The One Ring

Been around quite long... and now also posting
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Author:  Nostromo [ Mon Feb 28, 2022 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Been around quite long... and now also posting

Hi everybody,

while new here, i am not by far as new to the hobby.
Meaning, i am a roleplayer since '91 and wargamer since '94.
DnD, Warhammer Fantasy and a few years later also 40k. Later on also LARP.

However... the playing part has diminished futher and further over the years and has almost died since my 2 kids entered my life (but who knows... one is getting close to the right age to start...) - and CoViD killed what was remaining.

Today, i am more into model building and painting my pile of shame (which i do not count in models any more... rather in kilograms). Currently, i am working on two long term projects.
First, a custom WH40k Imperial Guard army for which i design and build my own vehicle range.
Second - and this is where this place gets relevant for me - an Amon Sûl model for which i plan to share my progress here. That project runs for 4 years now with large pauses (usually when i need a new technique and equipment for a specific step) and tiny progress. I stick to it, but i really could use a motivation boost from time to time.

I live in germany - a little south of cologne.

Author:  DaveT [ Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Been around quite long... and now also posting

Hi! If it helps motivation at all, I'm interesting in seeing your progress on Weathertop. Are you using the Forgeworld kit, scratchbuilding, or something else?

Author:  Nostromo [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Been around quite long... and now also posting

My Weathertop is scratchbuilt.

Here are the first few photos:

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