The One Ring

some warriors in the movie REALLY suck...
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Author:  agincourt777 [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  some warriors in the movie REALLY suck...

warriors of minas tirith- without doubt some of the worst soldiers ever to hit the screen, they constantly miss with their weapons, get knocked over, lose 1 on 1 fights with orcs, run away, and generally just die whenever they get the oppurtunity.

galadhrim- they charge headlong into overwhelming numbers when they still have arrows left, cannot block slow clumsy sword swings from berserkers, fall off helms deep for no apparent reason, and one dumb elf runs straight onto a pike.

rohan royal guards- just swing their swords at nothing when they ride down the causway.

warriors of minas tirith again- fail to notice a massive orc armarda sailing right towards them with LIT torches. they also do not see pippin lighting the beacon. they are just blithely unaware of anything happening more than 2 ft away from them.

moria goblins- get killed by a saucepan and no matter how many shots they pump out at targets standing still, they still manage to miss with EVERY arrow.

uruk hai- raise their pikes when a million horsemen are charging at them because they see the sun.

warriors of minas tirith- shoot at siege towers with their archers. why? to um... kill the siege tower of course.

why are these 'soldiers' so rubbish? also, please comment if you have noticed any other stupid warriors from the movie. if you do, they will probably be warriors of minas tirith.

Author:  Pinky Beecroft [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:18 pm ]
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It always makes me laugh (disclaimer: for the purposes of this post the word laugh really means cringe!) when I see these parts in the movies. I forgive the RRG on the causeway as that was just bad CGI editing but some of the other scenes are just unforgivable.

Author:  Sharkai [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:45 pm ]
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I really hate the bit where the uruk-hai don't use their pikes properly! All they need to do is point them at the charging horses and a lot of the horses WILL get killed or even run away (you can't change into a phalanx or pikes with horses, the horse just stops because it doesn't want to get killed).

As for the warriors of minas tirith, how can they be so bad? They can't even hold their shields up to protect themselves! in that scene where the siege tower first latches itself to the walls the warriors just fall over when the orcs come out! They don't even try to attack at all!!! Shooting at the siege tower with their bows is just ridiculous.

It just makes you want to cringe really.

Author:  yorda [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:31 pm ]
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how bout the bit were you take 10.000 pikes to a siege? tell me, how is a really really really long stick gonna help you when climbing a wall?

and dont say its for the cavalry of rohan, becuase they failed terribly against that aswell, as pointed out earlier.

Author:  agincourt777 [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:41 pm ]
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gondor captain 'fire'
(gondor archers fire a volley)
gandalf 'not at the towers! aim for the trolls! kill the trolls!'
gondor captain 'ohhhhhhhh... thats how they're moving... these orcs are crafty ones...'

Author:  Queen Berúthiel [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:27 pm ]
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the galadhrim charged ´cause Aragorn ordered them to charge. Maybe because he didn´t want them to kill Gimli????

Author:  hithero [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:34 pm ]
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Goes to show what a Devlan Mud film it really was doesn't it? :)

Author:  Queen Berúthiel [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:30 pm ]
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it wasn´t that bad

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:45 pm ]
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agincourt777 wrote:
gondor captain 'fire'
(gondor archers fire a volley)
gandalf 'not at the towers! aim for the trolls! kill the trolls!'
gondor captain 'ohhhhhhhh... thats how they're moving... these orcs are crafty ones...'

ROFLMAO! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have to agree with what has been's a wonder the race of Men lasted that long! :lol:

Author:  mitch_rohan [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:45 pm ]
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read the books and youll understand, the struggle of the free people was represented in the movie by them consistently getting smashed, however in the books youll find quite the opposite

Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:11 am ]
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one of the funniest things i found in the movies about the Minis Tirith warriors is where gandalf is fighting off all of the orcs(pippin just standing next to him)

BUUUTT, if you look in the background you can see an orc with a hammer killing about 3 archers in the walls, just beating them and they don't even notice him!!!!

that just cracks me up alll the time!!!

Author:  whafrog [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:55 am ]
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PJ took shortcuts and used the standard movie pattern of conflict. Most movies do the good guy(s) getting beaten down, make it seem as if all was lost, then show some (probably unlikely) resurrection.

