The One Ring

Witch King on foot model - how durable is the flail/mace?
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Author:  Baldrick [ Fri May 06, 2016 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Witch King on foot model - how durable is the flail/mace?

Hi everyone,

As per the title, I'm looking at picking up an on foot version of the Witch king for use in my games, but I'm unsure whether or not to go for it because of my concerns about the flail/mace he carries.

Specifically, check out this model: ... SwezVWwhk~

- I've seen plenty of them like that on ebay (with the flail broken off at the chain), which makes me question how durable it is and whether or not I should get one.

Thus I turn to you lot. How many of you have experience with this model? Is it prone to breaking in this way? If so might a conversion be a better idea? I particularly like these three but I'm not sure how easy they'd be to do, and then if the arm/weapon mods would suffer from the same problem as the flail chain anyway. ... G_0584.JPG (complete replacement of flail arm with winged nazgul arm) ... V/$_35.JPG (replacement of flail arm forearm with winged nazgul arm)

or 3 ... h+King.jpg - replacement for the flail with a mace (no idea how to do this though)


Author:  Wah Wing [ Thu May 12, 2016 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Witch King on foot model - how durable is the flail/mace

I personally haven't had any problems with the flail on my model. My guess is that bumping/or dropping the model will "move" the mace, resulting in the mace becoming weak and eventually snapping. I've actually converted my witch king similar to the first two pictures, but in addition to the flaming sword in the right hand, I put the mace hand in the left, having to do a slight sculpting job to obviously change the right-handed mace to a left-handed one. If you'd like, I can post a picture of it. Hope that helps.

Author:  Sithious [ Sun May 15, 2016 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Witch King on foot model - how durable is the flail/mace

I own two, seen above. The first was new and so I never broke it. The second one was used and was broken. I affixed a chain from a craft store jewelry chain cut to size, i made a pin whole with vice large enough to insert a link. Then well, I made it in the other hand and added the sword from the plastic nazgul version. But either way, the chain fix was not hard to do. Put a little glue on the chain links to cure them in the pose you want after. Works fine.

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