The One Ring

Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures coing
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Author:  WillowtheWisp [ Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures coing

Cant seem to find anything new coming out for the new hobbit film

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

Soon, no doubt, but simply not yet.

Author:  WillowtheWisp [ Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

I hope they do;
Frodo Mounted
Sam Mounted
Merry Mounted
Pippin Mounted
But I doubt it

Might get the Dwarves mounted with Bilbo and gandalf the grey mounted as well.

Author:  Quendil [ Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

WillowtheWisp wrote:
I hope they do;
Frodo Mounted
Sam Mounted
Merry Mounted
Pippin Mounted
But I doubt it

Might get the Dwarves mounted with Bilbo and gandalf the grey mounted as well.

They have already done the hobbits mounted in the Scouring of the Shire boxed set but its no longer available so you would have to check ebay or trade on here.

I doubt very much whether we will see any more LOTR released but we should see some Hobbit releases with the new film out soon

Author:  Creaky [ Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

There will be lots of new hobbit minis this christmas/ next year. Depending on how they spread it out.

We should start to see leaks of the first batch of releases before months end. Wouldn't be surprised to see Smaug, Laketown Scenery and Bolg show up very early on.

Author:  Wise Old Elf [ Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

Yeah I reckon we'll get DOS related characters like the second Bard, Bolg and maybe another Tauriel early on. I'd like it if we also got a nice plastic kit of Thorin's Company with Lake Town outfits and weaponry.

Then, with BOTFA being released, I think we can safely predict at least ten new sets, which would be nice great =

Thorin in Kingly Armour
Thranduil Armoured
Bilbo in Mithril Shirt
Plastic Iron Hills Dwarves
Plastic Iron Hills Goat-riders
Plastic Armoured Mirkwood Elves
Plastic Gundabad Orcs

Then of course, we have potential releases of another Azog and Bolg, maybe a couple of Gundabad, Lake Town and Mirkwood leaders. Possibly a White Council release when they all go to save Gandalf, and perhaps Bard and his son with the Windlance? The Company with Erebor gear would also be very welcomed. GW could really do A LOT with releases for TBOFA. I'd even go as far as to say they could completely revive it and easily extend its lifetime! That is, if they pay some worthwhile attention to the brand and rethink marketing/pricing strategies entirely.

Author:  Alatar of Rhun [ Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

Don't forget we could also see some White Council stuff

New Spiders
Bat Swarms
Gandalf, wounded perhaps
Maybe some new Rivendell or Galadhrim warriors?

But I agree GW really need to rethink what there doing with the range

Author:  JamesR [ Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

We don't need more white council models. I wish GW would stop making so many duplicates of characters and instead give us more variety

Author:  rumtap [ Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

as long as everything is in plastic.

I recently gave in and purchased my first fine cast models.

I hate the stuff. Plastic all the way for me.

Author:  Creaky [ Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

I wouldn't be shocked to see 12 plastic kits of different sizes and price points, plus the laketown scenery, all told. I spent a bit of time thinking about this over the summer, in light of DOS missing a dragon, and the scenery leaks we've already seen.

My inane ramblings are spoiled for sanity's sake:

Click to: Show
When the films were in two parts, the AUJ portion had twelve plastic kits for it's portion of releases (perhaps intending to release one a month, who knows). Plastic kits take a lot of time to develop, and need to be made at least three months ahead of release for WD purposes, and also extra time for WB approval process. These releases would have been planned well in advance - this is why DoS didn't have any 'new' plastic kits. Not enough time to do Laketown guard in plastic (sadly), and their role was originally much smaller, so resin was a suitable initial choice.

It makes sense that GW sought parity between the two films - hence twelve kits and a terrain piece. The dragon is certainly one of these kits, and the laketown terrain is certainly the terrain kit (think about it - what purpose would laketown terrain serve? The bolg attack was added late in pickups, it never even got a look in on the DoS Sourcebook. AUJ had a big 'setpiece' table display - goblin town. There and Back Again seems to have had the Dragon attack as it's display board.)

Now I admit that it's just a guess that GW sought equal releases for each film. They may have wanted more, or less, for the second film. Ultimately very little of DoS's second half was suitable for release - they were stretching themselves to even include the Gundabad Orcs, and the plastic kits were perhaps dedicated BoFA releases.

