The One Ring

[CE] Commi's One-Stop-Workshop for the Community Edition!
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Author:  Commissariat [ Sat Nov 12, 2016 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  [CE] Commi's One-Stop-Workshop for the Community Edition!

Hello Everyone and Welcome to COSWC!

My name is Wild, aka Commissariat, and this is a thread dedicated to community feedback, questions, ideas, and the like! While you can freely make individual threads, this will be the first thread I check each time I visit the forums. Because.... Hey, who doesn't like convenience? I know I do!

Be sure to include detail in your posts, for the most part.
(IE: Including what the problem is, why it is, and maybe an idea of how to fix it.)

What is Commi Working On?
Hey, what is this guy up to even?
Gathering Data, Organizing Snotlings

What is in the Tank?
The cooler term for the "To-Do" list.
Click to: Show
-Warrior of Minas Morgul
-Warrior of Dol Amroth

Community Ideas to Playtest
-Replace Rapid Shot and Heroic Presence with "choose your heroic action".

Community Ideas
- Influence vs Gold (Aesthetic)
- Change Parry to Rumil's Swift Parry or -1 to enemy duel in some degree

Commi's Prototypes
- Magic Special Rule Table
- Territory Wars
- Illegal Factions (Trolls, Ringwraiths)
- Campaign Guide

Author:  Commissariat [ Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Commi's One-Stop-Workshop for the Community! (COSWC)

Hey guys,

Sorry for the long gap in my forum activity, but rest assured I have been keeping Battle Companies on my plate. Attached below are some stuff to play around with while we wait for Middle-earth: Strategy Battle Game.

Yes, I understand models have been updated in the new sourcebook and this probably influences the organization of factions as well as the number of factions, but I do not own a copy yet and university is expensive.

Thanks and enjoy!

Author:  Commissariat [ Tue May 01, 2018 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [CE] Commi's One-Stop-Workshop for the Community Edition

Underdog Experience: Adjust the Underdog Experience to be dependent on multiples of 15, instead of 10/20/etc, to emulate the re-roll system. Makes it cleaner overall and is more proportional than multiples of 10.

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