The One Ring

10,000 from Isengard! Was that good enough?
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Author:  KhamĂ»l of Dol Goldur [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:08 am ]
Post subject:  10,000 from Isengard! Was that good enough?

Reading more the two Towers, specifically the chapters on the Helms Deep and Debris and Wreckage I am thinking about Saruman this:

I think he was convinced that with only 10 thousand he would get to accomplish his objective completely of dominating Rohan.

Okay!!!! that numbers many times don't say anything, and that imports, are the strategies and the way of facing a war, but as Saruman wanted a lot, to order to dominate a kingdom with 10 thousands, it ends up being a foolishness and even childishness and innocence on the part of Saruman.

In my way of seeing, leaning that he should be with a larger and more prepared army for such ends and never to leave empty Isengard, this was very a little for who wanted to be one of the big ones in the Middle Earth.

It is still Saruman forgot of the ents to worsen his situation.

Perhaps he was right having 10,000 for the first stage, especially because in the battle of the helms deep, if he left victorious, the rest of the army of Uruk hai would be maybe, less of the half, 3,000 or 4,000. This number is very small to dominate all kingdom of Rohan.

Saruman hesitated deeply!

What do you think about the attitudes of Saruman to want to dominate a great kingdom how Rohan with only 10.000 warriors and a little more than that I find?

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:45 am ]
Post subject: 

After crushing Helms Deep his idea was that no other 'real' resistance could be mustered, which is true if all had gone according to plan. Sauron would have destroyed the west and so only a handful of elves and dwarven colonies would remain.

Isengard would not have been destroyed if the ents had not worked their wonders, as the Rohirrim were not prepared to launch an assault on such a strong garrison.

The left overs of his 10,000 strong army would be more than enough to keep a stern watch over those lands as there would be no-one left to fight, and his orc pits would have continued to produce large quantities of the ugly brutes had it not been for the elves.

Author:  BilboOfTheWhiteTower [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:20 pm ]
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I don't necessarily think 10000 was to be taken as literal number of troops. When tales of armies we said to be marching on to war and they were colossal in size there were referred to as 10000 strong, so it is possible that Tolkien was going for something like this when describing the Isengard army. Just my opinion. :D

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree Dave, the number of uruks reported by the rohan scouts (or Aragorn in the film) can't have been that accurate as they didn't have time to count. Also there is no way on (Middle) Earth that 1000 footsoldiers and 2000 riders could hold off 10,000 orcs let alone Uruk hai.

Author:  gaarew [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I tried translating the original post into Portuguese, then back into English, to see if it made it flow better.

[spoiler]Reading more two Towers, specifically the chapters on the Rudders of the ship Deeply and Rubble and Shipwreck I am thinking about Saruman this: I think that he was convinced that with only 10 thousand he would come to carry out his objective completely to dominate Rohan. Okey!!!! that the numbers very often do not say anything, and which imports, there are the strategies and the way of being in front of a war, but as Saruman wanted very much, to order in order that thousand to dominate a monarchy with 10, it ends being a madness and up to childishness and innocence of the part of Saruman. In my way of seeing, supporting this he must be with an army bigger and more prepared of such ends and never leave empty Isengard, this was very a little for the one who wanted to be one of the great ones in the Average Land. He is still Saruman it forgot of the ents of making his situation worse. Possibly he was having right 10.000 for the first stage, specially because in the battle of the rudders of the ship deeply, it is linked it left victoriously, the rest of the army of Uruk hai would be perhaps, less than the half, 3.000 or 4.000. This number is very small to dominate the whole monarchy of Rohan. Saruman hesitated deeply! What you intend about the attitudes of Saruman to want to dominate a great monarchy as Rohan with only 10.000 warriors and a little more than what I find?[/spoiler]

I think I just confused myself even more... :shock:

Right, it's been a while since I read the Two Towers, so I'm going to try and apply logic where memory fails. :D

Yes, I agree that, for all intents and purposes, it looked as though Saruman was convinced that his army could take Helm's Deep, and, ultimately Rohan.

I'm having real trouble understanding the 3rd paragraph, but I agree that it was perhaps short-sighted of Saruman, not to take every possible factor into account before launching the attack. It is said that Saruman is petty, but I don't think childish is appropriate.

In reality, the attack had begun long before the Siege of HD, what with the insidious actions of Grima, and the subsequent effect on Theoden's mental health. Saruman was arrogant, and naive in that he believed that he could recover the Ring from under Sauron's nose, and whilst they were not allies, per se, their cause at the time was similar enough to form a band between them, however, as seems to be the nature of evil, both sought to use the other as a pawn.

