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 Post subject: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:16 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:07 am
Posts: 2088
So a long time now I have been thinking of connecting the scenarios from the journeybook...
What will you need:
Main rulebook
Lome(if you want points matchs)
At least one journeybook
(BE CAREFUL! You can connect Fotr with TTT and TTT with Rotk or all of them but not Fotr with Rotk)
Sourcebooks needed:
Fall of necromancher( Or else Glorfindel stays as he is as Galadriel does if he/she lost in Fotr scenario 14)
Shadow in the east or/and Ruin of arnor or/and Khazad-dum(For have all the option for custom fellowship)
Linking scenarios:
This campaing follow all the rules of the journeybook...Watch the the ring can be carried only by Bilbo and Frodo
But you could use a harder mode... You will roll a dice for one characteric for each day between scenarios.
For example from scenario 2 to 3 each hobbit can roll a dice for each day until they arrive at the scenario...
Also in draw the good side wins

Chapter I: Protect the shire!
September 22 of 3018
Scenario 1:The hunt begins
Points match
215 points chosen from the Grey company,the force must have only heroes and no one must be mounted
180 points chosen from the Nazgul
If the Good player wins this game play this scenario again(If you win a second time go to chapter II)
If the Evil player wins this game play Scenario 2

Scenario 2:The trust of arnor
Points match
215 points chosen from the Grey company,the force must have only heroes and no model must be mounted
510 points chosen from the Nazgul
If the Good player wins this game play this scenario again(If you win a second time go to Chapter II)
If the Evil player wins this game go to Chapter II

Chapter II:To the meeting point
In chapter I if the Good player won two times scenario 1 pass this chapter and go to Chapter III
If the Good player won scenario 1 one time and then scenario II two times pass to Chapter III
If the Good player won each scenario one time or scenario 2 two times got to scenario 4

Scenario 3:Short cut make long delays
24 September of 3018
Points match(No model may be mounted no may carry a bow)
Good 180 points chosen from Fellowship/The wanderers in the wild
Evil 165 points chosen from the nazgul
If Good player wins play scenario 4
If Evil player wins play scenario 4(Two Ringwraiths are deployed in evil deployment zone)

Scenario 4:Bucklebury ferry
25 September of 3018
Points match (no may carry a bow)
Good 110 points chosen from the fellowship( No model may be mounted)
Evil 165 points chosen from the Nazgul
If Good player wins move to chapter III
If Evil player wins move to chapter III[watch that every hobbit(or hero if you play points match) will have no might]

Chapter III:The barrow downs

Scebario 5: Fog on the barrow downs
September 28 3018
Points match(No model may be mounted,none may carry a bow, Both force must include only heroes)
Good 260 points chosen from The fellowship/Wanderers in the wild(Tom Bombabil and Goldberry can be also selected)
Evil 200 points chosen from Angmar
If Good player wins move to chapter IV
If Evil player wins move to Chapter IV

If the Good player won scenario 5 play scenario 6
If the Evil player won scenario 5 play scenario 6 (Note that in scenario 8 the hobbits would have no might)

ChapterIV: The last hunt...
Scenario 6:The grey pilgrim and the black riders
October 3 3018
Points match(No model may be mounted,none may carry a bow)
Good player 170 points chosen from Felloswhip
Evil player 510 points chosen from the Nazgul
If Good player wins play scenario 7
If Evil player wins play scenario 8(Note that +2 Nazgul will be at scenario 8 )

Scenario 7:Pursuit into the wild
October 5 3018
Points match(No model may be mounted)
Good player 350 points chosen from Fellowship/Grey company. The entire force must include only heroes
Evi player 220 points chosen from the nazgul
If Good player wins play scenario 8
If Evil player wins play scenario 8(Add 2 Nazgul on the evil side)

Scenario 8:Amon sul
October 6 3018
Points match(No model may be mounted)
Good player 290 points chosen from the Fellowship
Evil player 290 points chosen from the Nazgul
If Good player wins play scenario 9
If Evil player wins play scenario 9(Watch that all the nazgul are deployed from the begin)

Scenario 9:Flight to the ford
October 20 3018
Watch that if you choose Glorfindel and not Arwen the Nazgul must be on foot!
Points match
Good player 430 points chosen from the fellowship/wanderers in the wild/ rivendell
Evil player 510 points chosen from the Nazgul
If Good player wins move to chapter V
If Evil player wins roll to see if each hero is dead(even if he was not slain)...then move to chapter V

Chapter V:The council of Elrond
October 25 3018
This chapter provides your heroes with full rest...
Also you can change the Fellowship if you like.

