The One Ring

Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 17/2)
Page 11 of 17

Author:  jscottbowman [ Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 9/

Celevue wrote:

@Scott, looking forward to your Watcher terrain, and how the journeybook scenario plays out. Had Frodo bought it at Amon Sûl in our campaign, the plot forward would have been very different (and I wouldn't now have that fine Amon Hen board)...

Must admit we have just been playing each scenario as a one off... I feel the overall campaign is likely doomed if you tried the whole thing linked... I have found Shelobs Lair a real kill stop for the hopes of getting the ring to Mount Doom!

Author:  Goldman25 [ Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 9/

jscottbowman wrote:
I feel the overall campaign is likely doomed if you tried the whole thing linked... I have found Shelobs Lair a real kill stop for the hopes of getting the ring to Mount Doom!

Not if you automatically go on to the next battle (Cirith Ungol), assuming that the orcs captured the two Hobbits, and play it with both Sam and Frodo starting as prisoners (I can't remember how the scenario goes exactly, but it was something like that, with Orcs vs Mordor Uruk-hai).

Author:  Galadrin [ Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 9/

Amazing, amazing, AMAZING!!!!

How did you do the "splash" effect in the water?

Author:  Celevue [ Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 9/

@Éomund: thanks!
@Scott: we try to give the good side a bias and some advantages by tweaking the scenarios, and I believe whichever us is evil is perhaps not giving a 100% in trying to win :)
@Goldman25: a good tip about Shelob scenario, we'll keep that in mind (if we get that far).
@Galadrin: thanks! As can be seen from the pic of the overall board, there is some splash effect permanently on the water surface; that's just Woodland Scenics Water Effects + a bit of white paint on top of hardened Woodland Scenics Realistic Water. The bigger splash effects are done with bits of stretched white poly fiber; it is usually sold as teddy bear stuffing. I've used the same stuff with the foaming water horses at the Ford of Bruinen, as described in my WIP thread.

Author:  VandalCabbage [ Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 9/

Yay! Another scenario.
I like the adjustments you did with the watcher, it felt just like the film.
I wonder if the Balrog will do any real lasting damage...

Author:  jscottbowman [ Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 9/

Celevue wrote:
@Scott: we try to give the good side a bias and some advantages by tweaking the scenarios, and I believe whichever us is evil is perhaps not giving a 100% in trying to win :)

Yep I agree, and yep sometimes the evil player just doesn't give it all he could... ;-) But even if thing go awry , it can also always be explained away as, 'he was only wounded'...

Author:  Constantine [ Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 9/

How -if at all- are Might, Fate, Will, and Wounds recovered? A very nice scenario, evocative of the movie scene 8). Now the fellowship has to face the long dark of Moria, and we all anticipate your next scenario!

Author:  Adanedhel88 [ Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 9/

i cannot believe i misses this thread
just read through all the pages and battles, there are no words to describe it properly, epic and truly inspirational and a lust for the eyes
the scenery is stunning, the modells excellent
( nice to see a knightminiatures gandalf in there aswell, guess he does fit the hobby)
will def be keeping an(envious) eye on this campaign.

my hat is off to you

Author:  Barks [ Wed Apr 02, 2014 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 9/

Why haven't I seen this thread before?! Superb and inspirational work!

Author:  Paboook [ Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 9/

Most excellent! Thank you for sharing your battle reports with us!

Author:  Celevue [ Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 9/

Thanks, all! @Constantine, M/W/F points are recovered as per the Journeybook rules, mainly by rolling a D6 for each point lost. Winning side gets one re-roll after any given game. I've also entertained an idea that would bring an easy role-playing aspect into the campaign - the recovery of points would become easier over time as the characters gain experience. We will also use the "Shadow of the Ring" rule (as presented in BGIME 60) for Boromir, but since we don't do all the Journeybook scenarios, it is rather unlikely that he will become a thrall of the Ring by Amon Hen.

We hope to play Balin's Tomb shortly, so you should see a batrep in a not too distant future...