Since AUJ finished releasing we've seen some delayed kits released (mirkwood) and a handful of resin models. The Perry Twins only left GW in June/July - they've been secreted away doing something for almost two years. In that time, in their spare time they have produced a fair old number plastic kits and metal relaeses for Perry miniatures - one can only imagine the amount of work they can complete working 9-5 Mon-Fri.

So I think we're going to do alight - the vast majority of things in the movies seen thus far, that've not been more suitable for TBoTFA, have been released (in fact I struggle to think of an example that hasn't). Including a breakdancing thranduil. GW isn't going to fob off the Hobbit until it's brought in every penny it can, or they'd have done it with DoS. They certainly aren't going to throw out plastic kits where the work has been completed over a year ago.

Author:  orc-archer [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

I'll be surprised to see any new plastic kits, if they do happen they will most likely be 10 minis. I fear finecast troops.

I'm setting my expectations low, but dearly hope to be proven wrong! We're only a few weeks away before we know for sure. When was the preorders last year? First week of december?

Author:  Creaky [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

I think they went up last day or two of november, but came out first week of december. Could be mistaken. Expecting leaks last week of november, myself.

You're right, of course, that we should try to aim for low expectations. This is GW, and they move in mysterious ways. The hope I cling to is the knowledge that some kits at least have been fully tooled (and even produced) for over six months - the laketown scenery that was in the bard release videos had distinctive mould lines that indicate it wasn't some prototype or master copy. Once the steel mould has been produced the costs of production are then negligible. To produce a steel mould and then not release it to recoup some costs would be monumentally stupid - but then, GW has a reputation for monumentally stupid, so we shouldn't perhaps be surprised.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

I started a rumour round-up thread last year to catch everything in one place for discussion ahead of the releases. If you follow the link below you'll see exactly when and where everything was leaked/announced last year (and the year before actually).

The key date is that the SBG-heavy White Dwarf was released alongside the first wave of pre-orders on Saturday 30th November. If we map that directly to this year that would mean we'll see everything officially on Saturday 29th November with leaks likely arriving around Monday 24th. Of course, the new variable this year is the weekly release schedule meaning that we may well get some releases a week or two early or indeed a week or two late. The current 40K/Fantasy rumour mill has a new Blood Angels campaign coming out over the next few weeks so I severely doubt it will be any earlier than the dates above, fingers crossed it won't be later though.

Anyway, we'll know soon enough, plenty of excitement to go before then though - 5 hours until the trailer goes live!


Author:  Green_Dragon [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

I suspect releases may be around the same time perhaps 1 week later. On one hand I can't contain my excitement about the upcoming range and on the other I'm worried about it not getting the attention or releases it deserves.

Potentially this could be the mother of all releases for The Hobbit with the following:
Azog (armoured)
Bard (dos rulebook)
Laketown scenery
Bard (sword/dale armour from trailer)
Thorins Company (heavy armour)
Thorin, Fili & Kili (lighter armour from the banners)
Gandalf ( ft and mounted)
Balin's ram chariot
Thranduil (heavy armor, ft and elk)
Plastic Troll kit with various armour OR
2 Finecast Trolls
Armoured Mirkwood warrior captains
Laketown Militia captains
Iron hill dwarf captains
'Panzer Tank' beast Peter Jackson has alluded to

Plastic kits:
Iron hill dwarf warriors
Iron hill ram riders
Armoured Mirkwood warriors
Gundabad Orcs
Laketown Militia

Having said that, the potential of BOFTA may be wasted and I fear we may only see a third or half of those released. I hope not!

Edit* Not going to lie, if that is the list of what is released I would probably purchase everything (depending on sculpts).

Author:  Creaky [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

Green_Dragon wrote:
I suspect releases may be around the same time perhaps 1 week later. On one hand I can't contain my excitement about the upcoming range and on the other I'm worried about it not getting the attention or releases it deserves.