Ring bearer: Frodo or Bilbo

Guide:Gandalf or Elrond or Cirdan or Galadriel or Celeborn or Thranduil or Radagast

Protector:Aragorn or Glorfindel or Halbarad or Elladan(Elrohil must be the elf) or Elrohil(Elladan must be the elf) or Gildor or Murin(Drar must be dwarf or ring follower) or Drar(Murin must be dwarf or ring follower)

Elf:Legolas or Elrond or Cirdan or Erestor or Glorfindel or Elladan(Elrohil must be the protector) or Elrohil(Elladan must be the protector) or Arwen or Haldir

Dwarf: Gimli or Gloin or Dain or Murin(Drar must be ring follower or protector) or Drar(Murin must be ring follower or protector)

Man: Boromir or Aragorn

Ring follower: Sam or Aragorn or Glorfindel or Gildor or Murin(Drar must be dwarf or protector) or Drar(Murin must be dwarf or protector)

Rohan's aid: Merry or Eomer or Theodred or Erkenbrand or Gamling or Hama

Gondor's aid:: Pippin or Boromir or Aragorn

Watch that you cannot include a character more than one time...
Aragorn has bow
Frodo has mithril coat and sting
Haldir carries an elven blade

Also watch that all the dwarves follow Gimli's rule for recovering...

Gloin of the dwarves Points cost 80
5/- 5 8 2 2 5 2 3 2
Gloin carries a two handed axe and wears Dwarf armour
Special rules
Bix axe of Gloin
Gloin does not have the -1 penantly for carrying a Two handed weapon...
Also when he is fighting before you roll for who will win the battle he can choose if he rolls normally two dices or if he roll one in which he will have +1 in the dice for who wins the battle
Final blow
When Gloin will lost all of his wounds he will infict a last hit in every enemy model that participated in battle, also he will still have the +1 from his Two handed axe...

Chapter VI: The way to Moria

Scenario 10:The hounds of Sauron
January 13 3019
Points match
Good(no model may be mounted)
700 Points chosen from the Fellowship
Evil(Must include only one hero, no model may carry a bow)
220 points chosen from the Dwellers below
If the Good player wins move to scenario 11
If the Evil player wins play this scenario again(Count how many turns each game lasts, if at the end of one game the total turns count pass 40 move to scenario 11)

Scenario 11:The watcher in the water
Points match
Good(no model may be mounted)
700 points chosen from the Fellowship
Evil( No model may be mounted not may carry a bow)
90 points chosen from the Dwellers blow(A tentacle has 15 points each,you can not include a hero)
If the Good player wins move to chapter VII
If the Evil player wins move to chapter VII

If evil player won in Scenario 11 you get a late point

Chapter VII:Throught Moria we pass
Scenario 12:Balin's tomb
January 14 3019
Points match(No model may be mounted)
Good 700 points chosen from the Fellowship
Evil 300 points chosen from Moria(Must include one warrior with three wounds to take the place of the troll and at least one hero)
If Good player win move to scenario 13
If Evil player win move to scenario 13(You get another late point)
See how many points you have and add +1. That's how many times you will play scenario 13

Scenario 13:Escape from Dwarrowdelf
January 15 3019
Points match(No model may be mounted)
Good 700 points chosen from the Fellowship
Evil 300 points chosen from Moria(Must include at least a hero)
After you play as much times as you must move to scenario 14(Watch that now you have zero late epoints but for each time the evil player won this scenario you get another late point)

Scenario 14:The bridge of Khazad-dum
Points match(No model may be mounted)
Good 700 points chosen from the Fellowship
Evil 700 points chosen from Moria/Monsters of Middle earth(Must include only one hero from the monsters of middle earth and one hero from Moria)
If good player wins move to chapter VIII
If evil palyer wins move to chapter VIII(You get another late point)
Watch that if your guide is Gandalf or Elrind or Galadriel they are removed as casualities...They will return to the two towers journey-book

Chapter VIII:Into Lorien
Scenario 15:Lothlorien
January 17 3019
For each late point add 6 goblins or 30 points if you are playing points match
If Haldir is with the Fellowship and still alive add 6 more elves to the good force.
Points match(No model may be mounted)
830 points chosen from Fellowship/Lothlorien
520 points chosen from dweller bellow(Must include at least two heroes, one must be included with the starting force and the other must represent the elader and the warriors that take the place of the wargs)
If good player wins move to the rest in Lorien
If evil player wins move to chapter VIIII

Rest in Lorien
Each alive member of the fellowship is fully healed...
If your guide wasn't taken as casuality at scenario 14 but died normally you can put as guide Celeborn or Galadriel
If the elf died you can put Haldir in it's place