Author:  Celevue [ Fri May 23, 2014 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Scenario 11 – Balin’s Tomb (SBG) - part 1


The Company had marched through the winding dark passages of Moria as far as the hobbits could endure without a rest, and all were thinking of a place where they could sleep, when suddenly the walls to right and left vanished. They seemed to have passed through some arched doorway into a black and empty space. There was a great draught of warmer air behind them, and before them the darkness was cold on their faces. They halted and crowded anxiously together.
“Let me risk a little more light. Behold, the great realm and Dwarf-city of Dwarrowdelf.”
Gandalf raised his staff, and for a brief instant there was a blaze like a flash of lightning. Great shadows sprang up and fled, and for a second they saw a vast roof far above their heads upheld by many mighty pillars hewn of stone. The sight made Sam to stare with awe: “There’s an eye opener, and no mistake.”


As the Company went along, they saw a faint glimmer of daylight coming through a doorway on their right. Beyond it was a large square chamber, lit by a wide shaft high in the further eastern wall. Gimli sprinted towards the chamber despite the cries of warning by Gandalf.


Sitting in the centre of the Chamber was a single, oblong block and a slab on top of it, with deeply graven runes, with the light of the shaft falling directly on the slab. “It looks like a tomb”, muttered Frodo. Gandalf read: “Here lies Balin, Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria. He is dead, then. It’s as I feared.” Gimli cast his hood over his face, and wailed “No, no… oh, no”.


Gandalf picked up a dusty book held by a dwarf corpse, and started reading old journal markings: “They have taken the Bridge and the Second Hall. We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums… drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A Shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out. They are coming.”

While Gandalf was reading, Pippin had wondered closer to the eastern wall. Feeling curiously attracted by the well near the light shaft, he crept to the edge and peered over. A chill air seemed to strike his face, rising from invisible depths. Moved by a sudden impulse he groped for a loose stone, and let it drop. He felt his heart beat many times before there was any sound.


Then far below, as if the stone had fallen into deep water in some cavernous place, there came a plunk, very distant, but magnified and repeated in the hollow shaft. “What’s that?” cried Gandalf. “Fool of a Took!” he growled. “This is a serious journey, not a hobbit walking-party. Throw yourself in next time, and then you will be no further nuisance. Now be quiet!” But the echoes of the stone had barely died, when there came out of the depths faint knocks: tom-tap, tap-tom, and after, the sound of drums started beating somewhere in the deep. Outside the chamber, the sound of goblin screeches filled the air. Gimli growled: “Let them come – there is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath.”

Our eleventh scenario begins with Gimli standing atop the Tomb of Balin, and the other members of the Fellowship grouped closely around. As with the previous scenario, this game is not fully based on any published scenarios, either, and here are some scenario-specific house rules as explained at the end of the report. The objective for good side is to slay all evil models, while the evil side, as usual, tries to kill as many as possible (particularly, of course, Frodo). Here’s an overview of the gaming board:



The board is 70x60 cm in overall size (outside dimensions), following the movie set with a doorway in the western wall, and a hole in the south corner of the eastern wall. The evil side has automatically priority in the first turn.

Turn 1 – Evil priority. The ferocious attack of the goblins overwhelmed the Fellowship, with one engaging Legolas (assisted by a supporting pike-armed goblin), two charging Aragorn, and the goblin captain charging Boromir. Gimli jumped down to help Legolas by drawing the supporting goblin to another duel. Gandalf attempted to cast a terrifying aura, but the spell failed. Instead, the wizard charged the nearest goblin. A goblin archer fired a shot at Legolas, but missed. Swords clashed, with Legolas and Aragorn victoriously slaying two goblins.


Turn 2 – Good priority. Gandalf successfully cast a sorcerous blast, causing two goblins to be knocked prone. Legolas jumped on top of the Tomb, and as more goblins streamed in, the hobbits retreated towards the northeastern corner of the chamber and out of the harm’s way. From his high vantage point, Legolas shot and killed two goblins, while nearby, Boromir dispatched the goblin captain. A spear-armed goblin duo managed to wound Gimli, but Aragorn was nigh unstoppable – he heroically killed a goblin, and immediately moved closer to the doorway to slay two more.


Turn 3 – Good priority. The heroes continued to charge and engage enemies, while the three other hobbits form a protective line in front of Frodo against an approaching goblin. On the southern side of the chamber, two goblins had sneaked past the Fellowship heroes to climb onto the south balcony. The arrows of Legolas pierced two more goblins, while Aragorn’s might slayed one, and Gimli hewed the legs from under another.

