The One Ring

Colour of orc and goblin skin
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Author:  drougole [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Colour of orc and goblin skin

going through the wip I have realised most people paint their orcs and goblins skin a grass kinda coloured green. I personally paint mine rotting kind of colours like off green and yellow. is there some part of the books that mentions skin colour of the orcs or is it just personnel opinions?

Author:  lostpict [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Colour of orc and goblin skin

I resisted green skin for a long time. I finally relented amd added it to my skin pallet. I use a variety of old GW paints to make my Orcs look like the scum they are. I found that a base coat of Camo Green, Desert Yellow, Kommando Khaki, Codex Gray, Tanned Flesh, Dark Flesh, or Rotting Flesh provided the debased skin tones my lads need. For my higher order orcs, they either get Dark Flesh (Isengard Uruks) or Codex Gray (Mordor Uruks) or Camo Green (Morannon Orcs). After the base coat, mine all get a dip of old GW Brown Ink/Future/Water. No Snot Green for my lads!


Author:  drougole [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Colour of orc and goblin skin

i do similar to you, just recently saw some snot green coloured orcs and wondered how everyone else did theirs. bluish orcs look pretty cool and wacky too i might have to try them out

Author:  IsleStaggerholm [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Colour of orc and goblin skin

I like a mix of a green with brown tones as seen here . . . picture quality a big low (as usual)


Author:  drougole [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Colour of orc and goblin skin

really like the skin tones. that warg looks cool

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Colour of orc and goblin skin

Loving the dead guy! I tend to paint my orcs to be of a dirty green (never bright) light brown, a birch kind of colour and sometimes red. I reserve my blue orcs for my mordor uruk-hai.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Colour of orc and goblin skin

Orc skin can be whatever you want it to be. Just experiment with different colour and washes. Mix unlikely colours together and just see what colours you come up with.

Author:  MacGothmog [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Colour of orc and goblin skin

If you want to keep it like in the movies you can use lots of colours, really. But they need to be more muted/earthy tones, not the neon green we are used to find in Warhammer Orcs & Goblins.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Colour of orc and goblin skin

Make them filthy - the underlying skin colour should be apparent but not 'in your face', if you see what I mean. Take a good look through framecaplib for loads of images of orcs and uruks and goblins.

Author:  Telchar [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Colour of orc and goblin skin

Anything that's dull and dirty will serve, really. I myself use Kommando Khaki and Bubonic Brown, but there are also very nice examples using blue, grey, brown, yellow, red and, yes, green. A mix tends to look best, IMO.

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