The One Ring

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Author:  Nevinsrip [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:17 am ]

How do you guys base your Army of The Dead. I am thinking that grass type terrain doesn't really look quite right. Shouldn't it be more like rocks from the cave that the Army of The Dead dwells in? There is no grass growing where they live, so why grass on the GW website painting guide? What do you guys think?

Author:  TheEggman [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ARMY OF THE DEAD BASES

Maybe you could do some grey, rocky bases like the Paths had in the movie, or perhaps that and some cotton balls spread thin to look like mist?

Author:  garmenhord [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ARMY OF THE DEAD BASES

maybe you can do regular terrain but with paint over it. so u have ghostly painted trees or rocks. As if like they are a part of the ghost.

Author:  ScarpeIron [ Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ARMY OF THE DEAD BASES

Well, all depends on where they're going to be fighting. In there 'cave,' then yeah go rocky/misty. Though if they're fight out in Middle Earth, along side Allies, then base them per the Allied contingent. You could go as far as making it exactly like their allies, but make the vegetation ...dead. As if their presence leeched the life out of em.

Or, go all out and make their bases fit their ghostly nature. Like having them phase in/out/through objects. I currently have a few literally going through a handful of orcs/urak-hai and even some Easterlings. :D Even a few going through rocks, a fence, I have a arm "swinging" through a tree (kinda neat) and 2 rising up from the ground. They are ghost after all. They don't have a "mass." All it takes is to make sure you snip out/off the area/section being phased, if you just cut it in half where its phasing you'll end up with a really long figure.

Author:  TheEggman [ Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ARMY OF THE DEAD BASES

Hey, Scarpeiron, do you have any pics of that?w Cos it sounds really cool...+ 8)

Author:  Ollieholmes [ Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ARMY OF THE DEAD BASES

I did mine with nice simple gravel bases.

Author:  theOneRider [ Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ARMY OF THE DEAD BASES

Myself, I have an Angmar ghost army that I based by gluing cotton to the bases rather than add anything else. If I were doing an Army of the Dead, I'd give them some terrain like the region in which they're themed (say, Pellenor Field), dye some cotton to match the basic color scheme of my Army, and put bits of it around the base like wisps of the ghosts themselves.

Author:  ScarpeIron [ Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ARMY OF THE DEAD BASES

Egg, trying to load pics...but its either my camera or something thats causing me to get errors. Took me forever just to load the Ents in my gallery up. ...soon though...real soon...

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