The number 10,000 alone does not carry the weight of the army at Saruman's disposal. What we are talking about is an army, 10,000 strong, composed primarily of the fighting Uruk-hai. yes there are Orcs and Dunlendings included in the total, but their numbers combined, probably account for less than half the force.

10,000 Uruk-hai is a potent force, 10,000 Orcs is worrying, 10,000 Hobbits is laughable.

Numbers alone don't tell the full story, you have to take the composition into account.

Yes, Saruman forgot the Ents, however, considering that they could hardly be considered as an active people in M-e, this is understandable. He also overlooked the arrival of the Elves, but then, even the Rohirrim weren't expecting them.

Saruman considered his army sufficient to the task in hand due to the fact that;

- they were predominantly Uruk-hai
- he had agents within Rohan, undermining Theoden, and sowing discord amongst the people.
- he probably believed Gandalf to be vanquished
- Rohan was unsupported by allies, or those that would possibly help were too far away to provide immediate assistance.
- the heir of Elendil was in hiding, and Narsil remained in pieces

Yes, it is asking a lot, but the psychological factor of taking Helm's Deep would have played a large part in repercussions after the siege, no matter how many casualties his army had suffered. The fact that they would have achieved the, until then, impossible, would have seriously disheartened any survivors, and would have a considerable effect on morale.

Once Helm's Deep was under Sauron's command, it would only have been a case of mopping up the survivors. With his siege works, he could destroy villages from afar, whilst the superior armour and equipment of the Uruk-hai would protect them from the attentions of any reprisals by the survivors, and scattered scouting parties.

Taking Helm's Deep would have broken Rohan completely, and would also have given Saruman space to increase his spawning pits and siegeworks, resulting in a renewed army, whilst the Rohirrim would be reduced to scattered bands, relying on ambushes for victory. Each of which, not matter how light casualties were, would have a devastating toll on their numbers.

Therefore, whilst ultimately doomed to failure, I feel that Saruman had a very good chance of victory. I do not think that it was overly conceited that he believed his army equal to the task, nor that he had made any glaring omissions in his plans. Rohan was alone, attacked from within and without and seriously outnumbered, and only the, highly coincidental , collective meeting of numerous factors foiled his plans.

Man, too much serious for one morning. I need a lie down.


Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

LMAO! Rudders of the ship Deeply :o :lol:

Loving it!

Author:  Dorthonion [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:59 pm ]
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As I recall, the force at Helm's Deep was just one element of Saruman's strategy. Smaller raiding parties and lesser armies were hitting settlements and strategic locations all over Rohan. Saruman had bought the Dunlendings (one way or another) and their numbers must still have been considerable; that must be added to the orcs, uruks, half-orcs and others who followed his orders. Saruman had not bothered about Middle-earth in the First Age, and his activities on arrival in Middle-earth seemed all along to have been bent on learning how Sauron gained and maintained such power over thousands of years after the downfall of Morgoth, so considerations such as the Ents, dwarves and mere hobbits would have been very, very far beneath his notice.

The old saying about pride going before a fall could be exemplified here.

Author:  Corsair [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:45 pm ]
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That translation is really funny!!

rudders of the ship deeply???????????????

that is good stuff.

That wouldn't happen to be the awful google translate, would it?

Author:  joris267 [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:47 pm ]
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thinking about it:

how could sauruman think that the remainders of the uruk-hai army could defeat the rohirim (theoden could summon 6000 in three days (hope numbers are correct, haven't red the book in three years))

Author:  gaarew [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:58 pm ]
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joris267 wrote:
thinking about it:

how could sauruman think that the remainders of the uruk-hai army could defeat the rohirim (theoden could summon 6000 in three days (hope numbers are correct, haven't red the book in three years))

Because Theoden was a broken man. Once Helm's Deep had been taken, the remaining Rohirrim, no matter what number, would not arrive at the same time, therefore the remainder of Saruman's army could isolate any pockets of resistance and take them apart.

This wouldn't be a war of pitched battles, more ambushes and bloody massacres.

Author:  Joansean [ Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:58 am ]
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I think he made slight miscalculations. I think Saruman had hoped that all the leaders of Rohan would be wiped out after the siege of Helm's Deep, seeing as Theoden and Eomer were there, but he didn't know about Elfhelm, Grimbold or Dunhere for that matter (where were they during the Siege?), so he thought that the resistance left in Rohan would be scattered and leaderless.

Author:  Captain Ingold [ Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:56 pm ]
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the one who wanted to be one of the great ones in the Average Land
Average land = Middle earth?

