The One Ring

Khandish Horsemen - What Poses?
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Author:  Redman [ Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Khandish Horsemen - What Poses?

The GW box set of Khandish Horsemen has 5 figures in it - 1 x bowman and 2 lots of 2 axemen. Question relates to the latter: are all 4 poses the same, or are there in fact differences (I suspect in the way the axe arm is posed) so do have 2 x 2 different axe poses? I've been told its just the way the axe arms are attached, but looking at the various pics, it does seem to me that one pose has fairly straight arm while a 2nd has the arm bent. Or am I imagining things? Short of spending £100 + on a BNIB set off EBay so I can find out for myself (not going to happen!), can anyone provide a definitive answer? Thanks.

Author:  Mapper [ Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish Horsemen - What Poses?

I do not have any Khandish Horsemen but looking at several books I have I might be able to help you.

First, from the 2010 Citadel Catalogue is this picture


Looking at the source book Shadow in the East and Legions of Middle-Earth there does appear to be a horseman that has a straight arm with an axe. The bent arm axe horsemen just appears to me how the arm was attached. There is also a straight arm bowman holding his bow vs the axe. These might have been conversions, or older metal figures.

Hopes this helps.

Author:  Redman [ Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish Horsemen - What Poses?

Many thanks for that input. Anyone else who has the set and confirm either way? Clearly I can do a bit of arm manipulation so have slightly different poses, but if the GW set does have different figures then would be good to know.

Author:  perry_pug [ Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish Horsemen - What Poses?

Just opened up my box set to have a look. There are 3 poses by the look of it (horse and arm options) so guessing the arm & axe up is a conversion or simply bent up?

I'll upload some photos shortly and have more of a look tomorrow. Hope this helps

Author:  perry_pug [ Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish Horsemen - What Poses?

Actually just had a quick play with one of the horsemen and can confirm what you were originally told. You can easily rotate the arm in the hole to go straightforward or up.

So 3x poses but 4x with that slightly different arm position 8)

Author:  perry_pug [ Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish Horsemen - What Poses?


Author:  Redman [ Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish Horsemen - What Poses?

Brilliant: just what I needed to see. Many thanks.

Author:  Redman [ Tue Jun 09, 2020 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish Horsemen - What Poses?

Am finally sorted out - 2 x Bowmen / 2 x Axemen (Bent Arm) / 1 x Axeman (Straight Arm).

Many thanks for everyone's help.


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