The One Ring

Galadhrim Colour Schemes
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Author:  skipinnish [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Galadhrim Colour Schemes

Hi all,

I recently stripped and base coated my old Haldir's Elves from back in the day and was planning to paint them in the GW scheme but having second thoughts about doing a different colour scheme. I've had a google around for different schemes but was wondering if anyone on here had done a different scheme or had good examples of different schemes.


Author:  Adanedhel88 [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galadhrim Colour Schemes

im currently painting mine in a White Council army warband
bleached bone cloaks, grey underskirt/tunics..and silver armor
i do believe there was a White Dwarf a long time ago that had varying schemes

Author:  Imladris96 [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galadhrim Colour Schemes

I have a pdf on how to paint Galadhrim from WD. It included about 4 different schemes including the one mentioned. If I remember it also has one with red lacquered armour and silver armour too. If I figure out how to post it I'll give it to you.

Author:  skipinnish [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galadhrim Colour Schemes

I found that GW article from googling but none of those really took my fancy, I've also thought about the sliver armour white cloak scheme but thought the lack of contrast might be uninteresting. I'd be very interested to see how those turn out Adanedhel88.

Author:  warrior of the north [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galadhrim Colour Schemes

I painted my ghaladrim with a golden armour and silver chainmail. The cloak I painted was blue (basicly movie based) what might be cool aswell would be dark or light green for the cloak.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galadhrim Colour Schemes

Some good reference pictures of the actual costumes and large scale models here: ... or-162593/

And some cosplay fans...

Author:  hollowcrown [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galadhrim Colour Schemes

I'm planning to give them an autumn colour scheme when I get round to painting mine.

I'll be painting the cloaks a grey colour with a touch of grey to represent elven cloaks.
The armour will be a brassy gold colour with a dark brown wash.
Scale mail will be copper.
Under cloaks will be brown, and the sleeve areas will be either dull red or dull green. I haven't decided.

Ultimately based around the concept of the elves being in their "autumn". I feel the blue cloaks are too vibrant for this concept.

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