Wargear changes
Each member that is able will get an elven cloak
Halbarad will get a spear

Chapter VIV:Hold the river
If you don't have or you don't want to play TTT move to next chapter
Scenario 2:The first battle of the fords of Isen
February 25 3019
Points match
Good Chosen from Theodn's host
Evil Chosen from Isengard raiders/Legions of the white hand/Dunland
If good wins move to next chapter
If evil wins move to next chapter
If Theodred survives he will appear in every scenario along with Theoden

Chapter X:Amon hen
Scenario 16:Aragorn's stand
Fabruary 26 3019
Points match(No model may be mounted)
500 points match chosen from Fellowship
300 points match chosen from Isengard raiders( Must include at least one hero)
If good player win move to scenario 17
If evil player win move to scenario 17
Scenario 17:Boromir's redemption
Points match(No model may be mounted)
150 points chosen from the Fellowship
225 points chosen from Isengard raiders(Must include a hero)
If good player wins move to scenario 18
If evil player wins move to scenario 18

Scenario 18:The breaking of the Fellowship
If evil player won scenario 16 Aragorn,Legolas and Gimli enter as reinforcements in turn two
If evil player won scenario 17 Boromir does not count as being in the range of banner
Points match(No model may be mounted)
500 points chosen from the Fellowship
300 points chosen from Isengard raiders(Must include one hero)
If the ring bearer is still alive and you end the journey Good player wins...
If he is dead even if you want to continue the games end and evil player wins...

TTT officially begins(If you don't play Fotr look a little up to play Chapter VIV)
If you connect Fotr with TTT
So this is how the fellowship is split...
Guardian ,elf and dwarf along the man(if he survived scenario 18, watch that if he was slain he dies without need to roll if he regains a wound) and the guide
Gondor's aid and Rohan's aid together
Ring bearer with ring follower
This follow all the rules of linking scenarios expect that the ring can only be carried by Frodo and Bilbo...
If Lurtz survived Fotr he will appear in scenario 4

Chapter XI:Rohan burns
Scenario 3:The scouring of the Westfold
February 26 3019
Points match
Good chosen from Theoden's host
Evil chosen from Isengard raiders/Dunland
If good player wins move to next chapter
If evil player wins move to next chapter

Chapter XII: We hunt them
February 27 3019
Points match
Good chosen from Fellowship
Evil chosen from Isengard raiders
Scenario 1:Let's hunt some orcs
If the good player wins move to next chapter
If the evil player wins move to next chapter

Chapter XIII: Fangorn forest
If Merry and Pippin or Gondor's and Rohan's aid are dead in scenario 4 both sides have only the objective that doesn't have to do with them... Also you won't play scenario 5...
Scenario 4:The wrath of Rohan
February 28 3019
Points match
Good chosen from Fellowship/Theoden's host
Evil chosen from Isengard raiders/Minas morgul
If good player wins move to scenario 5
If evil player wins by the hobbit objective move to next chapter...else move to scenario 5

Scenario 5:Alone in Fangorn
February 29 3019
If evil player won scenario 4 add both the normal participants and Grishnakh
Points match
Good chosen from Fellowship/Fangorn
Evil chosen from Isengard raiders/Minas morgul
If good player wins move to next chapter
If evil player wins move to next chapter

Chapter XIV:The way to Mordor
Scenario 9:The taming of Smeagol
February 29 3019
Points match
Good chosen from Fellowship
Evil chosen from Wanderers in the wild(Yeah I mean it! Watch tha both Gollum and Smeagol are on this army list)
If good player wins move to next scenario
If evil player wins move to next scenario(Watch that Smeagol will be always on the evil side!)

Scenario 10:The passage of the marches
March 1 3019(If you play it a third time is March 2)
Points match
Good chosen from Fellowship/Wanderers in the wild
Evil chosen from Minas morgul/Nazgul
If good player wins move to next chapter
If evil player wins play this scenario again(If you play it three times then move to next chapter)

Chapter XV:Before the storm
If the guide is dead Theoden will have always 0 will. Also if Theoden dies Theodred will take his place in all the scenarios Theoden was a participant.
Scenario 6:Warg attack
March 2 3019
Points match
Good chosen from Fellowship/Theoden's host
Evil chosen from Isengard raiders
If the good player wins move to next scenario
If the evil player wins move to next scenario

Scenario 7:The second battle of the fords of Isen
Points match
Good chosen from Theoden's host
Evil chosen from Isengard raiders/Legions of the white hand/Dunland
If the good player wins move to next chapter
If the evil player wins move to next chapter

