The One Ring

Arwen skin colour
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Author:  Azrael [ Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Arwen skin colour

Hey, i was wondering if anybody could help me with painting elven skin for arwen.... The thing is, that iam looking for a very light skin colour tho she shouldn't look like sick or even dead... I'd like it to be as close to her look in the movies as possible... Maybe like this arwen here ... 10&start=3 ... I'd also like to know what colours do i need and what technique i should use... Any help would be appreciated!

Greetings :)

Author:  Azrael [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arwen skin colour

Nobody?! :(

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arwen skin colour

It depends on what you are after - gaming standard or display ?
Unfortunately the site is in repair because there were some excellant examples to copy - Tidoco in particular had great work to follow.
I would look at working from a Dwarf Flesh basecoat and adding Elf flesh to the raised areas. Re-apply DF in a thin wash to pick out the shading and continue further with the Elf Flesh.
For the highest points add Skull White to the Elf Flesh.
The colouring is fairly straight forward, the difficulty is the technique. Use thin layers - so thin you can hardly see the first coat and slowly build up from there. Do not overload your brush - you should have just enough to see the paint dry as you finish your stroke.
To increase the blending use the thin paint technique with darker and lighter shades across the areas you are blending to smooth out the flow between light and dark.
If necessary you can always use a pure white final highlight and some Bestial Brown with the DF for a touch of extra shading.
Again though keep everything thin, it will take time to get to grips with how much paint / water etc but stick with it.
Good luck 8)

Author:  Azrael [ Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arwen skin colour

display one and thanks for your reply

Author:  Elros of Numenor [ Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arwen skin colour

Easy method: basecoat elf flesh, wash with gryphonne sepia+water, highlight by mixing in increasing amounts of bleached bone into the elf flesh instead of white so that you keep an overall impression of warm skin.

However Gandlaf's suggestion is very good :)

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