The One Ring

Painting Orcs
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Author:  Batman of The Shire [ Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Painting Orcs

Recently I purchased just under 200 orcs on eBay and I really want an awesome way to paint them. Anyone have any tips or how you did yours. Feel free to post some pictures.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting Orcs

No right or wrong way with orcs. Mix any colours together and see what truly disgusting colours you can come up with for both skin and flesh. I painted 90 on commission not long ago it was good fun. Pics HERE

Author:  Gene Parmesan [ Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting Orcs

Avoid pastel colours, keep them dull. Browns and greys look best I find.

Author:  Hodush [ Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting Orcs

Each person has their own idea about what looks good so its up to you. I'd go with all DMS colours - its just mix and go. Brown, Purple, Blue, Orange & Red are your friends here - you HAVE to experiment with colours on the palette or it will take forever to get what you want.

As far as green goes - I struggle with it but I hate seeing bright green orcs as the ones in the films were all dirty. So that would be my advice there. I love DMS work though.
Good to hear you got the orcs - look forward to seeing the Last Alliance battle :)

Author:  Batman of The Shire [ Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting Orcs

Thanks a lot guys, hopefully you should see some pictures soon....

Author:  Lorindol [ Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting Orcs

I use a simple technique.

Get a big brush and paint them all the way dark brown (i mean everything! skin clothes and all) Then I chose a few colors I would like to use. Grey(hair) green(flesh) metal(weapons armor) another brown(for variety in clothes) and I use red as a theme in my army. Red clothes here and there on all my orcs.

Work you way through dozens of models with this methode. Alle models look quite dull with the basic colors so finish them off with a mixed wash of brown and black. It blends all the other colors and give your orcs a dirty look. I use the wash on the whole model. Skin metal everything. Real quick using a large brush.

I'll see if I can post some pics this weekend. I've painted 150 orcs like this in a matter of days with great results.

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