The One Ring

Free battles to go
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Author:  Witch king of Angmar [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Free battles to go

In our country once a year you can play free with the shop minis they had matches with other players.Today i played two matches and also i wrote what exactly happened.So lets start.
First match:Open battle.
Each of us would ue a normal 500pts. army following the legions of middle earth rules. Even if i dint have the book they gave it to us there but after we should return it :( .I chose isengard raiders while a guy i met in luck that now we are friends chose Rivendell allied with Erebor.
My army(then one near i want to buy for real)
Lurtz 60p.(no really just an scout painted like him)
8 uruk-hai scouts with bows 72p.
10 uruk hai with phalanxes 100p.
10 uruk hai with shields 100p.
uruk hai scout banner bearer 38p.
5 uruk hai scouts with shield 45p.
2 warg riders with bow 26p.
2 warg riders with shield 26p.
2 warg riders with throwing spears 28p.
495p. 41 models 11 bows

Dinos army:
Erestor 75p.
Gimli 90p.
5 elves warriors with heavy armour and glaives 50p.
5 elves warriors with heavy armour and elven bow 55p.
5 elves warriors with ehavy armour shield and spear 55p.
elven stormacaller 60p.
10 khazad guards 110p.
495p. 28 models 5 bows

We played on an 150x150 cm board.The objective? Capture objectives... There were five objectives. Two wells exactly were the army weres,a tree with treasure in it,a cave with weapons and in the middle a bridge that was the only safe way to pass the river.The game ends when one force is broken and you roll 1 to continue ro not or else if one army is left with 3 minis.

Turn 1
Priority:Isengard raiders
In move phase i just split my army in three teams leaving behind only the uruk hai scouts with shields to hold my objective.
To the east were was the most far objective for us(expect the enemy well) i moved my warg riders.To the west i send my uruk hai scouts with bows along 5 uruk hais with shield.To the bridge went Lurtz along with 10 uruk hais phalanxes and 5 uruk hais with shields and the banner bearer.My friend left 2 khazad gaurds at his main objective while moving the rest dwarves with Gimli to the tree with the treasure(of course while getting there dwarves were saying"owwwww....shinnnyyy" The elves were wenting to take the bridge.

Turn 2
Priority:Isengard raiders
Just moving.

Turn 3
Priority:Rivendell and Erebor
Starting first Dinos brang Dwarves near the tree seizing it while the two main forces were near to the bridge.My uruk hais captured the cave while my warg riders where passing the river as one with bow,one with throwing spears and one with shield passed all the river the other one with bow,one with throwing spears and one with shield passed the half.
So no bows this turn as all archers moved full.

Turn 4
Priority:Isengard raiders
My main uruk-hais team reached the bridge and covered the 1/4 of it.Also my 2 warg riders nearly went near the dwarves but as far to not be attacked.As my other two warg riders from the river reached the river end the one other with bow drowned(he had a warg that was afraid of water).Then khazad guards with gimli moved as nearest as they could to my wargs while the elves reached the bridge from the west and covered the other 1/4 of it.Then i just decide the uruk hais with bows would be more useful near the bridge near to hit the elves.
The first bows at the game!First i fired my warg rider bow but it missed and hitted a tree.Then lurtz fired two but he hit the river.Then was the turn of the elves archers but as they couldnt see what was happening at the bridge hey fired at my archers. Whiel two missed at the river three hitted the archers but when the two were scratched one was hitted in the heart and died making the first casuality from battle(stupid waterfeared warg).Then Erestor just throwed his daggers at one of the phalanx killing him.

Continue soon...

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