The One Ring

Rules for random people!!
Page 5 of 7

Author:  Raggbur [ Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

Dalek ?

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

I presume you have never heard or Doctor Who; see this link:

And here's a link specofically about daleks:

Author:  Hilbert [ Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

I have seen a few episodes but I didn't know about daleks... Are they really so strong?
Also Raggrbur the right rule should be:
Hobbit releash: Jackson cannot be deployed in any army as long as both of his films are not releashed because the fans want him to finish them. 8)

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

I like you Jackson profile, and Daleks are very powerful originally although recently they've been getting a little weaker causing complaints from fans :) so I thought I would return them to their former glory :yay:

Author:  Hilbert [ Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

Thank you very much... I currenlty search for another one... :)

Author:  Elland [ Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

Generic Profile:

Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host (Man)
Points: 250

In Legions of Middle Earth games, the Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host may be used in any army that can ally with the Monsters of Middle Earth.

1/1/8/1/*/* 0/5/0

Special Rules:
Unarmed! The Talkshow host carries a microphone and counts as being unarmed. Also, The Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host may never charge an enemy model for any reason, and has a Magical Resistance of 3 against all types of command spells, such as Immobilize, Transfix, and Command. These dice may be used BEFORE will points are spent in an attempt to resist a spell.

I have Security!! Things can get out of hand in a hurry, and the Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host has a number of security staff hidden nearby. The security are so good at concealing themselves that they are invisible until needed. No model may charge the Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host without being intercepted by Security. This includes moves made as a result of a Heroic Combat. The Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host has an unlimited number of security and will stop all models (friends and enemies) attempting to move within 1" of the Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host.

The results are in! "Sauron, you ARE the father!" Once per game, The Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host may nominate one enemy hero within 6" as the target of this spell. The spell requires no will to use and is cast automatically. The affected hero must pass a courage test or go insane and flee the battlefield muttering incoherently about lies, false results and cheating significant others. If the hero passes the test, he embraces his evil side and is controlled by the evil player for the rest of the game. This power cannot be resisted.

I'll always have more fans! Such is the following of the The Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host, an army that contains a Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host can never be broken as a result of being reduced below 50%. In addition, friendly models within 6" automatically pass any courage tests they are required to take.

* Fans give me life! The Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host has a number of wounds and courage equal to the number of friendly models (fans) within 6".

I hate you...Friendly heroes may never benefit from The Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host's Stand Fast! or any heroic actions.


Bore You To Death! 4+ All enemy models within 6" of the Daytime Talkshow Host must pass a courage test or be put to sleep. The affected model(s) are placed on their side to represent their bored slumber. They are considered trapped, will automatically lose a fight, and the attacking model receives +2 to wound due to the model's inability to defend itself. A friendly, unengaged model in base contact may attempt to awaken the sleeping model. The friendly model must spend two uninterrupted turns in base contact and will awaken the sleeping model on the roll of a 6.

Trash Talk! 5+The The Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host may target any enemy hero within 12". That hero must immediately spend all remaining might in an attempt to charge the The Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host. The affected model must declare any action, including a heroic move and/or heroic combat in the attempt to charge The Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host. Might must be spent to affect dice rolls either to win the combat and/or to wound. Any might points unspent are lost, leaving the hero fully spent and out of might.

Final Word 2+ This spell is cast at the end of the turn before rolling for priority. This is an exception to the normal casting rules. The Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host launches into a monotonous diatribe that cannot be interrupted. The Trashy Daytime Talkshow Host is unable to perform any actions the following turn, but evil automatically wins the priority roll.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

Ha. :lol: that sounds brilliant, Elland.

Author:  Elland [ Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!


Author:  Elros of Numenor [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

This might be a bad idea but....

OR site moderator

OR mods are neither on the good nor the evil side. You may choose a maximum of eight. (Somone may want to come up with a points value...)
Use the generic ringwraith Profile. However, they also have this rule:

Keep it civil! A mod may choose up to three combats within 6" to break up. Roll a D6. On the roll of a five or more, all involved in the fight are flung back 3" and knocked to the ground.

For an extra 60 points you may upgrade 1 mod to Dagorlad. Use the Witch King's profile with the additional rules:

Site Admin: every three turns you may choose one model, anywhere on the battlefield to be suspended. Suspending is a magical power that works the same as Immobilise/Transfix, but the target also suffers a strength 3 hit. If the target resists this more than once then Dagorlad may elect to permanently ban the model. If so, remove as a casualty.