Potentially this could be the mother of all releases for The Hobbit with the following:
Azog (armoured)
Bard (dos rulebook)
Laketown scenery
Bard (sword/dale armour from trailer)
Thorins Company (heavy armour)
Thorin, Fili & Kili (lighter armour from the banners)
Gandalf ( ft and mounted)
Balin's ram chariot
Thranduil (heavy armor, ft and elk)
Plastic Troll kit with various armour OR
2 Finecast Trolls
Armoured Mirkwood warrior captains
Laketown Militia captains
Iron hill dwarf captains
'Panzer Tank' beast Peter Jackson has alluded to

Plastic kits:
Iron hill dwarf warriors
Iron hill ram riders
Armoured Mirkwood warriors
Gundabad Orcs
Laketown Militia

Having said that, the potential of BOFTA may be wasted and I fear we may only see a third or half of those released. I hope not!

Edit* Not going to lie, if that is the list of what is released I would probably purchase everything (depending on sculpts).

Not to mention (spoilers from the leaked trailer):

Click to: Show
the Nine in armour and burning ghost sauron

So far, pretty much anything that could be turned into a model has been (we're only missing some stuff from DoS second half that would be better served in BOFA anyway, AUJ pretty much filled every niche) - so fingers crossed our luck holds.

Author:  WillowtheWisp [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

Out of your list Id get;
Azog (armoured)
Thorins Company (heavy armour)
Gandalf the grey mounted (maybe)
and Id get the Necromacer

Creaky wrote:
Green_Dragon wrote:
I suspect releases may be around the same time perhaps 1 week later. On one hand I can't contain my excitement about the upcoming range and on the other I'm worried about it not getting the attention or releases it deserves.

Potentially this could be the mother of all releases for The Hobbit with the following:
Azog (armoured)
Bard (dos rulebook)
Laketown scenery
Bard (sword/dale armour from trailer)
Thorins Company (heavy armour)
Thorin, Fili & Kili (lighter armour from the banners)
Gandalf ( ft and mounted)
Balin's ram chariot
Thranduil (heavy armor, ft and elk)
Plastic Troll kit with various armour OR
2 Finecast Trolls
Armoured Mirkwood warrior captains
Laketown Militia captains
Iron hill dwarf captains
'Panzer Tank' beast Peter Jackson has alluded to

Plastic kits:
Iron hill dwarf warriors
Iron hill ram riders
Armoured Mirkwood warriors
Gundabad Orcs
Laketown Militia

Having said that, the potential of BOFTA may be wasted and I fear we may only see a third or half of those released. I hope not!

Edit* Not going to lie, if that is the list of what is released I would probably purchase everything (depending on sculpts).

Not to mention (spoilers from the leaked trailer):

Click to: Show
the Nine in armour and burning ghost sauron

So far, pretty much anything that could be turned into a model has been (we're only missing some stuff from DoS second half that would be better served in BOFA anyway, AUJ pretty much filled every niche) - so fingers crossed our luck holds.

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

Hold on. Amoured nine? they're already defence 8... i haven't heard anything about that. when is the trailer out?

Author:  Creaky [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

Isilduhrr wrote:
Hold on. Amoured nine? they're already defence 8... i haven't heard anything about that. when is the trailer out?

Trailer is out in under an hour - 6pm GMT. Saw a very poor quality leak on youtube that since got pulled i think.

Wouldn't worry about the armour - I should have said "Robeless", they always had armour under their robes in LotR anyway. Instead they looked to have helms and a wider variety of weapons than just their swords (I think I saw some sort of glaive, but it was a VERY blurry leak. They're my main point of excitement for a nice big 1080p screenshot. :D

Author:  Green_Dragon [ Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

Agreed Creaky re the nine, to me they sort of looked like a twilight ringwraith but with armour... interesting to see if they make the cut, I'd love to see a flaming Sauron model!


After seeing the trailer I could add more models to the earlier list:

Plastic Gundabad great goblins
Gundabad great goblin captain
Iron Hill dwarf ballista
Troll Catapaulter
Ogre/Half troll
Amoured Twilight Ringwraiths
Sauron the Necromancer

As a huge fan of orc variants here is the Gundabad great goblins I was referring to:

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any new the hobbit/ lord of the rings figures c

We'll know soon enough. Speculation is pretty pointless as GW may bring out many minis but guessing what will appear when and in which material is really a waste of time and effort.

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