The One Ring

How do I cancel my White Dwarf subscription?
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Author:  CyberAlien312 [ Sat Feb 16, 2013 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  How do I cancel my White Dwarf subscription?

I want to cancel my White Dwarf subscription. There, I said it. Recently the magazines were almost just about WH40K and a bit of Warhammer Fantasy. Sometimes the occasional LOTR releases popped up, but nothing more than that. I hoped that would change with the release of the Hobbit. There was one splendid issue in December, but afterwards everything was the same again. Just the releases of the Hobbit summed up, and the rest of the issue 40K and a bit of Fantasy battles. :( So let's get to the point: I want to cancel my White Dwarf subscription. I googled it and found numerous people saying the same, but I can't find any link to the GW website where you can cancel your subscription. Does anyone around here know where to and how to cancel a subscription to White Dwarf?

Author:  simmuskhan [ Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I cancel my White Dwarf subscription?

I've been getting the mags for years and years and was pretty happy to see the recent quality improvements in printing, pictures etc. Now, however, I'm continually annoyed by the content. It's mostly just a brochure. A nice looking one, but the lion's share is just catalogue for GW stuff, forge world, black library etc.

Even the battle reports are vague and synopses rather than blow by blow accounts. The hobby sections are small and mostly just paint guides. As mentioned, the LotR stuff is missing a lot too.

Don't get me wrong, I am a sucker for nicely painted minis, but I have the Internet for that, so I won't be resubscribing this year.

Author:  hithero [ Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I cancel my White Dwarf subscription?

Just phone them up.

Author:  Finn Folcwalding [ Sat Feb 16, 2013 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I cancel my White Dwarf subscription?

Time goes fast, also already a member for a few years. At the end of the subscription it will automaticaly stop if you don't pay.
Otherwise you should call them indeed.

Off topic question: Since the new layout raised the price, do they count that through even if you have already been member (and thus paid) before the layout change?

Author:  Harfoot [ Sun Feb 17, 2013 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I cancel my White Dwarf subscription?

You just ring the mail order line, i am disappointed in the quality lately but will keep on subscribing in the hope it gets better again. I have decades worth of old mags and don't want to stop the collection.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I cancel my White Dwarf subscription?

I cancelled my subscription about 5 years ago. I only ever buy issues on an individual basis now, when it has a significant amount of LOTR content or, more rarely, something interesting about 40K.

My last one was December, with the focus on The Hobbit Release. Other than that, I believe I only got one other in 2012, the issue with the rules for the new Ork and Space Marine Flyers.

Author:  simmuskhan [ Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I cancel my White Dwarf subscription?

Here's a brief synopsis of the March 2013 mag (essentially the same stuff as has been in the previous few):

Pages 1-49 = catalogue, with gorgeous photos and some description, but still just a catalogue of what's available to buy this month.
Pages 50-55 = army of the month.
Pages 56-57 = Jervis' column.
Pages 58-73 = Battle report (not as detailed as they used to be, but with bigger better pictures, not even points listed).
Pages 74-77 = Blanchitsu, if you like his style I guess you'd like these pages.
Pages 78-79 = Hall of fame, one page pic, other page a blurb about a particular model.
Pages 80-95 = Slayer sword etc. competition pictures (you can see them on the internet if you want).
Pages 96-101 = kitbash (though rarely anything more than just using bitz rather than the olden days of plasticard and how-to guides, it's really just pics of a few models).
Pages 102-109 = Armies on Parade pics, again, something you can find on the internet, hardly any word descriptions at all.
Pages 110 - 117 = Paint splatter, showing some colour guides etc.
Pages 118 - 119 = Jeremy Vetock's column.
Pages 120 - 137 = GW store listings, subscription details etc.
Pages 138 - 151 = what the various teams have been up to (some of which is more catalogue type stuff about new things).
The End.

I'll let you work out just how much of this is worth your time, but you can see that a full 1/3 of it is pure catalogue. There is a lot of stuff that you can internet find anyway, or is just pure pictures (about 30 pages).

I was looking through an old one the other day and it even had how to modify minis to represent other things (like numenorians with a sash as Haradrim). How to use plasticard to make buildings, different scenarios and rules etc...

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