Author:  Celevue [ Fri May 23, 2014 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Scenario 11 – Balin’s Tomb (SBG) - part 2

Turn 4 – Good priority. The fierce fighting continued around the doorway corridor, as more goblins joined the fray. Boromir, Aragorn and Gimli all tackled two goblins each, and Sam charged the goblin approaching the hobbits. The flurry of combats seemed too much for even the keen eyes of Legolas, as all his three arrows missed their targets. The goblin on the southern balcony returned fire, and although his arrow did hit the elf, it wasn’t enough to pierce his protecting leather. Aragorn mightily won his heroic duel, but the goblins were quick to duck and Andúril swung mere air. Suddenly, the sound of the Horn of Gondor blasted in the chamber, and the might of the son of Denethor slayed a confounded goblin. On the other side of the chamber, Sam knocked the attacking goblin down with his frying pan. Looking pleased, he said: “I think I’m getting the hang of this.”


Turn 5 – Good priority. Both sides kept on fighting, with most heroes dueling two goblins. Legolas shot one of the two goblin archers perching on the southern gallery through the throat. More goblins went down – Boromir killed one, two were felled by Gimli’s axes, two were cloven in two by Glamdring, and after a mighty victory of Aragorn, Andúril dispatched another two.

Turn 6 – Good priority. Taking an advantage of the lull in battle, Gandalf moved to the doorway corridor. The wizard attempted to remove the remaining goblin from the southern gallery with his sorcerous blast, but the spell failed. Only a few goblins remained in the chamber; Boromir and Gimli tied one in combat, and Aragorn another – as another six entered through the western door and joined the fighting. Legolas attempted to drop the gallery archer, but his arrow bounced from the goblin armor. The archer returned fire and attempted to unsuccessfully shoot at Frodo on the opposite side of the chamber. Only Gimli managed to kill a goblin.


Turn 7 – Good priority. Realizing the danger of the goblin arrows, Frodo retreated behind the wall under the northern balcony. Aragorn won his heroic duel against a goblin; Andúril came down upon his helm, and the goblin fell with cloven head. Aragorn rushed immediately to help Gimli duel two evil warriors. Together, the two hewed the goblins down. Nearby, Boromir engaged a goblin with a spear supporter. With a thrust of his shield, the goblin turned Boromir’s sword and bore him backwards, causing a wound. Closer to the door, Gandalf also lost his fight and was wounded. The Fellowship heroes were getting weary, but the goblin horde seemed endless…

Turn 8 – Good priority. Sneaking past fighting heroes, three new goblin archers rushed towards the southern side of the chamber – just as an elven arrow finally killed the troublesome goblin perched atop the southern gallery. Their plans were negated as Boromir and Gandalf managed to slay a goblin each, but Aragorn lost his balance and two goblins overpowered him, causing one wound – and only fate saved him from getting a fatal second wound.


Turn 9 – Good priority. The combatants kept exchanging blows in the narrow entry corridor – the goblins pressed particularly hard on the wounded Aragorn, but Legolas’ arrow killed one of the three goblins trying to break the line of Isildur. This time the Fellowship was victorious all around – Aragorn trapped the two remaining combatants and ended their existence. Boromir slayed one, and, although his two enemies were trapped, Gimli only killed one… but the one left standing was now the only goblin alive.


Turn 10 – Evil priority. Suddenly, a roar echoed in the chamber, originating from the southeastern corner, and uttered by a new, monstrous entrant. “They have a cave troll”, shouted Boromir, as he and Gimli mounted a defense against the final, charging goblin. Legolas turned towards the oncoming troll, and fired three arrows in rapid succession – two arrows found their mark, but failed to penetrate the thick skin of the beast. Gandalf’s sorcerous blast spell failed, so the wizard took a stronger grip at the hilt of Glamdring as he and Aragorn rushed towards the troll. Boromir hewed down the last goblin, and the entire Fellowship now turned the attention towards this new devilry.


