The One Ring

How to convert Duinhir?
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Author:  Pindergorn [ Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  How to convert Duinhir?

I used to proxy a Duinhir model for my Arnor army using the Halbarad profile to represent a historical Arnor character (Aranarth, the first Chieftain), but now find myself in the position of having to make my Arnor force Tournament compatible.

That means no proxies, and considerable conversion work to distinguish it from a Duinhir model being used as Duinhir.

I've decided I want to turn it into a Captain of Arnor, with bow and possibly a shield too (the shield will help distinguish it as using the Captain of Arnor profile. Otherwise he might be mistaken for a Dunedain/Ranger of the North).

As Duinhir is a Ranger model, this will make a suitable leader for a Warband of Rangers.

I can easily add a round shield from my plastic Gripping Beast Saxon Thegns. The chainmail that Duinhir wears can arguably pass for heavy armour (models in SBG are inconsistent as to whether chainmail = armour or heavy armour).

However, the Captain of Arnor does not have an option for spears, so I will have to remove it. But Duinhir's right arm looks like its at an odd angle and would make posing difficult. I could remove the arm at the elbow, and take a plastic forearm from my Saxon Thegns but what sorts of poses would work? Should the arm be outstretched to his right? Should it bend at the elbow with the sword stretched forwards?

Also, how should I go about sculpting a beard onto him?


Author:  Erunion [ Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to convert Duinhir?

What about the this: You could remove the spear, glue a shield to his right forearm, and then give him a weapon in the outstretched left hand. He would really stand out as there are not many lefty miniatures. As for the face, instead of a beard, you could put a scarf/muffle across the lower part of his face, like some of the Ranger models.

Author:  Lord of Winterfell [ Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to convert Duinhir?

Erunion's idea about making him a lefty sounds pretty cool...That would make quite the captain!

I'm note sure how well you could do it...but after removing the spear, you could also try and reposition his right arm so it looks like he is about to draw the sword???

A Beard would also look awesome

Looking forward to seeing the result


Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to convert Duinhir?

There are two ways I know of to make beards:
1. Shape a piece of green stuff into your desired beard shape, then use a thin blade to draw loads of contours into it.
2. Make loads of small strands of green stuff and then, one at a time, place them on the model until you have a nice, thick beard. This technique works better if you want a beard that looks Davy Jones-esque.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to convert Duinhir?

Thanks. Erunion's answer sounds like the easiest solution.

Author:  Yorick [ Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to convert Duinhir?

Since the model is wearing a hood, it might work to file down/cut away the face and trim down a bearded head from another model to fit in it's place.

Author:  Shadowandflame [ Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to convert Duinhir?

Erunion's idea would be the quickest and simplest conversion, and would be unique, as Theoden is the only other left handed character I can think of. Or go the opposite way and add the shield to his left arm, remove the spear, carve the sword handle and hilt from the scabbard (carefully if you want to re use it), and then add a new sword like he's holding it in front of his face. If you're comfortable with you're skills you can even use the hilt taken from the model and carefully place it where the spear was and take the blade from a WoMT.

I know when I did my first captain of Arnor conversion, I took a shield from a Numenorian warrior. I'm not sure if it fit lore wise :P but I liked to think he was a descendent of Numenor and kept the shield as a family heirloom.

Another Interesting conversion idea would be to sculpt him as an archer, but I don't think that fits with your character does it? If you can carve the bow from his back and add a bow to his spear hand, his left hand is perfectly positioned to be pulling an arrow from his quiver, gripping it between his index and middle finger.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to convert Duinhir?

I decided to cut away the spear and attach a shield to the right hand. I drilled some holes in the shield and inserted some small lengths of metal wire spears to represent crossbow bolts (from Dead Marsh Spectre's Uruk Hai no doubt :lol: ). I attached a pouch and dagger to his belt (taken from my plastic Gripping Beast Saxon Thegns). And covered up his face with a greenstuff mask.

The result makes it look like he's used his shield to defend himself against a hail of arrows or bolts, and is ordering his rangers to launch their own volley.

Author:  Erunion [ Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to convert Duinhir?

Sounds awesome. Can't wait to see a pic!

Author:  KhaosRising [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to convert Duinhir?

King Ondoher wrote:
I decided to cut away the spear and attach a shield to the right hand. I drilled some holes in the shield and inserted some small lengths of metal wire spears to represent crossbow bolts (from Dead Marsh Spectre's Uruk Hai no doubt :lol: ). I attached a pouch and dagger to his belt (taken from my plastic Gripping Beast Saxon Thegns). And covered up his face with a greenstuff mask.

The result makes it look like he's used his shield to defend himself against a hail of arrows or bolts, and is ordering his rangers to launch their own volley.

Yes pics please. :)

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