The One Ring

Dwarf base ideas
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Author:  that-one-elf [ Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Dwarf base ideas

I'm wanting to start a dwarf army (haven't ordered the minis yet but have Gimli to start) and I need some good ideas for painting the base. I don't want to do a grey moria base and I want to keep it fairly simple (as in only sand, static grass, etc. no big rocks or anything) so if anyone has some good paint schemes for the bases that would be awesome! thanks!

Author:  Eaothen-the-brave [ Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf base ideas

Hi there,

Since I've got a dwarf army myself I'd like to help you out on your basing issue.
First of all, make sure it'll match your gaming table a little bit, that way it'll seem nicer when playing. But that's of course just my opinion. :)

What I do for my dwarfs is quite simple, I just put some sand and gravel on their bases and paint them, that's it. Here's a link to my WIP so you can see some pictures:
I use both GW's and Revell's paint, here's what I use

Here's how I paint them:
-Chaos black (basecoat) (GW)
-Matt78 (Revell) (the GW paint closest to this one might be Fenris Grey, it's somewhere in between grey and blue)
-Fortress grey (drybrush) (GW)
For results check my WIP (like page 11)

Some other things I tried, and which work very well for dwarfs IMO are things as:
-floortiles (made out of cardboard and glued on base)
-papers/books (made out of a piece of paper)

I could upload some pictures for you if you'd like, just tell me.
Hope this helps!


Author:  that-one-elf [ Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf base ideas

For my gaming table I just use flock but for the bases I'm looking for something maybe like Erebor, not Moria or a cave thing

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