The One Ring

Helm Hammerhand Conversation? Any ideas?
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Author:  Gothmog 3rd [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Helm Hammerhand Conversation? Any ideas?

Helm Hammerhand Conversation? Any ideas?

Does anyone have any idea for how to make him? I certanly have no clue.

Thanks in advance.

Author:  lordstijn [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

You could you use a rohan captain on foot.
I should not give a hammer, as his name says, because the hammer
just refers to his large hands where he could easily kill someone with. You could use an axe.

I don't know if its realistic to create, just giving an idea.

Author:  Eaothen-the-brave [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

or maybe you could better wait, now GW is working on Rohan miniatures (like the rummor that they're making Elfhelm and riders).
Maybe you better wait a little, that's all I want to tell you (:

But if you really want to do it, you could use a captain like lordstijn said, and maybe replace his head with the one of the captain in the command set (the one who's strangling the orc), just an idea though..
Good luck with it ;)


Author:  theOneRider [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't have my books handy, so I don't remember which ones for sure, but I would take a look in some of the GW sourcebooks. I think the old Two Towers rulebook, the OneBook, and Two Towers Journeybook all have pictures of the GW Helm's Deep model.
I do remember that this model sports a statue of Helm Hammerhand based on the one in the film.
I would take a look at that picture and see if I can find something close to that - I honestly can't remember what it looks like at the moment & couldn't find any pix on the GW site. Sorry. :(

Author:  Gothmog 3rd [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks guys. I'll probably wait and see then.

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