Gotta do this... Uurrgh, will have to limit meself to 5 facts
1. Let's start with this: I can pretty much count myself as being the ultimate definition of 'a nerd'. I spend my days with mathematics & sciences, spending free time on watching, reading, rpg'ing, and wargaming sci-fi & fantasy.
Socially, I am quite a failure. I mean, I can never find anythin to talk about with wel... 'Normal' people.
Don't wear glasse though
2. Aside from that, I do like to play with words. So acting (8 years of classes) & writing (mainly short-stories), got it! Have quite an obsession with British somehow, so I tend to do those 2 in that language. I give presentations, help other students out with their studies, etc. to get some hobby budget.
3. I think the hobbit must've been my first novel, when I was +- 6 years old? From there on, I became one hell of a reading freak (I think my parents saved me a couple of times from not being ran over by a bus while reading). Started with Lotr SBG about a year later. I played Lotr for about 5 years with no other companion than myself & an occasional friend or guest I could lure into my evil trap. Most of them didn't even know how to play chess... Oh well, not like any of my minis were that artistic.
4. I love keeping my mind bussy with all of the above. I spend hours creating lists one small pieces of paper, making notes for short stories. I occasionally design a boardgame as well. And of course, running a D&D campaign gives you something to think about as well (Yes, I think I am one Belgiums youngest Dm's). I'd just sit there, and talk out loud to myself... Sometimes I'd act out what I want to create... Yes, a lot of people think I'm a little bit mad.
5. Yes, the Dwarven script on my avatar is missing 1 lettre... I't like that on all my online accounts. Why I keep it that way? Well, actually I promised myself I'd change it when someone would point it out...