The One Ring

Battle Report: Uruk Scouts against Dwarves
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Author:  Uncle_Cthulu [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Battle Report: Uruk Scouts against Dwarves

We have been playing some small games, upto 100 points on 1 hero and 150 points worth of troops, rolling a mission out of legions and going for it.
The last game saw my Black Numeroreans and a ring wraith beat a gimili, khazad and irongurad army. My Banner being the big game changer. It was also a mission where we had to move models off the opposing board edge.
This game saw my Uruk Scouts and Lurtz ight the gimli dwarf force, though the ironguard had been swapped out for dwarf bows. It was the mission where you are trying to get into 12" of the opponents corner.

The Game saw some long range bowfire from both sides, claiming a couple of uruk scouts. The Dwarves held back about 1/2 there force with the bows, and Gimli advanced with some Khazad Guard. Lutrz and the Uruk bows held the centre against them, whist the rest of the uruks split and went either side to get past the block in the middle and claim the enemies encampment.
It worked the dwarves split there forces and didn't have enough move to get back and block both groups. Scenting victory the Uruks went for it, only to be stopped at the last by some very accurate dwarvish bowfire. In the centre Lurtz managed to hold up Gimlis group. With the chances of Uruk victory dimishing, the dwarves reduced the Uruks to 25% and being nowehere near the Uruk encampment, it was a Draw.
We are playing lots of these quick games just now and intend to push it to 500 points Legions soon.
The army i am actually painting at the moment are Dwarves, and didn't want to do a dwarf on dwarf, though i am doing 500 point Osgiliath force and a 500 point Eomer rohan force once the dwarves are finished (There will be at least 1500 poitns of dwarves!)

Author:  Bastion.HUN [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Report: Uruk Scouts against Dwarves

A battle report without pictures is not so intresting.

Author:  Hilbert [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Report: Uruk Scouts against Dwarves

Anyway good report for the first time 8)

Author:  Uncle_Cthulu [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Report: Uruk Scouts against Dwarves

Will have more photos in the future now i have my phone fixed:)

Author:  Uncle_Cthulu [ Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Report: Uruk Scouts against Dwarves

Had another game today: 500 points, At the end of the game whilst packing up, i remebered i had my Camera and failed to take any photo's.
It was a reconiter game against dwarves, i used Black Numeroreans backed up with Orcs. I won again, though did manage to break the Dwarf force on the way past him and off the other side of the board!!!1 Will get photos sorted soon.

Author:  Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Report: Uruk Scouts against Dwarves

cool, always good to see photos with a battle so hope to see one soon

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