Chapter XVI:Battle of hornburn
Here is the wargear that will change
Aragorn will take armour(No more bow)
Legolas will take armour
Elladan and Elrohil will take armour
Glorfindel will become lord of the west(If you ahve the fall of the necromancer)
Celeborn will have heavy armour
Haldir will have armour
Theoden will have shield
Gamling will have the royal standard(Scenario 16 and afterwards)
If Lurtz has survived he will appear at scenarios 13/14/16
If Ugluk has survived he will appear at scenarios 15/16
If Sharku has survived he will appear at scenario 16
If Vrasku has survived he will appear at scenario 13/16

If good player won scenario 3 then add both movie and book participants on scenarios 13 and 14
If evil player won scenario 6 add Sharku(if he is alive) and 12 warg riders to the evil side on both scenarios
Scenario 13:The deeping wall
If the elf was Haldir put an elven captain as the leader of the elves
March 3 3019
Points match
Good chosen from Fellowship/Theoden's host/Lothlorien
Evil chosen from Legions of the white hand/Dunland
If good player wins move to next chapter
If evil player wins move to scenario 14

Scenario 14:Into the breach
Points match
Good chosen from Fellowship/Theoden's host/Lothlorien
Evil chosen from Legions of the white hand/Dunland
If good player wins move to next chapter
If evil player wins move to next chapter

Chapter XVII:Destroy Orthanc
March 3 3019
Watch that if you never played scenario 5 or evil player won it you won't play this scenario
Scenario 8:The last march of the ents
Point match
Good chosen from Fangorn
Evil chosen from Legions of the white hand
If good player wins Isenagrd is destructed move to next chapter
If evil player wins Isengard survives move to next chapter

Chapter XVIII: Trouble in Gondor

Scenario 11:Ambush in Ithilien
March 8 3019
Points match
Good chosen from Fellowship/Ithilien
Evil chosen from The serpent horde
If good player wins move to scenario 12
If evil player wins move to scenario 12(add 12 Haradrhim archers to the evil side)

Scenario 12:Osgiliath
March 12 3019
Good chosen from Fellowship/Ithilien
Evil chosen from Mians morgul/Nazgul
If good player wins move to next chapter
If evil player wins move to next chapter

Chapter XVIV:The ride out
Scenario 15:In the shadow of the Hornburg
March 4 3019
Points match
Good chosen from Fellowship
Evil chosen from Legions of the white hand/Dunland
If good players wins move to scenario 16
If evil player wins move to scenario 16

Scenario 16:Theoden rides out
If good player won scenario 13 add 6 Galdrhim riders to the good side
If evil player won scenario 14 on turn 5 10 Uruk hai with shields along an Isenagrd troll will come as reinforcements from the causeway
If evil player won scenario 15 add the evil forces to this scenario
If the evil player won scenario 7 the good reinforcements will come at turn 7...(If the guide was lost in scenario 14 of Fotr and It was Gandalf he will return as white, if it was Elrond he will return as Elrond of rivendell and if it was Galadriel she will return as protectress of Lothlorien)
Points match
Good chosen from Fellowship/Theoden's host
Evil chosen from Legions of the white hand/Dunland
If good player wins Rohan is victorius
If evil player wins Rohan is destroyed
Watch that if you didn't played scenario 8 or the good player lost at this scenario the survived forces will attack Isengard
Play scenario 8 with the survivors from scenario 16 on the good side... If one or both of Gondor's and Rohan's aid were captured(Not slain at scenario 4 or 5) They will be placed on the middle of the board.
The evil player cannot charge them and they can't move/shoot/charge at all. When a model gets in base contact with them by the next turn they can move and must escape throught the north edge. If one of them only escapes and the other is slain is a draw while their escapes mean victory for the good side while their deaths victory for the vil side.
Otherwise the objectives is each force to wipe each other out...

After that if you want to end or continue the campaing check first if the ring bearer is alive...If he is not evil player has won...
If you want to stop here and the ring bearer is alive good player wins if Isengard is destroyed and evil player wins if rohan is destroyed
If both exist or both are destroyed it is a draw...

