The One Ring

WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heavy)
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Author:  gaarew [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heavy)

Well, guess it is time for me to embark on yet another project...

I quite fancy doing an alternative Angmar list, not for official use, but one that I can incorporate a variety of manufacturers minis in, probably just as a side project, or something I can use at the club


Seeing as I have a huge backlog of Mantic Undead, they provided the idea to go for the ghostly legions of Angmar, although, I expect a few monstrous Misty Mountains allies to be included.

So, I have a few ideas so far, going through the Angmar list -

Ghostly Legion - Mantic Skeleton Warriors, painted up as ethereal should do the trick. Command parts included on sprues. One Skeleton Horde should do for 5 companies.


Also, to take advantage of the Cursed Armour Fate, Mantic Revenants as they are more heavily armoured.


which leads nicely to

Ghostly Riders - Mantic Revenant Knights


Spectral Host - Mantic Zombies with the inclusion of wet effect swamp bases and some brass etched foliage as reeds etc. Any excuse to paint more of these models. Just finished 90 in <a week, they are fantastic.


Carn Dum Warband - Warlord Games plastic Celts (or Ancient Brits, or Dacians etc) - mixed weapons really isn't an issue, plus I should have lots of swords lying about.


Angmar Orc Warband - I might just use LotR Orcs for this. I really like Wargames Foundry War Orcs but they are pretty expensive to amass in bulk. I'll look into Mantic's Orcs when they are released, but, I'm not sure the imagery is right.

Court of Fallen Kings - Mantic Wraiths - I've already been told they remind people of Barrow Wights, plus I love the models.

Shade - Mantic Liche King - it almost looks made for LotR, should look great on a 40mm base.


Werewolf Pack - A bit stumped here. Can't really find exceptional werewolf models that will sit comfortably on standard bases, the best I've found so far are Heresy's Werewolf


and Westwinds


I found werewolf heads online somewhere, but can't for the life of me remember where.

The named characters are a dilema, one one hand, using the official models drastically cuts down on confusion, but, if I'm going to do an alt. list, well, I might as well go all the way...

Buhrdur - Heresy Troll - just because he looks mean as all hell, possible a Reaper Ogre/Hill Giant.


Gulavhar - Either Mantic's Vampire on Pegasus (it flies...)


or the Heresy Demon Lord


Not sure about the Ringwraiths, probably just the official models, unless I get better suggestions.

As for Allies, I am seriously tempted by Heresy's Dragon model


although, the £200 price tag is kinda offputting... and a Majestic Bear Stone Giant is sure to factor in somewhere as well

Image although, the Ultraforge one is also tempting.


I'm keen to find a decent set of minis to use as Wargs, and probably some other stuff that escapes my attention just now.

So, what I really need is a few suggestion either for alternative models to ones I have already chosen, or suggestions to plug some of the gaps.

Cheers, 8)


Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

yay your back!!!

welcome back@!!!

Author:  gaarew [ Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

Feanorthenoldor wrote:
yay your back!!!

welcome back@!!!

Thanks. I'm sure I'll take that under consideration when lI get started. Oh, wait... :-?


Author:  Blue Dragon [ Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

That... Dragon... Is.... Epic!

Author:  gaarew [ Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

Yeah, I really wish I'd pre-ordered one when the as of then unknown price was capped at £100.

Oh well, live and learn. It's not like I need two kidneys right?

Author:  Erunion [ Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

These seem like very good options for what you are trying to do. The only ones that don't seem to fit with the others are the Celts. Perhaps they will fit better when suitably painted?

As for the werewolves, I've had the same problem. The best alternative I've seen is to greenstuff some fur onto GW Bloodletters. Someone posted a link to some on a German or Polish website that looked pretty awesome.

As for Gûlavhar, I pike the demon lord better. It just fits better.

Author:  BlackReaper [ Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

For WereWolves one time I saw someone with a whole formation of Heresy's(specifically the one that you showed).They were sweet but being that they were all in the same pose and painted all the same it was kinda lame(I can't think of the right word).Maybe making some minor conversions or doing different color schemes other than all chestnut brown.Anyhoo,thats my thought

Author:  theOneRider [ Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

Disappointing, maybe?

