The One Ring

Riders of Rohan Painting Guides
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Author:  Thermo [ Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Riders of Rohan Painting Guides

Hello all!

So, whilst finishing off the Grey Company, I'd love some tips, guides and inspiration on the following models, as I received my first 6 riders of rohan through the post today!

Riders of Rohan
Sons of Eorl

Any tips especially on what paints I will need as I'm guessing I'll be firing GreenDragon a PM for some more :) ??

Author:  DingK [ Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Riders of Rohan Painting Guides

Some dark greens for the cloaks (I use Orkhide Shade and Dark Angels Green, although those are from the old line), a range of browns, a silver and a gold. Black and brown washes are indispensible, and I like flesh wash for skin and, believe it or not, gold. Obviously a red tone for Eomer and Erkie's shield.

Don't be led to believe you need every colour in the range; mixing up to darker or lighter tones of the same shade works wonders. I recommend using either Bleached Bone or Rotten Flesh to create lighter tones; white will often take away from the brightness.

Author:  Chris GoM [ Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Riders of Rohan Painting Guides

I recommend Caliban Green (Dark Angels Green) and Castellan Green (Catachan Green) for the basecoat, and highlight with Warboss Green (Goblin Green) or Deathworld Forest (Gretching Green)

I have a guide on my blog (about three quarters of the way down the page) which may help you (it has the names for both the new & old paint colours): ... -good.html
I also plan on adding some guides on how I painted my horses soon.

The conversion chart may help you for painting guides that use the old range: ... sion_Chart

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