The One Ring

Greetings and first post
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Author:  Ragluf [ Sat Jun 13, 2020 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Greetings and first post

Hi people,
Thought I’d say hello and make my first post, Ragluf here from deepest darkest Somerset. A life long lord of the rings fan and came back to the game at Xmas when my wife bought me the pelennor set.
Not my first time in the sbg as have a few bits from the first time it was released. Been lurking on the site for a while now and thought I’d sign up.

Love all things Rohan and Isengard plus now get to share my love for lord of the rings with my eldest lad who’s showing an interest, at the age of 8 he’s sucking up everything to do with lord of the rings so hopefully this will be a love for him too.

So once again hi from me and love the work you guys have put up on here.

Author:  Farmer Maggot [ Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings and first post

Hi Ragluf,

It’s great to see you here. I’m working on Isengard at the moment, a force of raiders so mainly Uruk-hai scouts and Dunlendings.

Author:  ja33 [ Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings and first post

Welcome Ragluf !

There is so much to see here, so have a good look around and enjoy. Some of my favorite sections are the Work in Progress threads and the Campaigns, Scenarios and Battle Reports section.

And if you have any questions, feel free to ask as there are lots of helpful people on the site...

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