The One Ring

Gondor at War rant(s)
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Author:  Mapper [ Sat Feb 16, 2019 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Gondor at War rant(s)

[Begin Rant]
Where in this book is a map of Gondor? You would think that they would have a map showing how the linked scenarios tie together.
[End Rant]

[Begin second rant]
Glad I still have the old books; Siege of Gondor, Gondor in Flames and The Battle of Pelennor Fields. Those books have painting and terrain making guides
[End second rant]

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor at War rant(s)

I really liked G@W. Things have certainly changed in the almost 20 years since the game originally released. The painting stuff has moved to digital; check out the citadel paint app. Terrain is commercial now. If you look at the old WD mags, you will see lots of homemade terrain and instructions on how to do it. Modern WD does have the occasional scenery article, but it involves kitbashing.

I do wish the gallery at the back would be scrapped. I can have zoomed in pics for free on the website.

I guess it's up to the community to keep creating and sharing awesome terrain!

Author:  Mapper [ Wed Feb 20, 2019 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor at War rant(s)

Don't get me wrong, I liked Gondor at War also, just wished they had included a map of Gondor instead of the same map on both front and back inside cover.

Do have the Citadel paint app on my phone and tablet, it is quite helpful.

It just seems that sometimes I wish GW had kept some more interest in Middle Earth, glad that it is still going but it could be so much more. The Battle for Pellenor Fields box is good but when you look at what GW has done for Kill Team and their other box game sets I just feel left out somehow. Some figures in a box with nice terrain pieces - I would be so there with wallet open. If GW vs Forgeworld had done Knights of Dol Amroth I feel we would have got a statue or something else also.

End of stay off my lawn rant.

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