The One Ring

This hobby is horribly depressing for me.
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Author:  Rangefinder [ Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: This hobby is horribly depressing for me.

No sweat at all. Keep me posted, I am totally ready to throw down!!!

I am slowly painting my collection, Glacial I think is the term used.
It's going a warband at a time, which sets reasonable painting goals.

Painted now are...
Army of the Dead -12 + King
Mahud Warriors -4 + King
Mahud Raiders 2 + King
Half Trolls -4 Two Hand, 4 One Hand
Watchers of Karna -9
Hasharin -1
Warriors of Minas Tirith, -a bunch of em' 24?, a banner, captain, Farimir
Axemen of Lossanarch -12
Rangers of Middle Earth -8 + proxy captain

Like you already know..., I have enough Fallen Realms to
put down like 4,000 points for War of the Ring. So, the backlog
is quite extensive. Usually paint something I am actually going
to field in a match. I really enjoyed the last (November) painting
challenge. I put the picture of my warband of 8 rangers on my
profile here. Check it out!

I have the Kingdoms of Men and Fallen Realms new Sourcebooks.
I would like to get them all, but I'll see about that.
And have the mini-rulebook from the Mines of Moria set.


Author:  slayeroftrolls [ Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: This hobby is horribly depressing for me.

Feel so sorry for you mate! Haven't really got a problem with that in the UK, though I don't know why! Good luck with your endeavours!

Author:  the big goblin [ Wed Jan 08, 2014 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: This hobby is horribly depressing for me.

In my GW store they were nearly sold out of Dos minitures.All they had left was 1 book ,2 palace guard boxs ,5 legolas's and a beorn.

Author:  Rangefinder [ Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: This hobby is horribly depressing for me.

*groan* :x "Face Palm" :o

so not helping Big Goblin... hehehehe,

I got into this game with a buddy when WOTR came out.
Before all the changes to the boxes.
Our battles were so freaking cool.
5,000 points per side.

So much fun, ...even if I did loose every time! :roll: :rofl:

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: This hobby is horribly depressing for me.

That seems pretty fun...jesus thats a lot of points. That must have taken a year to play!

Im honestly looking for 500-1000 point games. I want to practice. My main goal is 750 right now.

I am paint a lot of stuff in progress but barely started.

Im working on Morannons, and I just got all my paint I ordered yesterday. SOOOO, im going to be starting my wood elf army, my Isengard, my far easter armies(probably two-one more Easterling heavy and one more harad and umbar, all mixed though perhaps).

Basically, my goal is to complete enough armies to build the following up to 1000 at any given moment:

-Different variations of the East including mixes of Harad Umbar and Easterlings
-Pelennor fields evil army including Morannons, Easters, Harad, Umbar, Mordor
-Minis Tirith(I pretty much have one like this, but its weak)
-Rohan(again, have but its weak-working on sick Sons of Eorl and other proxies soon-I hate their range of models)
-Mordor(one of my least favorite groups for troop type)
-Moria(another close to least favorite)
-Wood Elves
-Galadhrim Elves only
-Mix of Wood Elves and High Elve alliance (prob just only because I like Erestor, and Glorifindel, and I have a box of Rivendell Knights)
-New Dol Guldur/Hunter Orc/Bolg army etc. This plan will be scrapped if they are stupid and make the Dol Guldur orcs a 3 pack of finecast like laketown
-New Goblin town goblins- I have two Grinnahs(one proxying as a regular cap) 2 captains, a Gob king, the Scribe, and 82 goblins. Chittering hord special rule, here I come!

I thought about Dwarves, but I have so few, and have so little interest in them.
I only have enough for like 2 warbands of each list anyway.

And my paintings not good. I just do the basic job, and I think a lot of people over paint with these extra brush strokes to try to simulate stuff so I keep it basic. I have shaky hands anyway.

Author:  Constantine [ Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: This hobby is horribly depressing for me.

5,000 points per side.

Even for War of the Ring that is a lot of points; your battles must have been grant!

Besides communicating my concerns to GW customer support, as already mentioned, it is true that personal initiative can go a long way, take GBHL for example. I am genuinely thinking of trying to start a small SBG gaming community in my local Hobby store.

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