The One Ring

What If? The Fall of the West.
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Author:  Pindergorn [ Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  What If? The Fall of the West.

This is a What If? scenario that Dead Marsh Spectre and I will be playing tonight (15th March). I'm teaching DMS to play SBG, and this will be his third game. He requested a replay of last week's game, which was a Siege-lite game (no Siege equipment e.g. ladders, as the walls were crumbling with collapsed sections and scalable walls). My ~700pts Soldiers of Gondor defended the crumbling ruins of an Outpost against DMS's ~800pts Uruk Hai, led by Saruman. The points values are rather large, but both of us are spending a lot of points on Heroes and Siege equipment (my Avenger bolt thrower) or monsters (DMS's Troll). Initially DMS's Isengard Uruks are heavily outnumbered because of the Uruk Hai's high base costs and his several heroes. But theres a special rule which lets him recycle slain warriors. The board is also going to be very small (about 12" between the walls and his deployment edge).

The Fall of the West

The year is 3019, and, having elected to personally lead his Legions at the battle of the Hornburg Saruman was victorious. Seeing that Rohan is lost, Gandalf has taken Merry and Pipping East to Minas Tirith. Saruman, in the belief that Merry and Pippin are the Ringbearers, decides to swiftly march south from the Gap of Rohan past the Western tip of the White Mountains and the mountains of Andrast to invade Gondor from the lightly defended West.

Having been warned of Saruman's invasion, an army of Gondor has marched west and occupied an old abandoned Numenorian fort on the plains of Anfalas between the White Mountains and the Pinnath Gellin. It is here that they will give their lives to delay Saruman as long as they are able.




General Bergil. (King of Men with Heavy Armour and Shield).

Bergil is a mighty leader and Hero of Gondor and has resolved to fight to the death to save Gondor. As such, he has the Mighty Hero special rule for this scenario.

Captain Berethor. (Captain of MT with Shield).
Captain Iorlas. (Captain of MT with Shield).

2 Warriors of Minas Tirith with banners.
8 Warriors of Minas Tirith with bows.
8 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shields.
8 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shields and spears.
8 Rangers of Gondor.
4 Rangers of Gondor with spears.
2 Citadel Guards with Longbows.
5 Guards of the Fountain Court with Shields.
1 Avenger Bolt Thrower with Swift Reload.

709pts total.


Uruk Hai Captin: shield and heavy armour
Grima: horse

3 Uruk Hai Berserkers
15 Uruk Hai: (Shields)
8 Uruk hai: Pikes
2 Uruk Hai: Banners
2 Uruk Hai: Crossbows
Troll (Mordor). (do not have the rules for the Isengard troll)

The Scenario is played on a board 24" by 48". The walls of the fort stretch along the eastern board edge (48"). The board is mostly featureless, save for a few scattered copses.

Starting Positions.
The Good player may deploy on or behind the walls of the fort. When he is done, the Evil player may deploy his entire force up to 6" from the Western board edge.

The game lasts for 10 turns. The Evil player wins if at the end of any turn he achieves 2 of the 3 objectives.

1. General Bergil has been slain.
2. The good force has been reduced to 25%.
3. The Evil player has 8 or more models on the walls.

If the Evil player does not achieve these objectives by the end of the game, the Good Player wins.

Special Rules.

Crumbling Defences.
With the western reaches of Gondor safe from land bourne invasions, the old Numenorian fort was abandoned long ago and the defences neglected in favour of coastal outposts. The Gate has long ago rotted away, and a section of the wall has collapsed entirely. Other sections of the walls are crumbling, therefore it is possible for attackers to scale the walls at these points. Attackers must only pass a jump test to scale the wall. A 2-5 allows a model to climb up, and engage any model defending the breach (counts as defending an obstacle). If there is no model defending the breach, a 6 allows further movement.