He had hundreds of Orcs from Sauron (must have been hundreds to get 10000 uruk-hai,) scores of raiding parties, allied dunlendings, and an unbreakable tower. What more could he need? He had Theoden & Co. boxed up in Helms Deep, the Ents being used as fuel for his Uruk factory, and the rest of Middle-Earth being destroyed by Sauron (or so he thought). His Uruks could massacre the same number of Men, so even if he was outnumbered he could win. 3000 is still a sizeable force, as you will agree, and could easily conquer a leaderless, ruined and frightened country. If it hadn't been for the arrival of Eomer, Gandalf, and every Rohirrim in Middle-Earth, Saruman would have won. Remember, he even had Dunlendings in his force (I seem to recall they were put to work repairing Helms Dyke outside the main fort.) I wish I didn't, but I have to agree with Khamul on this subject, however Rudders of the ship Deeply.


Author:  maskrider [ Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:23 pm ]
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10,000 to attack helms deep was proberly enough after the warg attack....
remember he also said 10's of thousands when he declard to grima the ammount needed also they where to take the castle..not rohan

Author:  CaptainOfTheWolfRiders [ Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:40 pm ]
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From the film's point of view, I think Saruman merely paniced. In the films, he knows of Gandalf's return and of Theoden's rehabilitaion and of the Chieftain Aragorn coming forth, and as such didn't have time to wait to assemble a larger force as Sauron did (if you read the battle plans for Pellennor Fields in "Atlas of Middle-earth", Sauron's forces are simply staggering).

Since in the book, Grima did not arrive at Orthanc until after the Uruk-hai left, I'm not sure what caused this. 10,000 would have been sufficient to capture the stronghold if not for gandalf and the Huorns, and from there, he could fend off any Rohirrim attacks until he assembled a larger force (either of more uruks or Dunlendings) and make his way East to form a pincer with the host of Mordor to destroy Gondor.

Author:  Edraitheru [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:34 am ]
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Now for the true lore 10000 is a alot but even that was held by the actions of Theodred which caused Saruman to wait five full days after that battle to launch his invasion.Also he hadn't learned of Gandalf the White yet forgot the Ents and most important of all Helm's Deep cannot be taken as long as men defend it.Oh and no Galadhrim were at Helms Deep since Sauron had at this point moved against Lothlorien.Also by this point Aragorn had reforged Narsil into Anduril Flame of the West,that was done before he left Rivendell and when the Grey Company arrived with Elrond's Sons all they brought was a standard for Aragorn.

Author:  mitch_rohan [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:21 am ]
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destroy the king and command and you will break the people

maybe not destory them all with a force but beat them into submission

as i recall the numbers weren't exactly told but it did have orcs, uruk's, dundelings and other foul men but still the king was caught off guard and with little men to defend the castle

and the representation of uruk-hai was not exactly correct it simply meant a greater type of orc not the mindless unbeatable machines in the movies, if you read the fellowship it actually says of uruks being in the hordes of the attacking goblins i think aragorn decapitates one of them

Author:  Elros of Numenor [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:17 pm ]
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I think that the point that Prof tolkien was trying to make was, sometimes there are situations where people are able to triumph against overwhelming odds (Ahh! cliche! :shock: ) especially under the leadership of men who have charisma and fighting spirit coming out their ears (aragorn) :lol:
...And, the arrival of the ents was mostly on the account of Merry and Pippin, which brings it all back to Gandalf's quote:
Help will come from the hands of the weak when the wise falter.

Plus, rare occurences make for a good story. :) [/quote]

Author:  Manofkent [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:04 am ]
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Sorry if im trolling here. I didnt read all the posts so im just replying to the 1st one.

The 10'000 strong army was plenty big enough to take helms deep. They pretty much almost did it. Saruman did not know that the elves would be there and still Sarumans army very almost made it. It was only because the Rohirim came back that his army were bested.

Even then, a huge amount of orcs ran off in to the woods and got done over by the ents.
So if the ents didnt get involved, the elves never showed and the Rohirim didnt come back then the 10,000 strong army would have taken helms deep without any problems.

Still... If I were going to make an army to take helms deep I would have worried a little less about making 10,000 orcs and a little more about making more of them big blowy-upy bomb things!
But then hind sight is a wonderful thing.

Author:  Eorltheyoung [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:49 pm ]
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lorderkenbrand wrote:
I agree Dave, the number of uruks reported by the rohan scouts (or Aragorn in the film) can't have been that accurate as they didn't have time to count. Also there is no way on (Middle) Earth that 1000 footsoldiers and 2000 riders could hold off 10,000 orcs let alone Uruk hai.

They(in the book) had over 5,000( I think more) footsodliers and over 2,000 riders......

Author:  Captain Ingold [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice of you guys to revive this thread in time for its 2nd anniversary. :wink:

This is the single-most awesome thread in history; it remained in some people's signatures for months afterwards!

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