The One Ring

SBG 600pt Gondor list
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Author:  Vlad von Carstien [ Mon May 03, 2010 4:00 am ]
Post subject:  SBG 600pt Gondor list

hey so here is my gondor list running off the tower of Eithlen and the fellowship.

Gandalf the white 220pts

Beregond 31pts

11 gaurd of the fountain court 121pts

12 warriors of minas tirith 96pts

4 knights of minas tirith 52pts

5 citadel gaurd 80pts

so what do you guys thinks it seems pretty good but I havent tested it out yet.

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Mon May 03, 2010 7:24 am ]
Post subject: 

a horse cost 10 pts, and Beregond cost 25, so his cost in your army is incorrect :rofl:

Btw, you don´t have any bows. Gondorian bows are quite good or lets say average in this game, so they should be included, as the opponent would quickly take advantage or the shooting.

Give 33% of your troop bows, and I think there is no point givin The Citadel Guard horses

1.The models don´t actually exist.
2.KoMT are much better cause they can get shields and Lances

Only time when CG pay off are when they are armed with Bows, giving them strenght 3, or when fighting against uruks :rofl:

Alos it is worth Considering giving Gandalf Shadowfax, as a mobile spell caster is invaluable, and he gets charge bonuses when fighting,

Author:  spuds4ever [ Mon May 03, 2010 9:28 am ]
Post subject: 

I wouldn't have taken Gandalf in this case as over 1/3 of your points were spent on one hero who isn't even great in combat. And to be honest, I don't think he will show his points worth really. 34 models is very small troop count for 600pts. I would drop Gandalf and perhaps replace him with Boromir. With the spare points, drop Beregond and get a captain with lance, horse, and shield (or maybe Faramir). Also, drop the citadel guard, your guards of the fountain court will do fine for elites.

CoMT with horse, shield and lance-70pts.

6 guards of the fountain court with shields-66pts.
10 WoMT shields-80pts.
10 WoMT spears and shields-90pts.
6 KoMT shields-84pts.
WoMT banner-32pts.
9 WoMT bows-72pts.

Models:43 Might:8 shots:9

This is just rough, though, but you could always play test it as well.

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Mon May 03, 2010 10:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Heh thats one way to look at, or if you truly want Gandalf then take the Grey one, although he is weaker for magic castin purposes, he pays of much more than the White one.

But otherwise the list spunds4ever suggested is quite good.

Author:  Dain Ironfoot [ Mon May 03, 2010 10:47 am ]
Post subject: 

i would definately get rid of Gandalf, not really worth the points in such a small game. Add a cheaper hero, maybe faramir and some rangers instead of gandalf.

Author:  the director [ Mon May 03, 2010 10:48 am ]
Post subject: 

@ Mouth of Sauron: in the rule book the cost of a horse for beregond is 6pts. don't know why it just is.

i agree with the above really, Gandalf is far too expensive, i'd take farimir with heavy armour instead and a CoMt mounted with a shield and lance to lead your cavalry

secondly i think you have too many elites. choose between GotFC and citadel guard and then use the extra points to bulk up your numbers

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Mon May 03, 2010 10:49 am ]
Post subject: 

@ the director, indeed my mistake :oops: :roll: :rofl:

Author:  ncea [ Wed May 05, 2010 3:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Give 33% of your troop bows, and I think there is no point givin The Citadel Guard horses

1.The models don´t actually exist.
2.KoMT are much better cause they can get shields and Lances

Im prettty sure there was another forum about this how this guy was trying to say that citadel guards are better with horses than KoMT no one really agreed with him. But still it seems like a good idea if you can be botherd converting them. But I would probly have a group of KoMT with a few citadel guards with bows in there just for help. You could always take them out of your force completely just to save points but its your choice :) .

Author:  BlackMist [ Wed May 05, 2010 2:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

nca wrote:
Im prettty sure there was another forum about this how this guy was trying to say that citadel guards are better with horses than KoMT no one really agreed with him.

Given the fact that he was probably talking about GT uses more than normal games, the versatility of a Mounted Citadel Guard with Longbow makes it a model that has potential to be way way waaaaay more powerful than a KoMT in a tournament environment such as the GT. This is due to the scenarios and the range of armies and different tactics all the competent players use. For advanced players, mounted archers will often be their favourite and most destructive part of the army ;)

For 600pts:
Faramir, Horse, Lance 85
Beregond, Horse 31
Legolas, Horse, Armour 105
10 CG, Horse, Longbow 160
19 Fountain Guard, Shield 209
1 Fountain Guard 10

Total 600, 7 Might, 14 shots, 34 models - looks like a very powerful list for tournament play due to wraith-counter, morannon/uruks counter, 14 bow shots, mass cavalry and great speed.

Author:  Vlad von Carstien [ Wed May 05, 2010 11:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

oo I really like the idea that black mist has come up with that seams liek alot of fun. :)

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