ROTK begins!!!
If you connect the whole series or just TTT with Rotk watch carefully...
If Isengard exists add 10 Uruk-hai with shields and 10 Uruk-hai with pikes to the evil side from scenario 4-10 and scenario 13
If Rohan is destroyed miss scenario 6...after you play scenario 8 use the same participants at scenario 6 and then at 9

Chapter XX:Into the spider's poison
Scenario 1:Shelob's lair
March 13 3019
Points match
Good 120 points chosen from the Fellowship(No model may be mouted or carry a bow)
Evil 90 points chosen from Cirith Ungol(No leader is needed. No model may be mouted or carry a bow)
If good player wins move to next chapter
If evil player wins move to next chapter

Chapter XXI:Hunted by Nazgul
Scenario 2:The rescue of Faramir
Faramir mounted with heavy armour
Gandalf the white on shadow fax
Prince Imrahil of dol amroth
Captain of Minas tirith with shield
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with spear and shield
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with shield
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with bow
5 Rangers of Gondor
5 Knights of dol amroth with horses and lances
6 knights of Minas tirith with shields
1 Ringwraith on Fell beast(Maximum)
Orc captain with shield
Orc with banner
Haradrhim warrior with banner
12 Morannon orcs with shields
12 Morannon orcs with spear and shields
12 Haradhrim warriors with spears
12 Haradhrim warriors with bows
8 Orc warriors with shields
8 Orc warriors with spears
4 Orc warriors with two-handed weapons
4 Orc warriors with bows
Witch king on fellbeast(Maximum)
8 Nagzul on fellbeast(Maximum)

Points match
Good 900 points ( Half of the force must be mounted and represent Imrahil's rescue party, three heroes must be included, Can include on unamed hero to fugitives and rescue pary...)
Evil 750 points (No model may be mounted(fell-beast does not count) Can include up to 5 unamed heroes, only 33% may carry bows)
If Good player wins move to next chapter(Note who of the futigives survived)
If Evil player wins move to next chapter

Chapter XXII:On the way to aid
Scenario 2:Ride of the rohirrim
March 14 3019
Theoden on horseback with heavy armour and shield
9 woses warriors
Eowyn with horse ,throwing spears and armour
12 riders of rohan
6 riders of rohan with throwins spears
3 Orc captains with shield
3 Orcs with banners
12 Morannon orcs with shields
12 Morannon orcs with spear and shields
8 Orc warriors with shields
8 Orc warriors with spears
3 Orc warriors with two-handed weapons
4 Orc warriors with bows
Points match
Good 500 points chosen from Theodens host/Woses warriors, 1/5 of the force must represnt woses and include on heroe while the rest of the force must be mounted and include at least one or two heroes
Evil 600 points chosen from Black gate/Minas morgul, up to 33% may take bow, no model may be mounted and must include 1-3 heroes
If Good player wins move to next chapter
If Evil player wins move to next chapter

Chapter XXIV:The pieces are moving!
Scenario 4:The walls of Minas tirith
March 14 3019
If good player won scenario 3 add the unamed survivors to the walls
Gandalf the white on shadow fax
Peregrin guard of the citadel
Forlong the fat
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with spear and shield
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with shield
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with bow
11 Axemen of Lossarnach
Mordor catapult with troll
Orc captain with shield
6 Orc warriors with shields
6 Orc warriors with spears
4 Orc warriors with bows
4 Easterling warriors with shield
4 Easterling warriors with spear and shield
3 Easterling warrior with bow
4 Easterling Kataphrakts
(So four ladders included)
Points match
Good 600 points chosen from Fellowship/Fiefdoms/Tower of Eclethion(Three heroes must be included, no model may eb mounted and only the 33% of the force may carry bows...)
Evil 500 points chosen from Cirith ungol/The easterlings(One or two unamed heroes must be included,1/5 of the force may be mounted while 33% of the force may carry bows)
If Good player wins play again this scenario(If good wins this a second time go to scenario 6 expect if good lost scenario 2 then play one more time)
If Evil player wins move to scenario 5(Evil captured the first wall)

Scenario 5:The white rider and the black
March 15 3019
(Add both normal and something different objectives)
Gandalf the white on shadow fax
Peregrin guard of the citadel
Prince Imrahil of dol amroth
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with spear and shield
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with shield
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with bow
11 Axemen of Lossarnach
The Witch king of angmar on dark steed(Maximum)
Easterling captain with shield and easterling hullberd
Easterling warrior with banner
16 Easterling warriors with shield
8 Easterling warriors with spear and shield
12 Easterling warrior with bow
Good 650 points chosen from Fellowship/Fiefdoms/Tower of Eclethion(Three heroes must be included, no model may be mounted and only the 33% of the force may carry bows...)
Evil 550 points chosen from Nazgul/The easterlings(One-three heroes amy be chosen and only the 33% of the force may carry bows...)
If Good player wins move to scenario 6(Expect if good player lost scenario 2 so play this scenario again)
If Evil player wins move to scenario 6 Evil captured the second wall(Expect if good player lost scenario 2 so play this scenario again and if evil player wins third wall is captured)