Turn 11 – Good priority. Aragorn shouted “at the double” to give Gimli and Boromir a chance to catch up. The troll kept lumbering closer, unbothered by elven arrows. Gandalf tried frantically to cast the sorcerous blast, but to no avail – except for irritating the troll enough for it to turn towards the wizard, who barely managed to dodge the flailing chain wielded by the beast. In the ensuing combat, Gandalf was not so lucky and he was wounded by the troll spear.


Turn 12 – Evil priority. The troll charged Aragorn and Gandalf, and Boromir and Gimli immediately joined the fight. From the distance, Legolas shot an accurate arrow, but as before, the troll was unharmed. However, the beast could not withstand the combined attack of the four heroes, and Aragorn swiftly cut the troll’s head off. As the echoes of the thump from the falling body died down, the Chamber of Mazarbul was quiet once more – even the drums in the deep seemed silent for now. Then, out from beyond the western doorway, distant goblin screeches were heard again. Pointing towards the hole in the wall beyond the dead troll, Gandalf shouted “To the Bridge of Khazad-dûm!”



Thus ended the eleventh scenario in our campaign, with all the members of the Fellowship still alive – albeit starting to be a bit battle-weary. For this scenario, the following scenario rules were applied (again, thanks to rok100 for development & play-testing):

1) The evil forces consisted of the troll, goblin captain, and 35 regular goblins with various armaments (we used about an even number of sword+shield, bow, and spear-armed models). The evil force is considered broken only when the cave troll is killed.

2) Goblins get automatically priority in the first turn, depicting the onslaught of goblins. The good heroes can only defend themselves, and cannot do heroic actions in the first turn. In addition, the good side models count as having no control zones. The good side may act normally from turn 2 onwards. In the first turn the evil seizes priority from the good side, goblins may also enter through the hole in the eastern wall of the Chamber.

3) The cave troll enters the board on the turn the evil player wins priority with a number equal to or less than the turn number. D6 is rolled to determine whether the troll enters from the western doorway (1-3) or the eastern hole (4-6).

4) Drums in the deep: the whole board counts as being in the range of Goblin drums throughout the scenario.

As you can see, the good side held priority for an amazing 8 turns in a row, resulting in the eastern hole being available as an entry point only from turn nine onwards, by which time the evil player had already given up on getting priority, and had placed all the goblins on the board through the normal doorway. Similarly, the troll could not enter until turn 9, so it ended up being the only one appearing through the eastern hole (and had practically no support from goblins, as the last one was wiped out before the troll entered any combat). Nevertheless, the combat was intense, and although every good model stayed alive, many wounds were accrued. Post-game, Aragorn gained back a wound and a fate point, Gandalf healed one wound, and Gimli also un-wounded himself. Oh, and inspired by a discussion about Gandalf’s attacks in the One Ring forum, we decided to grant the wizard some experience points, and gave him another attack so that he wouldn’t be a mere conjurer of cheap tricks. Next, after a summer break, there is a new devilry that the Fellowship must face before they can exit the mines of Moria… stay tuned.

Author:  Goldman25 [ Fri May 23, 2014 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 23

It's good to see Gandalf improve, he always seemed to me that he needed another attack. After all, he carries one of the best swords in the game, and it's basically going to waste if he's just got one attack! A thrilling battle report, as always, and the photography is brilliant. At times, I wondered if you'd taken to Photoshop to create bases underneath the actors in film stills!

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Fri May 23, 2014 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 23

Another great battle report. When are you going to put these in the Tomes of Wisdom?

Author:  jscottbowman [ Fri May 23, 2014 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 23

Superb effort and wonderful report. Some great ideas for the scenario gameplay!

Author:  Gwaryan [ Sat May 24, 2014 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 23

As always another great BR. Thanks for making these, it's a pleasure to read them and see your incredible scenery.

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Sat May 24, 2014 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 23

Absolutely fantastic, such a wonderful setting to play in.

Author:  Knife in the Dark [ Sat May 24, 2014 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 23

Simply fantastic and more importantly the fellowship continued on! Looking forward to the next installment!

Author:  jdredsox [ Sat May 24, 2014 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Celevue's LotR campaign (SBG+WotR) (Pic Heavy)(update 23

Wow! I've just read through the whole campaign so far and it is amazing!!!

Pippin and Merry are living life on the edge and I hope their luck holds out, I can't wait to see what you do with the Balrog, keep up the great work!

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