The One Ring

Saga of the Stones
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Author:  Pathfinder Captain [ Tue May 08, 2012 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Saga of the Stones

My name is David Jae and I have just published my first eBook through Amazon's kindle store.

As this is my first book, I am looking for feedback and constructive criticism, both of my work and the service provided by Amazon.

I'll be honest; for my book to be noticed, it needs a large number of reviews to move up the lists that Amazon displays to customers.

I offer little for this favour except the chance to read a new story, but I ask little, either.

A free sample is available for download, and the book itself only costs £1.02, if you feel moved to buy it.
Either way, please leave a review through Amazon's website, to help me refine my work.

If you do leave a review, I would appreciate it if you would reply to this thread, so that I receive a notification.

I cannot say how much this would mean to me, so thank you very much.

Author:  Drumstick [ Tue May 08, 2012 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Saga of the Stones

I would be happy to have a look, have you got a link perhaps? or does it require you to have a kindle?


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