Scenario 6:The horse and the serpent
Watch that you roll to see if Suladan survives
Theoden with horse,shield,heavy armour
Gamling with horse,Royal Standard of Rohan
Eowyn on horse with throwing spears and armour
Meriadoc knight of the mark with shield(starts the game as a passenger on Eowyn's horse)
16 riders of rohan
6 riders of rohan with throwins spears
Suladan on horse
6 Haradhrim riders with lances
6 Haradhrim riders with bows
2 Haradrhim riders banner bearers
14 serpent riders
Points match
Good 550 points chosen from Theoden's host(All models must be mounted and must include four heroes)
Evil 500 points chosen from The serpent horde(All models must be mounted and must include one hero)
If Good player wins move to next chapter
If Evil player wins move to next chapter(Watch that for scenario 7-10 you will add 5 serpent riders to the evil side)

Chapter XXV:Save the captain of Gondor
Scenario 11:The pyre of Denethor
March 15 3019
Points match
Good 250 points chosen from Fellowship/The tower of Eclethion(Must include only three heroes and no one may be mounted)
Evil 55 points chosen from The tower of Eclethion
If Good player wins move to next chapter-Denethor is dead!
If Evil player wins move to next chapter-Both Faramir and Denethor are dead!

Chapter XXVI: Imrahil attemp!
Scenario 8:The glory of Dol Amroth
Prince Imrahil with horse
5 Knights of dol amroth with horses and lances
Knight of Dol amroth with banner
11 knights of Minas tirith with shields
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with spear and shield
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with shield
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with bow
11 Men at arm of dol amroth with pike
Orc captain with shield
Khandish chieftain with bow
Easterling captain with Easterling Halberd
2 Orcs with banner
8 Orc warriors with shields
8 Orc warriors with spears
4 Orc warriors with two-handed weapons
2 Orc warriors with bows
18 Khandsh warriors with axes
9 Khandish warriors with bows
Easterling banner bearer
8 Easterling warriors with shield
4 Easterling warriors with spear and shield
8 Easterling warrior with bow
Points match
Good 750 points chosen from Fiefdoms/Army of the tower of Eclethion(Half force must be mounted,only one hero must be included and only the 33% of the foot force can carry bows)
Evil 750 points chosen from Minas morgul/The easterlings/variags of Khand(Only 33% of the force may carry bows,mounted models may not be chosen and must include only one hero for each corner)
If the Good player wins move to next chapter
If the Evil player wins move to next chapter

Chapter XXVII:Black reinforcements
Scenario 9:Charge of the Mumakil
Eomer on horse
24 Riders of rohan
12 Riders ofrohan with throwing spears
2 Mumakil with Mahud chieftain
25 Harahdrim warriors with spears
25 Harahdrim warriors with bows
Points match
Good 600 points chosen from Theoden's host(One hero must be included and no model may be mounted)
Evil 900 points chosen from Harad/Far harad(Must include two Mumakil,only the 50% of the force may have bows,no hero may be chosen expect the one on the Mumakil and not model amy be mounted)
If Good player wins move to next chapter
If Evil player wins move to next chapter

Chapter XXVIII:Battle of kings.
Watch that Witch king would die for sure if he gets slain from Eowyn...Otherwise roll...
Theoden can survive this scenario
Theoden with horse heavy armour and shield
Eowyn with horse thowing spears and armour
Meriadoc knight of the mark with shield(Starts the game as a passenger on Eowyn's horse)
Gamling with horse and the royal standard of Rohan
3 Riders of Rohan
2 Riders of Rohan with throwing spears
3 Warriors of Rohan with throwing spears
3 Warriors of Rohan with shield
3 Warriors of Rohan with bow
Witch king with fell beast and flail(Maximum)
5 Orc warriors with spears
4 Orc warriors with Two-handed-Handed-Weapon
12 Morannon orcs with shields
12 Morannon orcs with spears and shield
Points match
Good 450 chosen from Theoden's host(Must include 3-4 heroes and all must be mounted)
Evil 450 chosen from Nazgul/Minas morgul/Black gate(No warrior may be mounted and must include 1-2 heroes)
If Good player wins move to next chapter
If Evil player wins move to next chaptER

Chapter:XXVIV:The end of the battle
Scenario 10:The return of the king
Aragorn with strider
Angbor the fearless
Halbarad with the banner of Arwen evenstar
King of the dead
12 Rangers of the north
9 Clansmen of Lamedon
16 Warriors of the dead
3 Riders of the dead
2xTroll chieftain
24 Morannon orcs with shields
24 Morannon orcs with shields and spear
3x Mordor trolls
Points match
Good 1400 points chosen from Grey company/Fiefdoms/Fellowship/The dead of Dunharrow( Must include six named heroes)
Evil 1100 points chosen from Minas morgul/Black gate(1-4 heroes must be included,only half of the force must have bows)
If Good player wins move to conclusion of the siege
If Evil player wins move to conclusion of the siege