You'll see this over and over again, whether it's Frodo fighting Gollum, or the Warg Riders attacking Rohan, or the Orc catapults smashing through that lousy Gondorian masonry ...good always takes the first few hits, seems clueless or ineffectual, etc, then the tide is turned.

What's irritating is how tactically stupid the good side had to be, and how badly the character of the story had to be twisted, just to fulfill PJ's need to use this pattern. You'd think he could have found a better way. While I love the visual spectacle and the camera work, truth is PJ is a mediocre story-teller.

I don't have a lot of faith the Hobbit movies (if they ever get made) will be any better. But he'll probably still get my money :)

Author:  agincourt777 [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:29 pm ]
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if you look in the background you can see an orc with a hammer killing about 3 archers in the walls, just beating them and they don't even notice him!!!!

lol i just saw that. he just walks along the line of archers and smashes them 1 by 1

Author:  gambit025 [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:08 pm ]
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The WOMT were terrible fighters in the normal films, but in the extended editions they actually kill a few orcs.

Author:  agincourt777 [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:29 pm ]
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i only remember two 1 on 1 fights involving WoMT that the gondorians won- one in osgiliath when he jumps out, and one in MT when the orc gets speared. two. in the WHOLE MOVIE. shame on them.

Author:  General Elessar [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:53 pm ]
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I laughed so much reading all these comments! :rofl:

One of the things that most annoys me is that armour never does anything at all. For instance, you know at Helm's Deep when the that old Rohan man accidentally shoots the Uruk-hai. The Uruk-hai just falls over and dies, despite the fact he was shot in the chest and he was wearing a breast-plate with chainmail underneath.

And Faramir's cavalry charge against Osgiliath wasn't loyalty or obedience, it was more... "lack of intelligence".

Author:  Sharkai [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

General Elessar wrote:
One of the things that most annoys me is that armour never does anything at all. For instance, you know at Helm's Deep when the that old Rohan man accidentally shoots the Uruk-hai. The Uruk-hai just falls over and dies, despite the fact he was shot in the chest and he was wearing a breast-plate with chainmail underneath.

I agree with you there! There's a bit where Gimli hacks at an uruk who's fallen over at helms deep. His axe hits him in the chest and lodges itself in the breastplate but its only cut through a few millimetres yet the uruk still dies!
And the warriors of minas tirith... are they even wearing armour!?! The orcs just nibble at their necks (even though the shoulder armour would stop them even reaching the neck) and they get killed!

Author:  Captain Ingold [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:30 pm ]
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Sharkai wrote:
General Elessar wrote:
One of the things that most annoys me is that armour never does anything at all. For instance, you know at Helm's Deep when the that old Rohan man accidentally shoots the Uruk-hai. The Uruk-hai just falls over and dies, despite the fact he was shot in the chest and he was wearing a breast-plate with chainmail underneath.

I agree with you there! There's a bit where Gimli hacks at an uruk who's fallen over at helms deep. His axe hits him in the chest and lodges itself in the breastplate but its only cut through a few millimetres yet the uruk still dies!
And the warriors of minas tirith... are they even wearing armour!?! The orcs just nibble at their necks (even though the shoulder armour would stop them even reaching the neck) and they get killed!
Yeah, what is up with those Orcs? They just eat people's shoulders whenever they get the chance. I count at least two in RotK alone who go straight for the neck with their teet. :roll:

Author:  Jamros [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Did anyone ever see the bit in RotK where an orc jumps off a building roof and a WoMT opens his arms to catch him, after which, the orc bites his neck? Roflcopteresplosion.

But seriously, I do love these movies. :)

Author:  imrail [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

The movies are not that bad, and whafrog said, you can't put everything from the book in a movie.

I hate the womt in the films.. they die way to fast :(
Oh the soldier doesn't get killed, but a rider of rohan loses his sword when fighting against a mumakil..

And Eowyn is soooooo good. She kills a mumak with a blunt orc blade and a small sword. She kills the mumak where a dozen of armoured big, muscled riders failed... thats odd.

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