The One Ring

Editorial on the Evil Influence of Warhammer on Middle Earth
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Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Editorial on the Evil Influence of Warhammer on Middle E

Well you really do need these extra troops in some cases, because without them you'll end up with armies that only have one basic troops type plus 0< elite types. Though sometimes you end up with just basic troops anyway (I'm looking at you high elves/Dale/Numenor). The dwarf rangers add an extra troop type that's easy to collect (because they are plastic) and it changes the play style up a bit which imo very much welcomed. The Isengard troll is similar in this sense (and let's be honest, you don't really see many of them anyway). While the Kings champion is not so much a nessesary addition it is a cool model with a cool/unique profile and imo very Dwarvish in origin so it is fine with me.

Author:  Warlord [ Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Editorial on the Evil Influence of Warhammer on Middle E

So, do you believe your opinions, or did you just state something as a catalyst for discussion?

Both. I want to hear what other people think of my opinions, whether they agree or not. That's what forums are for IMHO.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Editorial on the Evil Influence of Warhammer on Middle E

Well alright then. Seems more to me like you care about just poking the bear then having a nice in depth discussion about tactics and ways the game works.

You havent really talked about the reasons you dislike the things you do game wise besides bringing up some aimless and irrelevant points that you dont even defend, or continue to discuss, after people have responded to them.

I guess we should all just post topics about random SBG stuff that we dont actually care about so we can get a rise out of people lmao.

Author:  Warlord [ Sat Feb 07, 2015 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Editorial on the Evil Influence of Warhammer on Middle E

On the contrary. I enjoy playing War of the Ring, but there are some aspects of the game I do not agree with because they were taken from or influenced by Warhammer Fantasy Battles. My opinion is that there are certain profiles in the game I personally do not think belong in the system since the game is not called Warhammer Middle Earth.

There is no reason for me to shoot down other posters comments, because they have their own opinions. Doesn't make their opinions right, nor does it make mine right. I want to hear their opinions or else I wouldn't have posted the editorial. No need to defend mine.

We all have our own vision of Middle Earth and how a wargame simulation should and should not be. The War of the Ring is a good game, it's just there are a few profiles that I personally feel do not belong in a Middle Earth wargame. Others disagree and some (not all) have even made good arguments as to why they should be in the game.


Author:  Isilduhrr [ Sat Feb 07, 2015 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Editorial on the Evil Influence of Warhammer on Middle E

Well said Warlord. No one's opinion is the be-all and end-all, even in this case JRR Tolkien's, apparently.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Editorial on the Evil Influence of Warhammer on Middle E

Warlord wrote:
On the contrary. I enjoy playing War of the Ring, but there are some aspects of the game I do not agree with because they were taken from or influenced by Warhammer Fantasy Battles. My opinion is that there are certain profiles in the game I personally do not think belong in the system since the game is not called Warhammer Middle Earth.

There is no reason for me to shoot down other posters comments, because they have their own opinions. Doesn't make their opinions right, nor does it make mine right. I want to hear their opinions or else I wouldn't have posted the editorial. No need to defend mine.

We all have our own vision of Middle Earth and how a wargame simulation should and should not be. The War of the Ring is a good game, it's just there are a few profiles that I personally feel do not belong in a Middle Earth wargame. Others disagree and some (not all) have even made good arguments as to why they should be in the game.


Exactly. Its your opinion that warhammer changes WOTR. You posted it as fact....

The whole idea of your opinion youve come up that you post it and people respond......yet you say nothing. It seems pointless that you drop out of the own discussion youve created. I dont know what your goal is here.

You seem to have made a topic posting this editorial as if its a newspaper and not a forum. In forums we discuss and you just post to see what other people say. Then you dont respond to anything anyone seems to have said about the topic itself. You just respond about the fact you made a topic.

You arent shooting peoples opinions down at all, if you disagree. Thats what makes it the discussion you wanted....

Youre going in circles and it makes no sense. To me this is all absolutely weird.

Im just going to digress and ignore this topic. Enjoy your lack of discussion.

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