Good get one point if
Hold first wall
Hold second wall
Suladan is dead
Won scenario 6
Witch King is dead
Won scenario 8
Won scenario 9
Gothmog is dead
Won scenario 10
Faramir is alive

Evil get one point if
Hold first wall
Hold second wall
Hold third wall
Won scenario 6
Theoden is dead
Won scenario 8
Won scenario 9
Won scenario 10
Faramir is dead
For each member of the fellowship that is dead

If Good player has more points he won
If Evil player has more point he won and Gondor is destoyed
If it is a draw Gondor survived but you must roll for each hero like he was slain

Chapter XXX:The last march...
Scenario 12:The tower of Cirith ungol
March 15 3019
Sam with elven cloak
5 Mordor uruk-hai with two handed weapons
6 Mordor uruk-hai
8 Orc warriors with shields
8 Orc warriors with spears
5 Orc warriors with two-handed weapons
4 Orc warriors with bows
Points match
Good 250 points chosen from Fellowship/Cirith ungol(Must include 3 heroes,only 33% of the force may carry bows and no model may be mounted)
Evil 200 points chosen from Cirith ungol(Must include one hero,only 33% of the force may carry bows and no model may be mounted)
If Good player wins move to the last scenario
If Evil player wins move to the last scenario

Scenario 13:The black gate opens
If Evil player won scenario 12 this games last 15 turns...
If the ring ebarer is dead the games end when the warriors of the evil force orthe entire good force is wiped out...
Aragorn the king with Anduril
Meriadoc knight of the mark
Peregrin guard of the citadel
Gandalf the white
Legolas with armour
Gamling with royal standard of Rohan
Elladan and Elrohil with heavy armour
Prince Imrahil
(If survived)
Boromir or else a Gondor captain with shield
Theoden or else a Rohan captain with shield
(If Rohan exists)
22 Warriors of rohan with spear and shield
16 Warriors of rohan with shield
16 Warriors of rohan with bow
(If Gondor exists)
24 Warriors of Minas tirith with throwing spears spear and shield
24 Warriors of Minas tirith with shield
24 Warriors of Minas tirith with bow
2 Mordor troll chieftain
8 Ringwraiths on fell-beasts(Maximum)
Mouth of Sauron on dark stead
35 Morannon orcs with shields
35 Morannon orcs with shields and spear
4x Mordor trolls 708
Points match
Good 2500 points chosen from The tower of Eclethion/Theoden's host/Grey company/Fiefdoms/Fellowship(More than the half points must be spent on heroes and no model may be mounted)
Evil 2500 points chosen from Nazgul/The black gate (More than the half points must be heroes and no warrior can be mounted)

The winner of this match is the winner of the campaing

Last edited by Hilbert on Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:18 pm, edited 45 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:01 pm 
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Hilbert wrote:
Here's an update... Sorry I have a lot of work lately writing my novel.
Chapter V: Many meetngs and the council of Elrond
This chapter provides your heroes with full rest...
Also you can change the Fellowship if you like.
Ring bearer: Frodo or Bilbo
Guide:Gandalf or Elrond or Cirdan
Protector:Aragorn or Glorfindel
Elf:Legolas or Elrond or Cirdan or Erestor or Glorfindel
Dwarf: Gimli or Gloin
Man: Boromir or Aragorn
Ring follower: Sam or Aragorn or Glorfindel
Rohan's aid: Merry
Gondor's aid:: Pippin or Boromir or Aragorn
Watch that you cannot include a character more than one time...

I like this idea about the customisation of the fellowship, keep up the good work!

Gimli: Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an Elf.
Legolas: What about side by side with a friend?
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:22 am 

Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:07 am
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Thank you but it isn't finished yet... I have more heroes to add and to create a house made profile for Gloin... :-D
Finally someone replied... :D
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:42 am 
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Hilbert wrote:
Here's an update... Sorry I have a lot of work lately writing my novel.
Chapter V: Many meetngs and the council of Elrond
This chapter provides your heroes with full rest...
Also you can change the Fellowship if you like.
Ring bearer: Frodo or Bilbo

Guide:Gandalf or Elrond or Cirdan or Galadriel or Celeborn or Thranduil

Protector:Aragorn or Glorfindel or Halbarad or Elladan(Elrohil must be the elf) or Elrohil(Elladan must be the elf) or Gildor Murin(Drar must be dwarf or ring follower) or Drar(Murin must be dwarf or ring follower)

