The One Ring

Warlord Games Battle Companies for Ancients
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Author:  Mapper [ Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Warlord Games Battle Companies for Ancients

Warlord Games is hopping on the Battle Companies bandwagon, they will be offering a game where warbands and heroes can gain in stature. Up for pre-order now, available late July. ... -miniature

SPQR - Warband Combat in the Ancient World


With a lightning-fast and easy to play system, SPQR allows you to build a complete warband capable of scouting out enemy armies, clashing across borders, and conducting raids on farms and villages.

SPQR also includes a complete campaign system, so you can watch as your heroes rise in stature and warband increases in size, while each warband features specialised scenarios to reflect its own tactics and methods of waging war.

Video on how the game is played

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