The One Ring

$40 grab bag(s)
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Author:  Mapper [ Sat Mar 30, 2019 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  $40 grab bag(s)

Went to a Board Game & Miniatures swap meet/trade show today, apparently they have this quarterly.

One dealer was trying to clear his table of LOTR stuff, said for $40 dollars I could have all the plastic bags on the end.

I could tell I wouldn't need some of it, but for $40 I thought I would take it all.


Let's see what I got.

Two spruces, one of goblins and the other of the Fellowship of the Ring from the Mines of Moria set.


Goblins. Including the ones on the spruce, 130 of them. Not on spruce - 40 spear, 39 sword, 39 bow.Surprisingly, only one broken and 10 shields missing.


High Elves. 63 of them, 32 bow, 31 swords, five broken.


Metal Warhammer(?) Will have to see if any pieces I want for terrain bits.


Plastic Warhammer(?) The Beastmen Gor Herd look interesting. Again, will have to look for bits I might want.


Metal LOTR bag.


Includes Grishnakh, bits from Aragorn at the black gate and Gandalf missing his staff.


Three cave trolls


Elf spearmen including Gil-galad and three command sets.


And best of all, a dragon! Missing the horns but that's ok.


Not bad overall for $40. Will probably be putting some up on a trading post, do not need more Goblins, Elves of the Last Alliance or another Fellowship. Anyone need an army? The metal elves I will be keeping the spearmen but do not need Gil-Galad or all the command sets.

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Thu Apr 04, 2019 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: $40 grab bag(s)

Nice. Very nice. We have these occasionally in Calgary too, I just learned the other day. I will have to take a few things. I usually come home with much more than intended!

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