Welcome back, Gaarew! The place hasn't been the same without you! I love your choices for the undead factions. GW would learn a thing or two from them.
No idea about the werewolves, but you might look at Reaper for the wolves. Their Warg and Winter Wolf look great to me, and the Dire Wolves will probably work great for the "rank&file".

Author:  gaarew [ Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

theOneRider wrote:
Disappointing, maybe?

Welcome back, Gaarew! The place hasn't been the same without you!

Don't tell me you've all been skipping about merrily and acting all Elf like? :-X

I'll look into Reaper, but I reckon they will be a last resort, as the first and last package from them was heavily taxed by the good people at C&E...

Author:  kidterminal [ Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

I've had the same idea. I've been combing the Reaper catalog for suitable alternatives. I've found a few I love, but right now let me help you out with a few ideas from British manufacturers.

What about the OtherWorld werewolf? He would look good with the Heresy.
I love these shadows by OtherWorld:
And finally OtherWorld had a number of giants, here's a picture of my favorite:
The OtherWorld link is here:

I love the Warlord Celts myself, but I think these Gripping Beast Saxon & Viking plastic sets have more of a LOTR feel. Check them out here:
More detailed photos can be found on their website here:

I hope this helps.

Author:  kidterminal [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

Here are a few possibilities from the Wizards of the Coast D&D pre-painted collectible figures line. These are no longer produced but the can be found cheaply on the net. All the paint jobs are Devlan Mud. I apologize in advance for the quality pictures (all the pictures of these on the net are Devlan Mud too.).





We have the same idea, but you had the temerity to go out and paint up a bunch models! :-X

Author:  gaarew [ Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

Cheers Rob. Although, you are now damned to the nth pit of hell for introducing me to yet another range of (expensive) miniatures. I do really like the Otherworld Werewolf, Shadows, Wolves and Giants. I also have enough DDM to build a full army I reckon...

@ Jonathan - The main reason for using the Warlord Celts was the fact I already have approx. 300 sitting gathering dust in a box...

Author:  BlackReaper [ Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

gaarew wrote:
Cheers Rob. Although, you are now damned to the nth pit of hell for introducing me to yet another range of (expensive) miniatures.

Well thats the whole reason we post on these forums isn't it? Free advertising for the gaming companies?

Author:  kidterminal [ Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

gaarew wrote:
Cheers Rob. Although, you are now damned to the nth pit of hell for introducing me to yet another range of (expensive) miniatures. I do really like the Otherworld Werewolf, Shadows, Wolves and Giants. I also have enough DDM to build a full army I reckon...

I my defense I also pointed out some cheap plastic options too. :mrgreen:

Author:  gaarew [ Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

kidterminal wrote:
I my defense I also pointed out some cheap plastic options too. :mrgreen:

Nah. I already own all of those ones...

Author:  kidterminal [ Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

How about this then?
And bats too!

Author:  Elros of Numenor [ Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

YES!!!!! The wolf has returned! :D

...Holy Devlan Mud, those are some awesome miniatures!

Author:  Athanadros [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

Great ideas! This army will look great when its done. Another possible suggestions for werewolves is Confrontation wolfen. They are as big as LOTR trolls so really give that menacing size factor when up against the LOTR models. You would have to search online as the company is defunkt now but most places sell them much cheaper now. Ludik Bazaar still has a pretty decent stock of confrontation minis. They also have some really great undead.

Author:  Ukfreddybear [ Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

Westwind have some better werewolves these days in their Secrets of the Third Reich range. The Jager Werewolves and the Jagerhunds near the bottom of this link are quite frothworthy:

Author:  kidterminal [ Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR Angmar Army Project - Alternative Models. (Pic Heav

ukfreddybear wrote:
Westwind have some better werewolves these days in their Secrets of the Third Reich range. The Jager Werewolves and the Jagerhunds near the bottom of this link are quite frothworthy:

Yes they are nice, but I don't think the pants will work out well in an LOTR setting.


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