Also, Every hero, Good or evil, within 6" of Dagorlad must take a courage test because of his prescence and Pure awesomeness. :D If the courage test is failed then they must lie down and not move for the rest of the turn.

By spending a point of Will, Dagorlad may choose to alter the strength, fight, or defence of a model by one, up or down. This represents his ability to give or take away privileges.

Author:  Raggbur [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

:rofl: :-D :rofl: :-D :rofl: :-D :rofl: :-D :rofl: :D

Author:  Hilbert [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

:D :-D :rofl: :mrgreen: :rofl: :-D :D

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

:-D :-D :-D 8) :yay: :rofl: :rofl: :D :-D :-D :D :-D :D :) :) :) :) :D :-D :-D :yay: :D

Author:  Elros of Numenor [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

Wow, what a response. :D (a small addition to the mountain of emoticons)
Ok, here's another one:

Internet Troll pts value: 55

4/4+ 4 6 2 3 5 1 1 2

An internet troll has Grima Womtongue's special rule. This represents how annoying he is. :-D

For an extra 30 pts, an internet troll may have gollum/smeagol's special rule also. Pick one hero, good or evil, to be the troll's 'ringbearer'. This represents some trolls' tendency to target one person and annoy the bejaysus out of them. :-D However the troll has no intention of killing them, so if they win fights they may not strike blows. Instead you may elect for them to reduce their courage by 1, representing the troll's ability to wear someone down or hurt their feelings.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

nice, or should i say, suitably irritating. I will do another one a bit.

Author:  Raggbur [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

Elros of Numenor wrote:
This might be a bad idea but....

OR site moderator

OR mods are neither on the good nor the evil side. You may choose a maximum of eight. (Somone may want to come up with a points value...)
Use the generic ringwraith Profile. However, they also have this rule:

Keep it civil! A mod may choose up to three combats within 6" to break up. Roll a D6. On the roll of a five or more, all involved in the fight are flung back 3" and knocked to the ground.

Thread Closed
At the cost of 1 point of will, a mod may forbid a single action. That action must be rare (meaning it's a part of the mission's special rules, or something that is terrain effected or that it recuires bx a table

On turn 7 (anyone knowes why?), a single red-painted corsair captain may be replaced with the Knight of Umbar ringwraith profile. This counts towards the total amount of mods avaible.

Only on the One Ring
Our awsome mods may not be deployed by the uber dark & evil TLA members
(now smiling towards that site with a face of apology :) )
For an extra 60 points you may upgrade 1 mod to Dagorlad. Use the Witch King's profile with the additional rules:

Witch king ? I hope you mean Sauron ?

Speciale Rules for Alan

No terrain of any kind may be deployed when dagorlad is on the board. This terrain comes into play turn by turn (1 piece a turn), by the player controlling Dagorlad. This represents Alan rebuilding the site.

Rule of Friendly Admins
No one can harm Dagorlad, because he's to nice. If a model for some reason does attack Dagorlad, remove that model, as it is crunched under 10.000 feet. The feet of angry One-RIngers.

Author:  Hilbert [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

Hilbert Points:?
3/- 3 4 1 1 6 0/9/0
Wargear: Hilebrt carries a sword(Two handed weapon)
Special rules:
Copyrights to me: Hilebrt is very annoyed if he gives an idea and someone's stole or at least change it a bit... If a model moves to the same location for example to a same objective/building as Hibert while he was not doing such thing in previous turn Hilbert will start annoy him with many words... The model cannot do any action for three turns... If charged he will roll a dice but he won't roll to hit if it wins...
There is always hope: While Hilbert is alive all friendly models pass any courage tests automatically and all the enemy models suffer -1 to their courage.
:P :P :P Original... :rofl: :-D :rofl:

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

Haha :lol: I knew when you did yourself that you would mention your catchphrase, buut I think you put your stats too low :)

Author:  Hilbert [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

I can use my sword... :twisted: Ok update on the way

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

After sword, you write (hand weapon) in brackets

Author:  Hilbert [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for random people!!

Thank you... I forgot that... Guess I need some sleep...
Actually it's too heavy and I have to use both hands :-D
( Can't wait fi you create one how would it be :rofl: )

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