The One Ring

Húrin and the Warden of the Keys model convertion help
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Author:  Vlad von Carstien [ Thu May 20, 2010 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Húrin and the Warden of the Keys model convertion help

So I really like the formation The warden of keys but I am not sure what models to use for the formation. As I want to stay true to the storys and make these models as close to the books and artwork as I can.
This is along the lines of how I want him to look like but I am not to sure on what minature to base it off of I am alright with green stuff but I would preffer not to make my own model.

Author:  Queen Berúthiel [ Fri May 21, 2010 5:58 am ]
Post subject: 

There are two different Hurins. One is the father of Turin Turumbar and a hero of the first age. The other Hurin is the guy with the warden of the keys. he was some sort of gatekeeper thingy in Gondor (remembering from memory)

Author:  Vlad von Carstien [ Sat May 22, 2010 9:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

o I see ok well then ill probubly just make a faramir looking charictor then.

Author:  the-dark-marshal [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Húrin and the Warden of the Keys model convertion help

id suggest making hurin from elladan/elrohir whichever one you like better and give him the helmet you see on that art except paint him silver instead of gold to tie him more into gondor as for the wardens try high elves painted silver with same sort of helmets but with out the top wing thingy as that could symbolize a captains crest with all these models try and paint them a bit cruder so they dont look like elves so darker skin tones scorched brown not bestil for the wood and dont use elves with bows as the spear and shield guys are probably better if you like this idea go with it if you do post pictures as i would like to see how this turns out

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