The One Ring

Amazing/Ispirational Minis Gallery (PIC Heavy)
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Author:  Whatevier [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Amazing/Ispirational Minis Gallery (PIC Heavy)

After browsing though a lot of forums, I've come across lots of very interesting minis that I keep in a folder and that I stare for hours..
So I thought of starting a thread, that we can post pictures of works that we find very interesting.. a sort of Inspirational Gallery..

I would like the topic to remain pretty PIC heavy, meaning it's ok to post a comment for a picture, but I'd encourage to also share another work below the comment..
Since it's also somebody's work, the artist name/a link to his site, are also welcome..
There's no need to focus on Lotr Minis, lots of great ideas out there that can be adapted to the Lotr range..
Anyway, enough talk, pics inc.

(unfortunately I don't have the source for these first 3 mini's)


The painted reflection is breathtaking, the OSL and Black are top quality aswell..



The NMM and the freehand on the cloak, plus the way the green texture is painted on the cloak :yay:

Author:  Bartelomeus [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing/Ispirational Minis Gallery (PIC Heavy)

OMG that Erkenbrand is insanely good, the best mini I've ever seen. :?

Author:  .:Gunslinger:. [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing/Ispirational Minis Gallery (PIC Heavy)

Especially that texture on the cloak and the armour! Incredible 8)

Edit: btw my folder with such pictures is huuuge!

Author:  Whatevier [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing/Ispirational Minis Gallery (PIC Heavy)

After a little dedective work, Erkenbrand is painted by Elly3438, here's a link to his gallery
Some very well painted Lotr mini's in there!

.:Gunslinger:. wrote:
Edit: btw my folder with such pictures is huuuge!

Don't be shy :P

Another one.. Dark Sword GRR Game of thrones range painted by Marika.. This level of detail, the wet/semi transparent clothing, the freehands.. And guess what the scale is..

(and in original size

A bloody 28mm mini.. :shock:

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