The One Ring

Hello from Bonnie Scotland
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Author:  dadlamassu [ Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Hello from Bonnie Scotland

Hi everyone. I joined last night.

I am very new to this game, but not the original novels. I have been wargaming for about 50 years and started fantasy wargaming with the old Minifigs Lord of the Rings range. I still have a few.

I returned to this genre when I was in Edinburgh with our grandson and on a soggy day went in to the "Warhammer" shop. We played a game of the Hobbit with the manager. The next week we went back and played another game. Grandson was hooked and "we" bought the game "I'll pay you back from my birthday money, Grandad" he said. From there he has painted figures and expanded into Lord of the Rings after I found the box full of the old Battlegames in Middle Earth Magazines with figures. A few purchases of second hand figures and some donations from the chaps at the club followed. So now we now have some fair sized armies.

Looking forward to joining in.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello from Bonnie Scotland

Welcome to the One Ring Alan.
What a fantastic and exciting time to come back to the Lord of the rings. Lots of new and interesting models on the horizon.

You two should start a work in progress thread and post some pictures of the models you paint.

Author:  Lovejoy [ Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello from Bonnie Scotland

Welcome! I'm a newcomer too. Great that you are playing with your grandson! It must be great to share the game with them, and much cheaper than some games to get stuck into. I'm hoping to train my two boys up when they are old enough, as I can find no players here in Japan.
Have fun and keep us posted.

Author:  dadlamassu [ Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello from Bonnie Scotland

Many thanks for the welcome. I have posted a battle report of our first game. Hope you like it.

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