The One Ring

Dale Colors
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Author:  RyuAzai [ Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Dale Colors

My friend and I are doing a northern campaign and of course we are making Dale Soldiers.

For the moment, with the excess of Numorien warriors we have, that is what we are using for their sword and shield.

But I am having trouble with a good, and unique paint scheme.

I'm going with Blues, cloaks midnight blues, then dark blue clothing, and outlined in grays and whites.

I also tried blues again but this time outlined in yellow.

Nothing seems to be going as I would hope I am just not happy with it.

Any advice on good unique color schemes? (We use Black and silver for Gondor, Greens and browns for Mirkwood, Erebor has blue clothing, Easterlings movie scheme.)

Author:  imrail [ Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would recommend the colour you just said, as they match the dwarves colours.

Perhaps it's an option to use Rohan warriors for warriors of Dale?

Author:  Zakael [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:09 am ]
Post subject: 

If you have excess WoN that you want to use as men of dale, I would suggest cutting the wings of the helmets and maybe shaving the symbols off the chests/shields. Blues/browns sound great for them, could use a bow/thrush as the symbol for the Kings of Dale.

Author:  RyuAzai [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:38 am ]
Post subject: 

I was favoring blue, it just seems the outlining is the hard problem.

The only problem I have with not using Warriors of Rohan, and shaving(Beyond taking off the White Tree of the shields) is I am a bit on the fence about Dale.

They have Nobility and Kings. I feel that they are a 'little' higher then Rohan in terms of advancement, but still lower then Gondor.

But at the same time they have HUGE ties with Erebor which has superior armor and craft than gondor would.

So I want the models to reflect a 'noble' esk Kingdom. That is kinda 'fancy' but not too much.

Author:  Zakael [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, then the warriors of numenor, if you remove the obvious symbols, and a king of men as the leader would be perfect. Could use rangers as archers, would probably fit very well. Or, you could say that since they're such good friends with the dwarves, they provide a dedicated bow corps to the dwarves' shield wall. Be an interesting themed army!

Also, not quite sure what you mean by outlining being the problem?

Author:  RyuAzai [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry I should have been more clear.

On the Numenorien models, the clothing they wear have lining, that you could choice to paint a different color. I think the normal models are black clothing and then white lining around it.

I am just not finding the right fit to go with my blue, though grayish colors seem to be walking well.

I was thinking the King of Men, but also since Dale killed Smaug and praised archery your ranger ideas could really work.

I was thinking of using the Damrod model for Bain, Brand's son, and maybe convert and Elendil model for Brand.

Author:  Zakael [ Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Depending on your goal, you could just stick with the damrod model and use them as archery/skirmishers for your dwarf heavy line, say it's a patrol of the combined kingdoms.

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