one range and a few from another, so if you could just point me to which is the best overall it would be appreciated).

Author:  LotrCrown [ Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paints Dilemma

game colour !! and i know is annoying but buy them loose !! i got my compleate 95 paint game colour set loose from weyland for less than mealstroms (72 paint set) £134.99 !! just email them for the costing i even blagged free shipping ... _2810.html
only £129.99 !!

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paints Dilemma

Ah nice one Matt. Lucky you came along, I'd have been ripped off :P

Do you happen to know the difference between Game colour and Model colour at all? Just curious really.


Author:  LotrCrown [ Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paints Dilemma

honestly i dont know, but everyone i asked at the time said game golour is the better one

Author:  Jobu [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paints Dilemma

Here is a reply on The Mini Pages.
Basically model color has more pigment, a different carrier as well as more colors.
Game color has fewer colors ( GW knockoff) and are said to be more durable.

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paints Dilemma

Thanks Jobu 8)

Author:  Morgoths_crown [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paints Dilemma

Model colour are not good for priming as they scratch off. However, they do a heck of a lot of colours although they are more subdued than the games ones. I use model colour and really like them as you can get a variety of shades so you dont always have to mix highlights etc

Author:  MacGothmog [ Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paints Dilemma

The main difference is the colours. Game Colour are pretty much GW rip offs, even the names are reaaaally similar. They are really intense and suit fantasy and sci-fi. Probably they are designed to handle being handled a lot, for gaming purposes. Not totally sure.
Model Colour are more earthy tones, and really really lots of them. They suit most of the historical schemes, etc.

Both are really good paints, really, and you can mix them as you see fit.

They also have Air Colours, wich are great too, but they are to be used with an airbrush.

Author: [ Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paints Dilemma

Model Colour have a wider variety of colours, more subdued and "realistic" for models and such. They are less durable than Model colour which is their GW knockoff.

I prefer Coat D'Arms/P3 (same manufacturer) as they have good quality, good price, a range of colours as good as Vallejo's (in my opinion, anyway) which again covers both realistic military and GW knockoffs - and, well, their GW knockoffs are actually the same colours they used to make for GW, they just changed the names to generic names when GW outsourced their paint providers to China instead of the UK. I've still got some of my original GW paints (made by CDA) that work just fine 20+ years on from buying them.

Honestly though, there's nothing wrong with having paints from a variety of manufacturers and lines. More variety = more choice for you as a painter.

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