The One Ring

Self made Collectors' Guide
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Author:  Miniman [ Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Self made Collectors' Guide

Latest version: 9.2

You can download it by clicking here


A couple of month ago I've started to assemble a self made LOTR Collectors' Guide because GW's one is not up to date nowadays, the website is not complete at all, and the catalog is rather gappy.

The CG is almost complete, but still missing some sprue and pictures. If you have those missing pics, please help me to complete it, and to keep it up to date. All criticism, comments, bug reports are welcome.

I hope you find it useful. This is version: 1.0
(The file is rather big, so I advice you to download it first, and after that open it.)

You can download it.
You can print it, but you can't modify it.
If you want to change something then please contact me.
And please do not download and share it on your own site!
You will always find the latest version here!


Author:  Miniman [ Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

The link is: ... de_1.0.pdf


Author:  Joansean [ Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

First of all, the effort you have put into this is amazing. The pictures of the miniatures are edited very well, and the juicy inbetweeny pics are very well chosen also.

Now, Criticism..

it might not be very space efficient to have every hero in it's own section. For example, the Hobbit heroes (barring Frodo et al) are each listed with a header and then the individual miniatures. It might be better to have them grouped as 'Hobbit Heroes', to save space.
(for miniatures with command miniatures perhaps add in 'Dwarven heroes and Command', for example.)

a gold coin for your efforts! I do hope you can keep this updated, it would be very useful to a lot of members!

Author:  Miniman [ Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for your advice. I will check it if I could save space.

Author:  DM [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Its pretty cool but theres just too much waisted space! Soooooo many blank pages save for one or two minis' also the double ups in the headings pages are too space consuming.

All in all a great effort - my advice is to stick with the initial goal which is to catalouge the mini's so get rid of the fluff and condence the pages, even if that means filling all the gaps on the pages with modles from different races etc.

Author:  Locust Scar [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:07 am ]
Post subject: 

I pretty much agree with what's already been said. There's just too much empty space! :o

Otherwise, though, it's really great! 8) :) Well done!

Author:  BrentS [ Fri May 01, 2009 3:22 am ]
Post subject: 

I think that what you've done is great. Its a really nice resource to have for us. I appreciate all the time and energy you've put into it.

Do you care if I post this (with credit to you of course) over in one of our local community forums?

Author:  Miniman [ Fri May 01, 2009 6:56 am ]
Post subject: 

BrentS wrote:
Do you care if I post this (with credit to you of course) over in one of our local community forums?

Of course you can post it. The only thing I'm afraid of is GW.

Author:  Miniman [ Fri May 01, 2009 7:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Locust Scar wrote:
There's just too much empty space! :o

I left so much space because:
- I wanted a grid for the minis on the pages, so I had to leave space for the banner bearers, the mounted minis, especially for the mounted banner bearers... :)
- I also wanted to separate the heroes (I mean Frodo, Gandalf, Suladan), from the command minis (captains, hornblowers...), and the warriors.
- Thanks to this, If we have a new command mini or an other Gandalf, or an other Theoden, or an other Witch-king mini again, I had to work only on that page(s), and you have to print only that page, not the whole section.
- I also wanted to separate the fiefdoms, the 2nd and 3rd age warriors...

...but I will try to save more space, if I can.

Thanks for your c&c.

Author:  xenton [ Fri May 01, 2009 4:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great collectors guide miniman. 8)
Very helpful for me, not playing the game but collecting the miniatures this is a valuable resource.
Thanks and get a coin from me.

Author:  Miniman [ Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:19 pm ]
Post subject: 


I've just updated my collector's guide. :-D If you wish you can download it from here:


Author:  Fall of Fingolfin [ Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  woah

wow . . . you made that?
i never knew . . . ive seen it before but never new you made it :-D
the dioramas on that are great, who made them?
or was it you?
great work :-D

Author:  Barnsley Burglar [ Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:21 am ]
Post subject: 

VERY nice work Miniman.

I've been working on something similar - wish I'd found this before I started!

You say it's an "Almost Complete" list, does that mean there are a few minis missing, or just images?

Again, excellent work! 8)

Author:  Miniman [ Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for your replies! :)

Almost complete means:
- I try to collect all the minis to the book. As far as I have informations, all the minis are in the book that are in the official collector's guide, in the rulebooks, and on the website.
- But I don't have pictures about all the minis. Some plastic minis are missing, like the corsairs and the new army of the dead, and also some sprue pictures like army of the dead, uruk-hai scouts. Also missing some issues from bgime, and one or two limited/unreleased miniatures. :(

If you have pictures about models or bgime magazines, or sprues that are missing, it would be a great help to send me those pics, to make the guide more complete.

None of the dioramas were made by me. :(
I've found them on the net everywhere. Some of them are Golden Demon entries and winners, from the GW site, or from CMON, and from other forums and website.


Author:  BaruKhazad [ Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Greato! the best collectors guide i've ever found (i've used the 1.1 version pretty often)

if i see any errors or got missing pictures, i'll pm you

Author:  Corsair [ Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:37 pm ]
Post subject: 


Good piece of work there


Author:  Miniman [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:44 am ]
Post subject: 


Thanks to BaruKhazad, Jamie Dean and a couple of eBay users, I've updated the Collector's Guide to 2.1.

You can download it from here:


Author:  jebbo [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Collectors

That guide is really good,

you can see that you obviously put loads of effort in... :yay:

Author:  Tabletop_heroes [ Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:35 am ]
Post subject: 


There's small scans of the missing BGiME covers on my site now if you want to complete those pages in your guide...



Author:  Phantom_Lord [ Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:54 am ]
Post subject: 

really good guide, it looks amazing. I did notice the plastic fellowship is missing, don't know if you forget them or left 'em out on purpose but thought i'd check :)

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