The One Ring

Battle of Nanduhirion
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Author:  batpan [ Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Battle of Nanduhirion

In the year 2790 of the third age, the exiled Dwarven King Thrór, heir of Durin, attempted to re-enter his ancestral home of Moria. King Thrór wandered alone in Moria and was slain by the Orc chieftain Azog. This murder precipitated "The War of the Dwarves and Orcs" culminating in a bloody battle outside the eastern gates of Moria nine years later.
In T.A. 2799, the final battle was fought in the valley outside the eastern gates of Moria, the Battle of Nanduhirion or Azanulbizar as the Dwarves called it. It was later said that the memory of that battle still causes "Orcs to shudder and Dwarves to weep." The battle initially went against the Dwarves, for the Orcs had the high ground and greater numbers. It was a dark winter day, so the sun did not bother the Orcs. The tide was only turned when a last contingent of fresh warriors from the Iron Hills, led by Náin son of Grór, arrived to reinforce the wavering Dwarves. Azog was slain by Dáin Ironfoot, son of Náin, and his head was stuck on a pike. The Orc-host suffered vast casualties with some 10,000 killed and the remainings routed. The Dwarves were victorious and Azog himself was beheaded before the great Orc could reach the safety of the gates. The Dwarves though had suffered great losses and remained unwilling to face Durin's Bane (Balrog).
Casualties were so high that the Dwarves were unable to craft sufficient crypts for their slain, as was their wont, and were forced instead to burn their deads. The felling of trees to accomplish this task was so great that the Valley of Azanulbizar (the "Dimrill Dale") was forever deforested.
We played this battle many months ago, but I found the photos recendly. So, I am posting it although I don't remember exactly the participants and the sequence of the fights. We used plastic square plates for the Moria ground and the corridors while the rest (white fabric) was the abyss.
When the game started, Dáin Ironfoot and Vault wardens managed to block the corridors. After that the rest Goblins were an easy target for the ballista which turn after turn hit them hard and reduced their lines. In the meanwhile, a Rangers Sentry noticed the assaulting Orcs and rushed to save the Dwarves from an attack to their back.
If someone wants to see the whole battle, visit:

Author:  Constantine [ Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Nanduhirion

You are sooo lucky to have that many vault wardens!!!

Author:  Chris [ Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Nanduhirion

Indeed :-X give me that! :rofl:

Nice scenario mate :)

Author:  batpan [ Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Nanduhirion

Thank you both. You can convert cheap plastic dwarf warriors to expensive vault wardens. The result is more or less the same, they have D9! :wink:

Author:  CaptainOfTheWhiteTower [ Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Nanduhirion

I took a look at your blog and I enjoyed the 'closet of plenty'. I haven't seen too many collections as big as that.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Nanduhirion

Very nice battle report as usual, interesting, and rather surprising that the end resilt was similar to the actula result, although when you think about it, what can you do against a fortress full of dwraves.

Concerning the Vault Wardens, the normal pklastic dwraf warriors have really poor sculpts whih look daft and cheap and plasticy, which is why official Vault Wradens still look nicer IMO, but at least you have saved money.

Author:  batpan [ Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Nanduhirion

Thank you both. GothmogtheWerewolf your opinion is correct. Official VWs are far nicer than my plastic ones. If you are a gamer though, the result is more or less the same (D9!!). If you are a collector, then the plastics are out of question! I just like to convert my minies. I consider it like a challenge. The result sometimes is OK. Some others is awful. Anyway, it is a hobby and I try to enjoy it.

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