Elf:Legolas or Elrond or Cirdan or Erestor or Glorfindel or Elladan(Elrohil must be the protector) or Elrohil(Elladan must be the protector) or Arwen or Haldir

Dwarf: Gimli or Gloin or DainMurin(Drar must be ring follower or protector) or Drar(Murin must be ring follower or protector)
Man: Boromir or Aragorn

Ring follower: Sam or Aragorn or Glorfindel or Gildor or Murin(Drar must be dwarf or protector) or Drar(Murin must be dwarf or protector)

Rohan's aid: Merry or Eomer or Theodred or Erkenbrand or Gamling or Hama

Gondor's aid:: Pippin or Boromir or Aragorn

Watch that you cannot include a character more than one time...

It would probably be better to just comprise the fellowship of 9 heroes whose combined points cost is no more than 750pts (don't take equipment into account) and include atleast 1 ring bearer and 1 wizard.
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:31 am 

Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:07 am
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Wargear will be added but it's my campaing and I think it's better that way...
Thanks anyway for the idea 8)

Last edited by Hilbert on Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:44 am 

Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:00 pm
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BGIME has done something a lot like this with their re-enactment of the whole quest of the ring. If you have the magazines you shouldndefinatrly check it out, it has the customising of the Fellowship in Rivendell as well.
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:10 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:07 am
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It was on the 60th issue right... I know I have them but this is a camping of my own and I don't want to steal ideas from there... :-D
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:04 pm 
Elven Elder
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A custamizeable Fellowship sounds like a great idea. Gloin should be strength 5 as well I think, all dwarf heroes have strength 5.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:04 pm 
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
A custamizeable Fellowship sounds like a great idea. Gloin should be strength 5 as well I think, all dwarf heroes have strength 5.

No, dwarf heroes make up for having strength 4 by usually having a two handed axe which confers no -1 penalty, which is better than S5
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:15 pm 

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Both together are great...
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:05 pm 
Elven Elder
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It looks like you've spent time thinking about this. Are you going to do the entire trilogy?

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:49 pm 

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I just have few time because: Writing a novel,reading a book,houseworks,colelcting information and ideas for my other novel...
So when I have time I just get the journeybook and connect the scenarios... It's just something I think at the moment...
Yes I will make the entire trilogy and maybe even more :twisted:
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:45 am 

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Please admins delete this image

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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:53 am 
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Interesting developments - I've been thinking about a combined SBG-WotR campaign covering the journey books, too. Instead of a linear progression of scenarios, in my (still very much draft) flowchart everything depends on where the Ring is, not necessarily on whether good or evil player wins as per the scenario objectives. How does your campaign deal with the Ring, and passing it on from bearer to bearer? Particularly, how is this handled in the case that evil wins a scenario and has a chance to reclaim the Ring for Sauron?

The journey books give some guidance as to how other characters can act as ringbearers, but I think that taking a courage test at the start of every move phase is a bit harsh, and would eventually (probably sooner than later) result in the ringbearer running off to find the nearest Nazgul. Perhaps some alterations to this are called for, based on who carries the Ring - hobbits and elves would fare better than men, for instance, and the effect of the Ring would build up gradually, not immediately after the Ring was passed on from Frodo. My idea is that if the Ring is lost to Sauron (or, to his minions) before Rivendell, then there would not be a Fellowship, and Sauron would personally appear in the Pelennor Field WotR scenario. The Council of Elrond would probably muster the Rivendell war host, and there would again be an alliance of free races against Sauron's forces - this time before the White City.

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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:53 am 

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Don't worry... I jave soemthing for that and I will put it on the updates...
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:01 pm 

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Finished the updates and Fotr too... :D
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:26 pm 

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Here is the chapter line:
Fotr chapter I-VIII
TTT chapter II
Fotr chapter VIV
TTT chapter III
TTT chapter I
TTT chapter IV
TTT chapter VII
TTT chapter V
TTT chapter VIV
TTT chapter VI
TTT chapter X
TTT Chapter VIII
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:37 pm 
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just commenting you could have SBG in the smaller scenarios and WOTR in the large ones e.g. pellenor or helms deep :)

Anduril, Flame of the West forged from the shards of Narsil,
Sauron will not have forgotten the sword of Elendil
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:40 pm 

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Yes I know but some palyers hate the one or the other... :(
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 Post subject: Re: Hilbert's campaings: Lord of the rings
PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:59 pm 
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alternitavely you could do a SBG and a WOTR for each big scenario or even every scenario but thats a monumental task :)

Anduril, Flame of the West forged from the shards of Narsil,
Sauron will not have forgotten the sword of Elendil
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