The One Ring

Basing ideas..
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Author:  Farmer Giles of Ham [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Basing ideas..

a basing question.

I have gotten aragorn King of Gondor foot and mounted and now want to do a base with him that REALLY stands out since he is such an important hero.

My first thought was to base it with like stones like in Minas tirith as this is relattivly easy, but i think it doesnt stand out enough and also i did the same thing on my guards of the fountain court.

So now... how to base him? I have gotten some materials, air hardening clay, Balsa wood ect. and i am ready to work alot with it as long as its not to intricated...... so amy ideas would make me happy....

Author:  Manofkent [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Do you mean the normal round base? or do you want to make a plinth?

If your just talking abou the standard plastic base, for some of the heros it can look cool if you make chainmail to go round the rim. Just green stuff round the base and push in the holes.

If you want to make something a bit bigger then I would look at the films.

You could use the floor of the top of minis tirith and maybe make the white tree, or the steps and doorway where he is crowned.
Just use the film for refference and as thats the only time is is dressed up in all his King of Gondor clobber.

Author:  Dwarf Lord of Ered Luin [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:38 am ]
Post subject: 

I would personally not add much, if anything, to the side of his base as it would make him harder to play with, harder to get into combat, go through gaps, and fit in line of warriors. You could sculpt the base of the mounted version to look like a walk way in minas tirith, maybe with some decorative details like a short wall along the wide of the path or maybe a small statue. You could also put him on a raise platform of some sort, which would be easier with the foot version. Since it is in minas tirith then paint the details white which would make it stand out, by simply being brighter than everything else.

Author:  Farmer Giles of Ham [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for all the help! I will seriously consider that walkway thing.. and chainmali around the base sounds good too but i think that Dwarf lord of Ered luin is right it would be a little big.... however what type of platform could i let the mounted model stand upon.

oh and yes i ment just decoration for the base not a plinth or anything.

Author:  Manofkent [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Farmer Giles of Ham wrote:

oh and yes i ment just decoration for the base not a plinth or anything.

Uh, well if your still going to be using it then maybe just do a stone base. remember to glue the figure to the base so that there is a gap of 2-4mm for the putty to go under the feet. I've seen models that have the feet digging in to the stone.

Author:  Farmer Giles of Ham [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Manofkent wrote:
Uh, well if your still going to be using it then maybe just do a stone base. remember to glue the figure to the base so that there is a gap of 2-4mm for the putty to go under the feet. I've seen models that have the feet digging in to the stone.

Its a good idea but as i have said i already did that with my guards of the fountain court..

Author:  Raggbur [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Basing Ideas..

Wel, you could:

1) Add a banner to the base (you could make it using barbecue skewers and paper with PVA glue)

2) Because Ellesar is mostly used in the battle at the black gate (or on his way to it), you could give him a lava/ash base

3) Add fired arrows/throwing spears to his base, or use the more uglier method (wich I use for my trolls): add cutted of heads, arms and legs to his base

4) With stickers for home-made cards (model 2362 or 2674, I don't know), you could make a glorious base for him (pic:

If you need more, just reply


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