The One Ring

Ride of the Ringwraiths
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Author:  Legolas31 [ Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Ride of the Ringwraiths

As I am about to complete my collection of the nine ringwraiths I am starting to plan a campaign with all 9!
Simular to the ride of the ringwraiths one from WD but longer and with the named nazgul...

However I probably need a bit of help/ inspiration...

I have their purposefully dangerous (for varied scenarios) journey as:

Minas Morgul
Gondor outskirts- could have one scenario here
Through Rohan- Scenario
Up past the boarders of Lorian- scenario
Through the misty mountains- maybe run into a set of dwarves
Eregion + the Shire- ambushed by Rangers of the North/ Dunadain- could use the scenarios in FOTR journeybook with a bit of an alteration
Weathertop- Aragorn, Gandalf and the hobbits together?
Ride to Rivendale
Rivendale- council of Elrond interuppted by the Nine, maybe with some orcs as support- will need to be a huge battle due to the many heros at rivendale and their high points

All underlined scenarios could give the chance for the ring to be seized- but making it quite difficult for the evil player so that the other scenarios are still an option.

Has anybody got any scenarios which require one side to pass through from one end of the board to anouther that are a bit more complex as it may get repetative in the campaign?
Perhaps a set number of warriors need to be killed before, a hero that has always been an enemy of Sauron etc.
for the campaign M/W/F will be able to be restored after each scenario as in the journeybooks, want to make it relatively possible for the 9 wraiths to survive each battle so don't think even points match would be the best idea, any suggestions on that?

Any comments and criticism welcome

Legolas31 :legolas:

Author:  mastermanje [ Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ride of the Ringwraiths

As far as I know the nazgul traveled through rohan, past Isengard, and not through the misty mountains. But it is a nice idea of you to make a campaign.

Author:  Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ride of the Ringwraiths

i love the idea, you said about games that dont just require them to get from 1 side of the board to the other, weathertop could be about killing frodo, so could ride to rivendale, maybe an epic conclusion of death

Author:  Legolas31 [ Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ride of the Ringwraiths

thanks, ye I thought Isenguard was the correct route but thought Saruman would not provide much objection to the 9 and the other route would give more interesting scenarios.
Yes a good idea about killing frodo, Rivendale could also be a huge deathmatch with evil winning when frodo or 5 heros over 100pts are killed or something and the good side wins if all the 9 are wiped out. will probably make a seperate post for that once I get that far into the campaign though.

Author:  Lord-of-Fornost [ Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ride of the Ringwraiths

there was conflist as the rangers patroled the boarders, but a s far a I know, the journey was reitivley low-key.

Author:  lewysthebalrog [ Sat May 05, 2012 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ride of the Ringwraiths

wow i really like the idea for that :yay: it could work too witch i like i also like the idea of killing this poor chap :frodo: so you will use the named nazgul or the unnamed nazgul? -lewysthebalrog :sauron:

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