The One Ring

Go to page 84 of the Hobbit Rulebook
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Author:  Scib [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Go to page 84 of the Hobbit Rulebook

Which version of Fili do you prefer?

I like the other version, it's a bit annoying they've had models ready for ages and haven't released them though.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Go to page 84 of the Hobbit Rulebook

Yeah that's a funny picture, not quite sure how it got through, I guess the work experience kid was setting up the figures that day! :rofl:

I like the alternate (presumably Finecast) Fili too, I also prefer the other Kili and Thorin (nice to have him in his coat and he looks just like Richard Armitage). I think, from what I can see, I prefer the plastic versions of the other dwarves or at least aren't impressed enough by the new ones to pick up the alternates.

As to why they haven't been released, the photography for the book was done before the Hobbit became three films so at that stage GW only had 2 years of releases. They were probably planning on bringing that finecast set out mid 2013 at that point, followed by the company in Laketown gear and Battle of Five Armies armour for the second film throughout 2014. Now they have three films, I guess they've kept those alternate figures back to have a new set of dwarves to release with the Desolation of Smaug alongside (again I'm guessing) an elves V Spiders start set that does not include the dwarves.

Guess we'll find out in 3 months!

Author:  Bilbo [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Go to page 84 of the Hobbit Rulebook

Personally although I like the miniatures, I would have like to have seen from the films:
Rivendell Guards with Pikes,
A Necromancer model,
Gundabad Orcs,
Mirkwood Elves in Heavy Armour.
Thranduil in heavy armour on foot and mounted on an Elk.
Goblin town goblins with bows.
A hunter orc foot and mounted with war horn.

Also a Lindir in heavy armour foot and mounted would be great.

I would also expect Gandalf mounted, a Twilight Witch King, Giant Bats and Giant Spiders and of cousre the Company on ponies.

Author:  Goldman25 [ Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Go to page 84 of the Hobbit Rulebook

Relax Bilbo, most of those will probably be coming with the Desolation of Smaug (Why would they release a full army of Elves now, when we haven't seen them do anything, as opposed to next year when we see them fighting and stuff). Although, you do raise an interesting point about Goblin town archers, because there were definitely some in the movie.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Go to page 84 of the Hobbit Rulebook

Yeah in all honesty the Necromancer, Mirkwood elves and Thranduil make much more sense coming out with the 2nd film.

Rivendell with pikes are unlikely, they're only in a couple of background shots although it would have been nice to have some new elves on foot to represent dismounted knights.

As for the goblin town archers, I disagree, at most you see 2/3 goblins firing arrows at Kili. When you consider we probably see about 10,000 different goblins at one time or another without bows it doesn't really justify their inclusion. I also think it's nice that the Misty Mountains army is genuinely different in that it doesn't have bows.

The Gundabad orcs, Lindir and Hunter orc with horn would have been the most likely and most welcome but I think we're probably done for an Unexpected Journey releases now. I doubt there'll be any more releases until the big new wave in the December release. It's amazing but there's actually less coverage in White Dwarf this month (none) than there was the same time last year (1 page advert) before the re-release!!!! Tis a shame, ah well, at least December will bring us all sorts of shiny new toys. CAN. NOT. WAIT.

Author:  Scib [ Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Go to page 84 of the Hobbit Rulebook

As long as they give us a starter the same quality as EFGT I will stop complaining haha :)

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