Hasty Attack.
Over confident with his victory at Helms Deep, Saruman has launched a rapid attack on the lands of Anfalas in western Gondor. As such, the Siege Equipment of his army are lagging far behind, and will take no part in the battle. The Evil player may not take Siege Equipment of any kind.

No Surrender. No Retreat.
The Men of Gondor have resolved to give their lives to buy time for Gondor to mount a stronger defence. Whereas the Legions of the White Hand are vast and confident of Victory. Neither side must test for being Broken.

The Sound of Battle.
The Evil force is but part of a much larger army. At the end of every Evil move phase, the Evil player may roll a D3. This is the number of models that have arrived as reinforcements. These models must be selected from the pool of Warriors that have been previously slain. Heroes and Monsters (e.g. Trolls) cannot be recycled in this way. Reinforcements may not charge in the turn they arrive but may otherwises act normally, moving on from the Western Board edge.

Apologies, Photobucket is refusing to play ball - it just won't resize photos. Click the thumbnail to maximise.

The Participants



Men of Gondor





Men of Gondor


The Battle

An unwary Ranger is picked off by an Uruk Crossbow.

The bolt thrower opens fire on the troll, causing a wound.

Saruman disrupts the shieldwall with a sorcerous blast.

Although his courage failed at first, General Bergil and his bodyguards charge out to meet the troll in combat.

Saruman causes havoc with a second sorcerous blast, knocking Bergil to the ground and even tripping up the Troll!

Uruk Hai charge through the rotted gates.

The battle in the breach rages on.

Uruks swarm the gates.

Lurtz struggles to scale the walls.

Another Ranger is killed by an Uruk crossbow.

The bolt thrower rakes the Uruk assaulting the southern wall.

An Uruk Pikeman is shot by an archer.

A soldier of Gondor is cut down in the battle for the gate.

Warriors on both sides take advantage of the chaos wreaked by Saruman and pounce on the dazed victims.

A Beserker cuts down a man of Gondor.

The troll regains his footing first and attacks the helpless Bergil.

Saruman again wreaks havoc, killing the Ranger and dazing the Soldier.

The Uruk Captain and his warriors assault the southern wall.

The fight for the breach becomes desperate.

Another Ranger is picked off by a crossbow.

An Uruk finally climbs the southern wall.

More Uruks are killed by the bolt thrower.

An archer picks off an Uruk.

Another Uruk is picked off outside the Gatehouse.

Captain Iorlas calls a Heroic Fight and cuts down his opponent.

A Fountain Guard comes to the aid of Bergil.

Men of Gondor hold the troll at bay while Bergil tries to cut his way through to Saruman.

While reinforcements arrive. ... CF5864.jpg

Lurtz finally climbs the northern wall above the gatehouse.

The battle for the gatehouse rages on.

The Uruk Captain scales the southern wall and attacks the archers.

The bolt thrower targets the new arrivals.

As does an archer on the southern wall.

An Uruk at the base of the gatehouse walls is picked off.

An Uruk is cut down in the gatehouse.

Lurtz is almost thrown over the wall by the valiant defenders.

As is the Uruk Captain.

But both soon regain the upper hand.

Grima's advice proves disastrous for the defenders.

The Defenders of the gatehouse gain the upper hand.

Lurtz takes on all comers.

The final Ranger in the northern tower is killed.

The bolt thrower fires through the tree at the Uruk stragglers.

Several Uruks are cut down by the Bolt throwers bolts.

The final straggler is picked off by an archer.

The Uruks attacking the gatehouse are defeated.

Lurtz cuts down his opponents.

Bergil is finally caught and killed by the troll.

The Banner bearer is killed.

Saruman sends Men and Uruks alike flying.

Another Ranger is killed.

The bolt thrower targets a Beserker approaching the gatehouse but instead kills his companions.

Lurtz's rampage on the gatehouse walls continues.

The defenders of the gatehouse charge out to attack the banner bearer...

...who cuts down the first man to approach him.

