The One Ring

do you paint your minis while there're on their base?
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Author:  Shadowswarm [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  do you paint your minis while there're on their base?

I have a tourny coming up real soon so i wont be able to paint buhrdur in time. Im going to use him in the tourny, but he doesnt sit right in his base to im probable going to have to glue him into his base so he wont tip backwards all the time, but does this make painting him difficult? he is big so it shouldnt be too much of a problem, but i also have tons of gobs that i need to paint so i still need the question answered.


Author:  Cyndra the Grey [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: do you paint your minis while there're on their base?

I just glue mine onto their bases because then you have somewhere to hold when your painting them and you can put them down easily without having to balance them or use blutack.
Hope this helps and good luck in the tourny.

Cyndra the Grey

Author:  valpas [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: do you paint your minis while there're on their base?

Having the mini steady is essential for painting. Besides, no one is going to look how well you have highlighted and shaded the area under a goblin's shirt...

I do more than gluing the mini to the base before painting. I also glue stones on the base, sand it, prime the whole thing and paint the sand and all other basing material. Never had any trouble painting visible parts of the miniatures.

And since the mini is securely glued to the base, you can also attach it with a piece of blue tac to an old paint pot or something like that so that you dont' ever touch the mini with your fingers while painting.

-- Pasi

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