The troll cuts down two Men.

Saruman cracks the skull of an Elite Fountain Guard with his staff.

A Guard of the citadel is cut down on the Southern wall.

Captain Berethor is cut down by the Uruk Captain.

Victory for the Men of Gondor.

General Bergil was killed. However the walls were not captured and enough defenders remain to hold the fort against Saruman's hordes. Saruman's advance into the western fiefdoms of Gondor has been halted, for now.

The final tally of the dead for the Men of Gondor. To win, DMS needed only to kill another 5 models or so to bring my force to 25%, or get another 5 of his models onto the walls.

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

Looks like fun, great theme, love to see the report when it's done! BTW, what cost did you give for General Bergil's Mighty Hero rule? Or was that a freebie like the Evil reinforcements?

Author:  Pindergorn [ Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

Yes its a freebie. Its just something I tacked on to help balance out the points, I have 709 and DMS has around 800. Proper siege rules are not in place, theres a breach in the wall, the gates are already destroyed and the wall is scalable in places so I don't have the full benefit of defending castle Walls.

In any case, DMS is using Grima so that counterbalances it somewhat.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

bleh!!! I just read up on mighty hero...... Grima here we come lol

Author:  Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

oh well, who cares

nice game though, good idea and the thought that saruman wrogly thought merry and pippin carred the ring is really clever, fantastic work to give the battle a good story.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

Mighty.Uruk!!! wrote:
oh well, who cares

nice game though, good idea and the thought that saruman wrogly thought merry and pippin carred the ring is really clever, fantastic work to give the battle a good story.

All Saruman could have known was that his Uruk Scouts had captured two Halflings and were bringing them to Isengard before they were ambushed by Eomer's riders and the Haflings escaped into Fangorn forest. With Rohan defeated, Fangorn would have no longer been safe and its likely that Gandalf would have fled east to Gondor. With the armies of Mordor and Gondor massing in Eastern Gondor around Minas Tirith, Saruman may well have chosen to march west and south around the White Mountains to attack Gondor from the southwest. I don't think he would have wished to risk a direct confrontation with Sauron before he had located the Ring.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

Dead Marsh Spectre wrote:
bleh!!! I just read up on mighty hero...... Grima here we come lol

Grima really screwed me over...

Author:  pcase13 [ Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

Great battle. Great photography.

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

Epic wall you've got there.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

It belongs to my Gaming Club, neither of us made it.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

Very nice. You must be like Mike from Almighty Johnsons to have that luckk wih your Bolt Thrower.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Very nice. You must be like Mike from Almighty Johnsons to have that luckk wih your Bolt Thrower.

Well I did deploy it up in an out of reach tower. But, on the other hand, I wasn't playing it properly as I read the rules to mean that each model could only be hit once per wound. Basically, I got it confused with Volley Fire and was rolling all the dice together, discarding excess shots when there were more bolts than targets. So it probably should have done even more damage than it did.

In the first (near identical) game we played, one of the crew got shot by a crossbow 3/4 of the way through the game and the bolt thrower could no longer fire. So the other crewman tried to jump off the tower and join the fight, but broke his legs. :shock:

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

I see, how come you didn't buy it any extra crew?

You still haven't sold me on Bolt Throwers yet though. If you get 119 out of 20 successes against the same army, against 2 different people, I would be convinced.

Nice to see you teaching DMS though its about time, I hope gaming doesn't rub off any of the paint on his models.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
I see, how come you didn't buy it any extra crew?

You still haven't sold me on Bolt Throwers yet though. If you get 119 out of 20 successes against the same army, against 2 different people, I would be convinced.

Nice to see you teaching DMS though its about time, I hope gaming doesn't rub off any of the paint on his models.

I've varnished the living daylights out of them lol

Author:  Pindergorn [ Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What If? The Fall of the West.

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
I see, how come you didn't buy it any extra crew?

Cos I only have the two crew models.

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